< 4 Mosebog 28 >

1 Og Herren talede til Mose og sagde:
Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,
2 Byd Israels Børn, og du skal sige til dem: I skulle tage Vare paa mit Offer, mit Brød, det er mine Ildofre, til en behagelig Lugt for mig, at I ofre mig dem paa deres bestemte Tid.
“Command the people of Israel and say to them, 'You must offer sacrifices to me at the appointed times, the food of my offerings made by fire to produce a sweet aroma for me.'
3 Og du skal sige til dem: Dette er det Ildoffer, som I skulle ofre Herren: To Lam, aargamle, uden Lyde, hver Dag til et ideligt Brændoffer.
You must also say to them, 'This is the offering made by fire that you must offer to Yahweh—male lambs a year old without blemish, two each day, as a regular burnt offering.
4 Det ene Lam skal du lave om Morgenen, og det andet Lam skal du lave imellem de tvende Aftener;
One lamb you must offer in the morning, and the other lamb you must offer in the evening.
5 og en Tiendepart af en Efa Mel til et Madoffer, blandet med en Fjerdepart af en Hin stødt Olie.
You must offer a tenth of an ephah of fine flour as a grain offering, mixed with one-fourth of a hin of beaten oil.
6 Det er et ideligt Brændoffer, som blev indstiftet paa Sinai Bjerg til en behagelig Lugt, et Ildoffer for Herren.
This is the regular burnt offering that was commanded at Mount Sinai to produce a sweet aroma, an offering made by fire to Yahweh.
7 Og som Drikoffer dertil en Fjerdepart af en Hin til det ene Lam; du skal udøse Drikoffer af stærk Drik paa det hellige Sted for Herren.
The drink offering with it must be one-fourth of a hin for one of the lambs. You must pour out in the holy place a drink offering of strong drink to Yahweh.
8 Og det andet Lam skal du tillave imellem de tvende Aftener; som Madofret om Morgenen og som Drikofret dertil, saa skal du lave det, det er et Ildoffer, en behagelig Lugt for Herren.
The other lamb you must offer in the evening along with another grain offering like the one offered in the morning. You must also offer another drink offering with it, an offering made by fire, to produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh.
9 Men om Sabbatsdagen skal du ofre to Lam, aargamle, uden Lyde, og to Tiendeparter Mel til et Madoffer, blandet med Olie og Drikoffer dertil.
On the Sabbath day you must offer two male lambs, each a year old without blemish, and two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour as a grain offering, mixed with oil, and the drink offering with it.
10 Det er hver Sabbats Brændoffer, foruden det idelige Brændoffer og Drikoffer dertil.
This is to be the burnt offering for every Sabbath, in addition to the regular burnt offering and the drink offering with it.
11 Men hver første Dag i eders Maaneder skulle I ofre Herren som et Brændoffer to unge Tyre og een Væder, syv Lam, aargamle, uden Lyde,
At the beginning of each month, you must offer a burnt offering to Yahweh. You must offer two young bulls, one ram, and seven male lambs a year old without blemish.
12 og tre Tiendeparter Mel til Madoffer, blandet med Olie, til hver Tyr, og to Tiendeparter Mel til Madoffer, blandet med Olie, til den ene Væder,
You must also offer three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour as a grain offering mixed with oil for each bull, and two-tenths of fine flour as a grain offering mixed with oil for the one ram.
13 og en Tiendepart Mel til et Madoffer, blandet med Olie, til hvert Lam; det er et Brændoffer, en behagelig Lugt, et Ildoffer for Herren.
You must also offer a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil as a grain offering for each lamb. This is to be the burnt offering, to produce a sweet aroma, an offering made by fire to Yahweh.
14 Og Drikofret til dem skal være en halv Hin til Tyren og en Tredjepart af en Hin til Væderen og en Fjerdepart af en Hin Vin til Lammet; dette er Brændofret paa hver Maaned efter Maanederne i Aaret.
The people's drink offerings must be half a hin of wine for a bull, a third of a hin for a ram, and one-fourth of a hin for a lamb. This is to be the burnt offering for every month throughout the months of the year.
15 Og der skal laves een Gedebuk til Syndoffer for Herren, foruden det idelige Brændoffer og Drikoffer dertil.
One male goat as a sin offering to Yahweh must be offered. This will be in addition to the regular burnt offering and the drink offering with it.
16 Men i den første Maaned, paaden fjortende Dag i Maaneden, er det Paaske for Herren.
During the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, comes Yahweh's Passover.
17 Og paa den femtende Dag i den samme Maaned er Højtid; man skal æde usyrede Brød i syv Dage.
On the fifteenth day of this month a feast is to be held. For seven days, bread without yeast must be eaten.
18 Paa den første Dag skal der være en hellig Sammenkaldelse, da skulle I ingen Arbejdsgerning gøre.
On the first day, there must be a holy assembly to honor Yahweh. You must not do regular work on that day.
19 Og I skulle ofre et Ildoffer, et Brændoffer for Herren; to unge Tyre og een Væder og syv Lam, aargamle, de skulle være eder uden Lyde;
However, you must offer a sacrifice made by fire, a burnt offering to Yahweh. You must offer two young bulls, one ram, and seven male lambs a year old, without blemish.
20 og deres Madoffer, Mel, blandet med Olie; tre Tiendeparter skulle I lave til hver Tyr, og to Tiendeparter til Væderen;
Along with the bull, you must offer a grain offering of three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil, and along with the ram, two-tenths.
21 og en Tiendepart skal du lave til hvert Lam af de syv Lam,
With each of the seven lambs, you must offer a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil,
22 dertil een Buk til Syndoffer til at gøre Forligelse for eder.
and one male goat as a sin offering to make atonement for yourselves.
23 Foruden Brændofret om Morgenen, som er det idelige Brændoffer, skulle I tillave disse Ting.
You must offer these in addition to the regular burnt offering required each morning.
24 Paa denne Maade skulle I lave hver Dag af de syv Dage Brød til et Ildoffer, en behagelig Lugt for Herren; det skal laves foruden det idelige Brændoffer, og Drikoffer dertil.
As described here, you must offer these sacrifices daily, for the seven days of the Passover, the food of the offering made by fire, a sweet aroma for Yahweh. It must be offered in addition to the regular burnt offering and the drink offering with it.
25 Og paa den syvende Dag skal der være eder en hellig Sammenkaldelse, da skulle I ingen Arbejdsgerning gøre.
On the seventh day you must have a holy assembly to honor Yahweh, and you must not do regular work on that day.
26 Og paa Førstegrødens Dag, naar I ofre det nye Madoffer for Herren paa eders Ugers Højtid, skal der være eder en hellig Sammenkaldelse, I skulle ingen Arbejdsgerning gøre.
Also on the day of the firstfruits, when you offer a new grain offering to Yahweh in your Festival of Weeks, you must have a holy assembly to honor Yahweh, and you must not do regular work on that day.
27 Og I skulle ofre Brændoffer til en behagelig Lugt for Herren: To unge Tyre, een Væder, syv Lam, aargamle;
You must offer a burnt offering to produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh. You must offer two young bulls, one ram, and seven male lambs a year old.
28 og deres Madoffer, Mel, blandet med Olie, tre Tiendeparter til hver Tyr, og to Tiendeparter til den ene Væder;
Offer also grain offering to go with them: Fine flour mixed with oil, three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil for each bull and two-tenths for the one ram.
29 en Tiendepart til hvert Lam af de syv Lam,
Offer a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil for each of the seven lambs,
30 een Gedebuk til at gøre Forligelse for eder.
and one male goat to make atonement for yourselves.
31 Det skulle I gøre foruden det idelige Brændoffer og dets Madoffer, de skulle være eder uden Lyde og Drikofre dertil.
When you offer those animals without blemish, along with their drink offerings, this must be in addition to the regular burnt offering and the grain offering with it.'”

< 4 Mosebog 28 >