< Ordsprogene 15 >
1 Et mildt Svar dæmper Vrede; men et bittert Ord vækker Fortørnelse.
A mild answer breaketh wrath: but a harsh word stirreth up fury.
2 De vises Tunge giver god Kundskab, men Daarers Mund udgyder Taabelighed.
The tongue of the wise adorneth knowledge: but the mouth of fools bubbleth out folly.
3 Herrens Øjne ere alle Vegne, og de beskue onde og gode.
The eyes of the Lord in every place behold the good and the evil.
4 Tungens Blidhed er et Livsens Træ; men Forvendthed ved den er Sønderknuselse i Aanden.
A peaceable tongue is a tree of life: but that which is immoderate, shall crush the spirit.
5 Daaren foragter sin Faders Tugtelse; men den, som agter paa Revselse, handler klogt.
A fool laugheth at the instruction of his father: but he that regardeth reproofs shall become prudent. In abundant justice there is the greatest strength: but the devices of the wicked shall be rooted out.
6 I den retfærdiges Hus er meget Gods; men der er Forstyrrelse i den ugudeliges Indtægt.
The house of the just is very much strength: and in the fruits of the wicked is trouble.
7 De vises Læber udstrø Kundskab; men Daarernes Hjerte er ikke saa.
The lips of the wise shall disperse knowledge: the heart of fools shall be unlike.
8 De ugudeliges Offer er Herren en Vederstyggelighed; men de oprigtiges Bøn er ham en Velbehagelighed.
The victims of the wicked are abominable to the Lord: the vows of the just are acceptable.
9 De ugudeliges Vej er Herren en Vederstyggelighed; men den, som stræber efter Retfærdighed, elsker han:
The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: he that followeth justice is beloved by him.
10 Streng Tugt venter den, som forlader Stien; den, som hader Irettesættelse, skal dø.
Instruction is grievous to him that forsaketh the way of life: he that hateth reproof shall die.
11 Dødsriget og Afgrunden ligge aabenbare for Herren, meget mere Menneskens Børns Hjerter. (Sheol )
Hell and destruction are before the Lord: how much more the hearts of the children of men? (Sheol )
12 En Spotter elsker ikke den, som sætter ham i Rette, han gaar ikke til de vise.
A corrupt man loveth not one that reproveth him: nor will he go to the wise.
13 Et glad Hjerte gør Ansigtet livligt; men ved Hjertets Bekymring nedslaas Modet.
A glad heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by grief of mind the spirit is cast down.
14 Den forstandiges Hjerte søger Kundskab, men Daarers Mund finder Behag i Taabelighed.
The heart of the wise seeketh instruction: and the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness.
15 Alle den elendiges Dage ere onde; men et glad Hjerte er et bestandigt Gæstebud.
All the days of the poor are evil: a secure mind is like a continual feast.
16 Bedre er lidet med Herrens Frygt end stort Liggendefæ med Uro.
Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasures without content,
17 Bedre er en Ret grønne Urter, naar der er Kærlighed hos, end en fed Okse, naar der er Had hos.
It is better to be invited to herbs with love, than to a fatted calf with hatred.
18 En hidsig Mand opvækker Trætte, men en langmodig dæmper Kiv.
A passionate man stirreth up strifes: he that is patient appeaseth those that are stirred up.
19 Den lades Vej er som et Tjørnegærde; men de oprigtiges Sti er banet.
The way of the slothful is as a hedge of thorns; the way of the just is without offence.
20 En viis Søn glæder sin Fader; men et daarligt Menneske foragter sin Moder.
A wise son maketh a father joyful: but the foolish man despiseth his mother.
21 Daarskab er en Glæde for den, som fattes Forstand, men en forstandig Mand vandrer ret frem.
Folly is joy to the fool: and the wise man maketh straight his steps.
22 Anslag blive til intet, naar der ikke er holdt Raad; men hvor der er mange Raadgivere, der bestaa de.
Designs are brought to nothing where there is no counsel: but where there are many counsellors, they are established.
23 Glæde har en Mand af sin Munds Svar; og et Ord i rette Tid — hvor godt!
A man rejoiceth in the sentence of his mouth: and a word in due time is best.
24 Livsens Vej opadtil gaar den forstandige for at undgaa Dødsriget nedadtil. (Sheol )
The path of life is above for the wise, that he may decline from the lowest hell. (Sheol )
25 Herren nedriver de hovmodiges Hus; men han stadfæster Enkens Landemærke.
The Lord will destroy the house of the proud: and will strengthen the borders of the widow.
26 Den ondes Anslag ere Herren en Vederstyggelighed; men Lifligheds Ord ere rene.
Evil thoughts are an abomination to the Lord: and pure words most beautiful shall be confirmed by him.
27 Den, som jager efter Vinding, forstyrrer sit Hus; men den, som hader Gaver, skal leve.
He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house: but he that hateth bribes shall live. By mercy and faith sins are purged away: and by the fear of the Lord every one declineth from evil.
28 Den retfærdiges Hjerte betænker sig paa at svare; men de ugudeliges Mund udgyder onde Ting.
The mind of the just studieth obedience: the mouth of the wicked over floweth with evils.
29 Herren er langt borte fra de ugudelige, men hører de retfærdiges Bøn.
The Lord is far from the wicked: and he will hear the prayers of the just.
30 Lys for Øjnene glæder Hjertet; et godt Budskab giver Marv i Benene.
The light of the eyes rejoiceth the soul: a good name maketh the bones fat.
31 Det Øre, som hører efter Irettesættelse til Livet, han tager Bo midt iblandt de vise.
The ear that heareth the reproofs of life, shall abide in the midst of the wise.
32 Den, som lader Tugt fare, foragter sin Sjæl; men den, som hører efter Irettesættelse, forhverver sig Forstand.
He that rejecteth instruction, despiseth his own soul: but he that yieldeth to reproof possesseth understanding.
33 Herrens Frygt er Tugt til Visdom, og Ydmyghed gaar foran Ære.
The fear of the Lord is the lesson of wisdom: and humility goeth before glory.