< Salme 106 >
1 Priser Herren! thi han er god, thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig.
Praise ye Yah, Give ye thanks to Yahweh—For he is good, For age-abiding, is his lovingkindness.
2 Hvo kan udsige Herrens vældige Gerninger, forkynde al hans Pris?
Who can relate the mighty deeds of Yahweh? can cause to be heard, all his praise?
3 Salige ere de, som holde over Ret, og den, som øver Retfærdighed alle Tider.
How happy! They who observe justice, He that executeth righteousness at all times.
4 Herre! kom mig i Hu med din Kærlighed til dit Folk, besøg mig med din Frelse,
Remember me, O Yahweh, when thou acceptest thy people, Visit me, with thy salvation;
5 at jeg maa skue dine udvalgtes Lykke, glæde mig ved dit Folks Glæde, prise mig lykkelig i Samfund med din Arv.
That I may look upon the welfare of thy chosen ones, That I may rejoice in the joy of thy nation, That I may glory, with thine inheritance.
6 Vi have syndet med vore Fædre, vi have handlet ilde og gjort Ugudelighed.
We have sinned—with our fathers, We have acted perversely, we have committed lawlessness;
7 Vore Fædre i Ægypten vilde ikke forstaa dine underfulde Gerninger, de kom ikke din store Miskundhed i Hu, men vare genstridige ved Havet, ved det røde Hav.
Our fathers, in Egypt, understood not thy wonders, They remembered not the abounding of thy lovingkindnesses, but rebelled by the sea—at the Red Sea.
8 Dog frelste han dem for sit Navns Skyld, for at kundgøre sin Magt.
Yet he saved them, for the sake of his Name, to make known his mighty power;
9 Og han truede det røde Hav, og det blev tørt, og han lod dem gaa igennem Dybet som igennem Ørken.
So he rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up, And he led them through deeps, as pasture-land;
10 Og han frelste dem af Avindsmandens Haand og genløste dem af Fjendens Haand.
And saved them from the hand of one full of hatred, And redeemed them out of the hand of the foe;
11 Og Vandene skjulte deres Modstandere, der blev ikke een tilovers af dem.
So the waters covered their adversaries, Not one from among them, was left.
12 Da troede de paa hans Ord, de sang hans Pris.
They believed therefore in his words, They sang his praise.
13 Dog glemte de hans Gerninger snart, de biede ikke paa hans Raad.
Soon forgat they his works, —They waited not for his counsel;
14 Men de fik stor Begærlighed i Ørken og fristede Gud i det øde Land.
But lusted a lust in the desert, and tested GOD in the waste.
15 Da gav han dem det, de begærede, men lod deres Liv tæres hen.
So he gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul.
16 Og de bare Avind imod Mose i Lejren, imod Aron, Herrens hellige.
And they became jealous of Moses in the camp, —of Aaron the holy one of Yahweh;
17 Jorden oplod sig og opslugte Dathan, og den skjulte Abirams Hob.
The earth opened and engulfed Dathan, and covered up the assembly of Abiram;
18 Og Ild flammede op iblandt deres Hob, en Lue fortærede de ugudelige.
Then was kindled a fire in their assembly, —a flame, consumed the lawless ones.
19 De dannede en Kalv ved Horeb og tilbade et støbt Billede.
They made a calf in Horeb, —and bowed down to a molten image;
20 Og de ombyttede deres Herlighed med Billedet af en Okse, som æder Urter.
Thus changed they my glory, for the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.
21 De glemte Gud, deres Frelser, som havde gjort store Ting i Ægypten,
They forgat GOD their saviour, who had done great things in Egypt:
22 underfulde Gerninger i Kams Land, forfærdelige Ting ved det røde Hav.
Wonders in the land of Ham, Terrible things by the Red Sea.
23 Og han sagde, at han vilde ødelægge dem; dersom Mose, hans udvalgte, ikke havde stillet sig i Gabet for hans Ansigt, at afvende hans Vrede fra at ødelægge dem —!
Then would he have bidden to destroy them, —had not Moses his chosen, stood in the breach before him, To turn back his wrath from destroying.
24 De foragtede ogsaa det yndige Land, de troede ikke hans Ord.
And they refused the delightful land, They believed not his word;
25 Men de knurrede i deres Telte, de hørte ikke paa Herrens Røst.
But murmured in their tents, —They hearkened not unto the voice of Yahweh.
26 Og han svor dem med oprakt Haand, at han vilde lade dem falde i Ørken,
So he lifted up his hand unto them, that he would let them fall in the desert;
27 og at han vilde lade deres Afkom falde iblandt Hedningerne og bortstrø dem i Landene.
And would disperse their seed among the nations, and would scatter them throughout the lands.
28 Og de bandt sig til Baal-Peor og aade af Ofrene til de døde Afguder.
Yet they let themselves be bound to Baal-peor, —and did eat sacrifices to the dead:
29 Og de opirrede ham med deres Idrætter, saa at en Plage brød løs paa dem,
So they provoked to anger by their doings, and a plague, made a breach among them.
30 Da stod Pinehas frem og holdt Dom, og Plagen hørte op.
Then stood up Phinehas, and interposed, and stayed was the plague:
31 Og det blev regnet ham til Retfærdighed fra Slægt til Slægt evindelig.
So it was counted unto him, for righteousness, To generation after generation, unto times age abiding.
32 De fortørnede ham ogsaa ved Meribas Vand, og det gik Mose ilde for deres Skyld.
And they provoked by the waters of Meribah, —And it fared ill with Moses, for their sakes;
33 Thi de vare genstridige imod hans Aand, og han talte ubetænksomt med sine Læber.
For they embittered his spirit, and he spake rashly with his lips.
34 De ødelagde ikke Folkene, om hvilke Herren havde sagt det til dem.
They destroyed not the peoples of which Yahweh had spoken to them;
35 Men de blandede sig med Hedningerne og lærte deres Gerninger.
But had fellowship with the nations, and learned their doings;
36 Og de tjente deres Afguder, og disse bleve dem til en Snare.
Yea they served their idols, and they became to them a snare:
37 Og de ofrede deres Sønner og deres Døtre til Magterne.
Yea they sacrificed their sons and their daughters to mischievous demons;
38 Og de udøste uskyldigt Blod, deres Sønners og deres Døtres Blod, som de ofrede til Kanaans Afguder, og Landet vanhelligedes af Blodet.
And poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, And the land was polluted with blood-shed;
39 Og de besmittede sig ved deres Gerninger, og de bolede ved deres Idrætter.
And they became unclean by their works, and became unchaste in their doings.
40 Da optændtes Herrens Vrede imod hans Folk, og han fik en Vederstyggelighed til sin Arv.
Then was kindled the anger of Yahweh with his people, and he abhorred his own inheritance.
41 Og han gav dem i Hedningernes Haand, og deres Avindsmænd herskede over dem.
So he delivered them up into the hand of the nations, And they who hated them, had dominion over them;
42 Og deres Fjender trængte dem, og de bleve ydmygede under deres Haand.
And their enemies oppressed them, And they were bowed down under their hand.
43 Han friede dem mange Gange; men de satte sig op imod ham i deres Raad, og de bleve nedtrykte for deres Misgerningers Skyld.
Many times, did he rescue them, —But, they, rebelled by their counsel, and sank low in their iniquity.
44 Dog saa han til dem, da de vare i Angest, idet han hørte deres Raab.
Then looked he on the distress which befell them, —when he heard their loud cry;
45 Og han kom sin Pagt i Hu, dem til Bedste, og det angrede ham efter hans store Miskundhed.
Then remembered he, for them, his covenant, and was moved to pity, according to the abounding of his lovingkindnesses;
46 Og han lod dem finde Barmhjertighed hos alle dem, som havde bortført dem.
And granted them compassion before all their captors.
47 Frels os, Herre, vor Gud! og saml os fra Hedningerne, at vi kunne takke dit hellige Navn, rose os af din Pris!
Save us, O Yahweh our God, and gather us from among the nations, That we may give thanks unto thy holy Name, That we may triumph aloud in thy praise.
48 Lovet være Herren, Israels Gud, fra Evighed og indtil Evighed; og alt Folket siger: Amen. Halleluja!
Blessed be Yahweh, God of Israel, from one age even unto another, And all the people, shall say, Amen! Praise ye Yah!