< Salme 123 >

1 Til dig opløfter jeg mine Øjne, du, som sidder i Himmelen!
A SONG OF THE ASCENTS. I have lifted up my eyes to You, O dweller in the heavens.
2 Se, som Tjeneres Øjne agte paa deres Herrers Haand, som en Tjenestepiges Øjne paa hendes Frues Haand, saa agte vore Øjne paa Herren vor Gud, indtil han vorder os naadig.
Behold, as eyes of menservants [Are] to the hand of their masters, As eyes of a maidservant [Are] to the hand of her mistress, So [are] our eyes to our God YHWH, Until He favors us.
3 Vær os naadig, Herre! vær os naadig; thi vi ere saare mættede af Foragt.
Favor us, O YHWH, favor us, For we have been greatly filled with contempt,
4 Vor Sjæl er saare mættet af de sorgløses Spot og de hovmodiges Foragt.
Our soul has been greatly filled With the scorning of the easy ones, With the contempt of the arrogant!

< Salme 123 >