< Salme 122 >

1 Jeg glædede mig ved dem, som sagde til mig: Vi ville gaa til Herrens Hus.
A song of ascents. Of David. I was glad when they said to me, ‘We will go to the house of the Lord.’
2 Vore Fødder stode i dine Porte, Jerusalem!
Now we are standing, within your gates, O Jerusalem.
3 Jerusalem, du, som er bygget op som en Stad, der er tæt sammenbygget,
O Jerusalem, built close-packed, like a city without breach or gap,
4 hvorhen Stammerne droge op, Herrens Stammer efter Israels Lov, for at prise Herrens Navn.
to you do the tribes come, the tribes of the Lord, as the law has ordained for Israel, there to give thanks to the Lord.
5 Thi der var Stole satte til Dom, Stole for Davids Hus.
There once stood thrones of justice even thrones of the household of David.
6 Beder om Jerusalems Fred; Ro finde de, som elske dig.
Pray that all may be well with Jerusalem, and well with those who love you,
7 Der være Fred paa din Mur, Ro i dine Paladser!
well within your ramparts, and well within your palaces.
8 For mine Brødres og mine Venners Skyld vil jeg sige: Fred være i dig!
For the sake of my brethren and friends, I will wish you now prosperity:
9 For Herrens vor Guds Hus's Skyld vil jeg søge dit Bedste.
for the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.

< Salme 122 >