< 4 Mosebog 15 >

1 Og Herren talede til Mose og sagde:
Then Yahweh spoke to Moses. He said,
2 Tal til Israels Børn, og du skal sige til dem: Naar I komme til det Land, som I skulle bo udi, hvilket jeg vil give eder,
“Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, 'When you go into the land where you will live, which Yahweh will give to you,
3 og I ville gøre Herren et Ildoffer, Brændoffer eller Slagtoffer, for at indfri et særligt Løfte, eller som et frivilligt Offer, eller paa eders bestemte Tider, for at berede Herren en behagelig Lugt, af stort Kvæg eller smaat Kvæg:
you are to prepare an offering by fire to Yahweh, either a burnt offering or a sacrifice to fulfill a vow or a freewill offering, or an offering at your feasts, to produce a pleasing aroma for Yahweh from the herd or the flock.
4 Da skal den, som ofrer sit Offer, ofre til Herren et Madoffer af en tiende Part Mel, blandet med en fjerde Part af en Hin Olie;
You must offer to Yahweh a burnt offering as well as a grain offering of a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with one-fourth of a hin of oil.
5 og en fjerde Part af en Hin Vin til et Drikoffer skal du befede, tillige med Brændofret eller Slagtofret, til hvert Lam.
You must also offer with the burnt offering, or for the sacrifice, one-fourth of a hin of wine for the drink offering for each lamb.
6 Eller er det til en Væder, saa skal du lave Madoffer af tvende tiende Parter Mel, blandet med en tredje Part af en Hin Olie;
If you are offering a ram, you must prepare as a grain offering two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a third of a hin of oil.
7 og Vin til et Drikoffer, en tredje Part af en Hin, skal du ofre til en behagelig Lugt for Herren.
For the drink offering, you must offer a third of a hin of wine. It will produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh.
8 Og naar du vil lave en ung Tyr til et Brændoffer eller Slagtoffer, for at indfri et særligt Løfte eller gøre et Takoffer for Herren,
When you prepare a bull as a burnt offering or as a sacrifice to fulfill a vow, or as a fellowship offering to Yahweh,
9 da skal man ofre tillige med den unge Tyr som Madoffer tre tiende Parter Mel, blandet med en halv Hin Olie.
then you must offer with the bull a grain offering of three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with half a hin of oil.
10 Og du skal ofre Vin til Drikofret, en halv Hin; det er et Ildoffer, en behagelig Lugt for Herren.
You must offer as the drink offering half a hin of wine, as an offering made by fire, to produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh.
11 Paa denne Maade skal det ske med een Okse eller med een Væder eller med eet Lam af Faarene eller af Gederne;
It must be done this way for each bull, for each ram, and for each of the male lambs or young goats.
12 efter det Tal, som I skulle bringe, skulle I lave det paa denne Maade, for ethvert efter deres Tal.
Every sacrifice that you prepare and offer must be done as described here.
13 Hver indfødt skal gøre disse Ting paa denne Maade for at ofre et Ildoffer, en behagelig Lugt for Herren.
All who are native-born Israelites must do these things in this way, when anyone brings an offering made by fire, to produce an aroma that is pleasing to Yahweh.
14 Og om en fremmed opholder sig hos eder, eller en, som er midt iblandt eder hos eders Efterkommere, og han vil gøre et Ildoffer, en behagelig Lugt for Herren, saa skal han gøre, ligesom I skulle gøre.
If a foreigner is staying with you, or whoever may live among you throughout your people's generations, he must make an offering made by fire, to produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh. He must act as you act.
15 Du Menighed! der skal være een Skik for eder og for den fremmede, som opholder sig hos eder, det er en evig Skik hos eders Efterkommere; som det er for eder, saa skal det være for den fremmede, for Herrens Ansigt.
There must be the same law for the community and for the foreigner who stays with you, a permanent law throughout your people's generations. As you are, so also must be the traveler staying with you. He must act as you act before Yahweh.
16 Een Lov og een Ret skal være for eder og for den fremmede, som opholder sig hos eder.
The same law and decree must apply to you and to the foreigner who is staying with you.'”
17 Og Herren talede til Mose og sagde:
Again Yahweh spoke to Moses. He said,
18 Tal til Israels Børn, og du skal sige til dem: Naar I komme i det Land, hvorhen jeg vil føre eder,
“Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, 'When you come into the land where I will take you,
19 da skal det ske, naar I æde af Landets Brød, at I skulle bringe en Offergave for Herren.
when you eat the food produced in the land, you must offer an offering and present it to me.
20 Det første af eders Dejg, nemlig en Kage, skulle I bringe til en Gave, ligesom Gaven fra Loen, saaledes skulle I bringe den.
From the first of your dough you must offer a loaf to raise it up as a raised offering from the threshing floor. You must raise it up in this way.
21 Af det første af eders Dejg skulle I give Herren en Gave, hos eders Efterkommere.
You must give to me a raised offering throughout your people's generations from the first of your dough.
22 Og naar I forse eder og ikke gøre alle disse Bud, som Herren har talet til Mose,
You will sometimes sin without intending to do so, when you do not obey all these commands that I have spoken to Moses—
23 alt det, som Herren har budet eder ved Mose, fra den Dag af, da Herren har befalet det, og derefter, hos eders Efterkommere:
everything that I have commanded you through Moses from the day that I began to give you commands and onward throughout your people's generations.
24 Da skal det ske, om noget er skjult for Menighedens Øjne og er gjort af Vanvare, at den ganske Menighed skal lave en ung Tyr til Brændoffer, til en behagelig Lugt for Herren, og dens Madoffer og dens Drikoffer efter vanlig Vis, og een Gedebuk til Syndoffer.
In the case of unintentional sin without the community's knowledge, then all the community must offer one young bull as a burnt offering to produce a sweet aroma for Yahweh. Along with this must be made a grain offering and drink offering, as commanded by the decree, and one male goat as a sin offering.
25 Saa skal Præsten gøre Forligelse for al Israels Børns Menighed, og det bliver dem forladt; thi det er af Vanvare, og de skulle føre deres Offer frem til et Ildoffer for Herren, og deres Syndoffer for Herrens Ansigt for deres Vanvares Skyld,
The priest must make atonement for all the community of the people of Israel. They will be forgiven because the sin was an error. They have brought their sacrifice, an offering made by fire to me. They have brought their sin offering before me for their error.
26 og det bliver al Israels Børns Menighed og den fremmede, som opholder sig midt iblandt dem, forladt, efterdi det er vederfaret det ganske Folk af Vanvare.
Then all the community of the people of Israel will be forgiven, and also the foreigners who are staying with them, because all the people committed the sin unintentionally.
27 Men naar en enkelt synder af Vanvare, da skal han ofre en aargammel Ged til et Syndoffer.
If a person sins unintentionally, then he must offer a female goat a year old as a sin offering.
28 Og Præsten skal gøre Forligelse for ham, som har forset sig og syndede af Vanvare, for Herrens Ansigt; han skal gøre Forligelse for ham, saa bliver det ham forladt.
The priest must make atonement before Yahweh for the person who sins unintentionally. That person will be forgiven when atonement has been made.
29 For den indfødte blandt Israels Børn og for den fremmede, som opholder sig midt iblandt dem, hos eder skal være een Lov for den, som gør noget af Vanvare.
You must have the same law for the one who does anything unintentionally, the same law for the one who is native born among the people of Israel and for the foreigners who are staying among them.
30 Men den Person, som gør noget af Trodsighed, være sig en indfødt eller en fremmed, han har forhaanet Herren, og den Sjæl skal udryddes midt ud af sit Folk;
But the person who does anything in defiance, whether he is native born or a foreigner, blasphemes me. That person must be cut off from among his people.
31 thi han har foragtet Herrens Ord og gjort hans Bud til intet; den Sjæl skal udryddes, hans Misgerning skal være paa ham.
Because he has despised my word and has broken my commandment, that person must be cut off completely. His sin will be on him.'”
32 Og Israels Børn vare i Ørken, og de fandt en Mand, som sankede Ved paa en Sabbatsdag.
While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the Sabbath day.
33 Og de, som fandt ham sanke Ved, førte ham frem til Mose og til Aron og til al Menigheden.
Those who found him brought him to Moses, Aaron, and all the community.
34 Og de satte ham i Forvaring; thi det var ikke forklaret, hvad der skulde gøres ved ham.
They kept him in custody because it had not been declared what should be done with him.
35 Og Herren sagde til Mose: Den Mand skal visselig dødes; den ganske Menighed skal stene ham med Stene uden for Lejren.
Then Yahweh said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death. All the community must stone him with stones outside the camp.”
36 Da førte al Menigheden ham ud uden for Lejren, og de stenede ham med Stene, og han døde; saasom Herren havde befalet Mose.
So all the community brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death as Yahweh had commanded Moses.
37 Og Herren talte til Mose og sagde:
Again Yahweh spoke to Moses. He said,
38 Tal til Israels Børn, og du skal sige til dem, at de skulle gøre sig Kvaster paa Fligene af deres Klæder, hos deres Efterkommere, og de skulle sætte en blaa ulden Snor paa hver Fligs Kvast.
“Speak to the descendants of Israel and command them to make for themselves tassels to hang from the borders of their garments, to hang them from each border by a blue cord. They must do this throughout their people's generations.
39 Og den skulle I have ved hver Kvast, for at I skulle se den og ihukomme alle Herrens Bud og gøre dem; og I skulle ikke søge noget efter eders eget Hjerte og efter eders Øjne, som I bole efter,
It will be a special reminder to you, when you may look at it, of all my commandments, to carry them out so that you do not look to your own heart and your own eyes and prostitute yourselves to them.
40 paa det I skulle ihukomme og gøre alle mine Bud; og I skulle være hellige for eders Gud.
Do this so that you may call to mind and obey all my commandments, and so that you may be holy, reserved for me, your God.
41 Jeg er Herren eders Gud, som har udført eder af Ægyptens Land for at være eder en Gud; jeg er Herren eders Gud.
I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to become your God. I am Yahweh your God.”

< 4 Mosebog 15 >