< Salme 140 >
1 Til Sangmesteren; en Psalme, af David.
For the end, a Psalm of David. Rescue me, O Lord, from the evil man; deliver me from the unjust man.
2 Herre! udfri mig fra onde Mennesker, bevar mig fra Voldsmænd!
Who have devised injustice in their hearts; all the day they prepared war.
3 de, som have optænkt ondt i Hjertet, hver Dag holde sig sammen til Krig.
They have sharpened their tongue as [the tongue] of a serpent; the poison of asps is under their lips. (Pause)
4 De have skærpet deres Tunge som en Slange, der er Øglegift under deres Læber. (Sela)
Keep me, O Lord, from the hand of the sinner; rescue me from unjust men; who have purposed to overthrow my goings.
5 Beskærm mig, Herre! imod den ugudeliges Hænder, bevar mig fra Voldsmænd, som tænke at lægge Stød for mine Trin.
The proud have hid a snare for me, and have stretched out ropes [for] snares for my feet; they set a stumbling block for me near the path. (Pause)
6 De hovmodige have skjult en Snare for mig og Reb, de have udspændt et Garn ved Siden af Vejen, de have lagt Fælder for mig. (Sela)
I said to the Lord, You are my God; listen, O Lord, to the voice of my supplication.
7 Jeg har sagt til Herren: Du er min Gud; Herre! vend dine Øren til mine ydmyge Begæringers Røst.
O Lord God, the strength of my salvation; you have screened my head in the day of battle.
8 Den Herre, Herre er min Frelses Styrke; du har dækket mit Hoved paa Rustningens Dag.
Deliver me not, O Lord, to the sinner, according to my desire: they have devised [mischief] against me; forsake me not, lest they should be exalted. (Pause)
9 Tilsted ikke, Herre! den ugudelige hans Begæringer, lad ikke hans onde Anslag faa Fremgang; de maatte ophøje sig deraf. (Sela)
[As for] the head of them that compass me, the mischief of their lips shall cover them.
10 Paa deres Hoved, som omringe mig, skal den Fortræd, deres Læber voldte, komme til at hvile.
Coals of fire shall fall upon them on the earth; and you shall cast them down in afflictions: they shall not bear up [under them].
11 Der skal rystes Gløder over dem, han skal lade dem falde i Ilden, i dybe Grave, at de ikke skulle staa op igen.
A talkative man shall not prosper on the earth: evils shall hunt the unrighteous man to destruction.
12 En mundkaad Mand skal ikke bestaa paa Jorden; en Voldsmand skal Ulykken jage, indtil han er ganske fordreven.
I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the poor, and the right of the needy ones.
13 Jeg ved, at Herren skal udføre den elendiges Sag, de fattiges Ret. Ja, de retfærdige skulle prise dit Navn; de oprigtige skulle blive for dit Ansigt.
Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name: the upright shall dwell in your presence.