< Salme 141 >

1 Herre! jeg har raabt til dig, skynd dig til mig, vend dine Øren til min Røst, naar jeg kalder paa dig.
Yahweh, I call out to you; [please] help me quickly! Listen to me when I am calling to you.
2 Lad min Bøn staa som et Røgelseoffer for dit Ansigt, mine Hænders Opløftelse som et Aftenmadoffer.
Accept my prayer as though it were incense [being burned as an offering] [SIM] to you. And accept me while I lift up my hands [to pray] to you like you accept sacrifices [that I offer to you each] evening [SIM].
3 Herre! sæt Vagt for min Mund, tag Vare paa mine Læbers Dør.
Yahweh, do not allow me to say [MTY] things that are wrong; guard my lips.
4 Bøj ikke mit Hjerte til nogen ond Handel, til at bedrive Misgerninger i Ugudelighed i Samfund med Mænd, som øve Uret; og lad mig ikke æde af deres lækre Mad!
Prevent me from wanting to do anything that is wrong, and from joining with wicked men when they want to do evil deeds [DOU]. Do not [even] allow me to share in eating delightful food with them!
5 Lad en retfærdig slaa mig i Kærlighed og revse mig; mit Hoved skal ikke vise Hovedolien fra sig; thi min Bøn skal fremdeles møde hines Ondskab.
It is all right if righteous people strike/hit me or rebuke me because they are trying to act kindly toward me [to teach me to do what is right], but I do not want wicked [people] to [honor me by] anointing my head with [olive] oil; I am always praying [that you will punish them because of] the wicked deeds [that they do].
6 Deres Dommere ere nedstyrtede i Klippens Favn; og de selv have hørt mine Ord, at de vare liflige.
When their rulers are thrown down from the top of rocky cliffs, people will know that what you, Yahweh, said [about them] is true.
7 Som naar en pløjer og furer Jorden, saa ere vore Ben spredte ved Dødsrigets Svælg. (Sheol h7585)
Like a log that is split and cut into small pieces [SIM], their shattered bones will be scattered [on the ground] near [other] graves. (Sheol h7585)
8 Thi til dig, Herre, Herre! se mine Øjne hen; paa dig forlader jeg mig; giv ikke min Sjæl til Pris!
But Yahweh God, I [continue to] ask you [to help me]. I ask you to protect me; do not allow me to (die/be killed) [now]!
9 Bevar mig fra Snaren, som de have udstillet for mig, og fra deres Garn, som gøre Uret.
[It is as though] people have set traps for me; protect me from falling into those traps, [It is as though] they have spread nets to catch me; keep me from being caught in those nets.
10 Lad de ugudelige falde i deres eget Garn, medens jeg derhos slipper forbi.
I desire that wicked [people] will fall into the traps they have set [to catch me] while I escape [from them].

< Salme 141 >