< Salme 147 >

1 Lover Herren! thi det er godt at synge vor Gud Psalmer; thi det er lifligt, Lovsang sømmer sig.
Praise Yahweh, for it is good to sing praises to our God, it is pleasant, and praise is suitable.
2 Herren bygger Jerusalem, han samler de fordrevne af Israel.
Yahweh rebuilds Jerusalem, he gathers together the scattered people of Israel.
3 Han helbreder dem, som have et sønderbrudt Hjerte, og forbinder deres Saar.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
4 Han sætter Tal paa Stjernerne, han nævner dem alle sammen ved Navn.
He counts the stars, he gives names to all of them.
5 Stor er vor Herre og vældig i Kraft, der er intet Maal paa hans Forstand.
Great is our Lord and awesome in power, his understanding cannot be measured.
6 Herren oprejser de sagtmodige; de ugudelige fornedrer han til Jorden.
Yahweh lifts up the oppressed, he brings the wicked down to the ground.
7 Svarer Herren med Taksigelse, synger vor Gud Psalmer til Harpe;
Sing to Yahweh with thanksgiving, sing praises to our God with a harp.
8 ham, som bedækker Himmelen med Skyer, ham, som beskikker Regn paa Jorden, ham, som lader Græs gro paa Bjergene;
He covers the heavens with clouds and prepares rain for the earth, making the grass to grow on the mountains.
9 ham, som giver Føde til Kvæget, til Ravnens Unger, som skrige.
He gives food to the animals and to the young ravens when they cry.
10 Hans Lyst er ikke Hestens Styrke; han har ikke Behag i Mandens raske Ben.
He finds no delight in the strength of a horse, he takes no pleasure in the strong legs of a man.
11 Behag har Herren til dem, som ham frygte, som haabe paa hans Miskundhed.
Yahweh takes pleasure in those who honor him, who hope in his covenant faithfulness.
12 O, Jerusalem! pris Herren; o, Zion! lov din Gud.
Praise Yahweh, Jerusalem, praise your God, Zion.
13 Thi han har gjort dine Portes Stænger stærke, han har velsignet dine Børn i din Midte.
For he strengthens the bars of your gates, he blesses your children among you.
14 Han beskikker Fred i dine Landemærker, han mætter dig med den bedste Hvede.
He brings prosperity inside your borders, he satisfies you with the finest of wheat.
15 Han sender sit Ord til Jorden, hans Beføling løber saare hastelig.
He sends out his commandment to earth, his command runs very swiftly.
16 Han lader Sne lægge sig som Uld, han udstrør Rimfrost som Aske.
He makes the snow like wool, he scatters the frost like ashes.
17 Han udkaster sin Is som Billinger; hvo kan staa for hans Kulde?
He dispenses the hail like crumbs, who can withstand the cold he sends?
18 Han sender sit Ord og smelter den; han lader sit Vejr blæse, saa flyde Vandene hen.
He sends out his command and melts them, he makes the wind to blow and the water to flow.
19 Han kundgør Jakob sine Ord, Israel sine Skikke og sine Love.
He proclaimed his word to Jacob, his statutes and his righteous decrees to Israel.
20 Saaledes har han ikke gjort ved noget andet Folk, og Lovene dem kende de ikke. Halleluja!
He has not done so with any other nation, and as for his decrees, they do not know them. Praise Yahweh.

< Salme 147 >