< Nahum 2 >
1 En Adspreder drager op imod dig, vogt Befæstningen, spejd Vejen, styrk Lænderne, anspænd Kraften stærkt!
[You people of] [APO] Nineveh, your enemies are coming to attack you. [So] place guards on the tops of the walls around the city! Guard the roads [into the city]! Get ready to fight! Gather your troops/soldiers [MTY] together!
2 Thi Herren genopretter Jakobs Herlighed ligesom Israels Herlighed; thi Røvere have udplyndret dem og ødelagt deres Vinkviste.
Even though enemy soldiers have destroyed the descendants of [MTY] Jacob, Yahweh will cause them to be honored again. Israel is like a grapevine that has been ruined, but Israel will prosper again.
3 Hans vældiges Skjold er rødligt, Heltene ere klædte i Skarlagen, Vognene funkle af Staal paa den Dag, han ruster, og Spydene svinges.
The shields of the enemy soldiers [who are coming to attack you] will shine red [as the sun shines on them], and they will wear bright red uniforms. The metal of their chariot [wheels] will flash when they line up [before the battle], and their soldiers will lift up their cypress/pine spears and wave them.
4 Paa Gaderne fare Vognene som rasende, de ile af Sted paa de aabne Pladser, deres Udseende er som Blus, de løbe som Lynet.
Their chariots will dash through the streets [of Nineveh] and rush furiously through the plazas. Going as quick as lightning, they will resemble flaming torches.
5 Han kommer sine ypperlige Mænd i Hu, de snuble under deres Gang, de haste hen til dens Mur; men Stormtaget er oprejst.
[Meanwhile], your king will summon his officers who will stumble as they [try to] come [quickly]. They will dash to the [city] wall, holding their shields to protect themselves.
6 Portene ud imod Floderne, ere opladte, og Paladset er modløst.
But, the gates [of the dams] on the rivers will be thrown open [by enemy soldiers], and [the flood will cause] the palace to collapse.
7 Men det er beskikket: Hun blottes, hun drages op, og hendes Piger sukke, som Duer sukke, de slaa sig paa deres Bryst.
The queen will have her clothes stripped off her [by enemy soldiers], and her slave girls will moan like doves and beat their breasts [to show that they are very sad].
8 Og Ninive var ligesom en vandrig Fiskedam, fra de Dage af da den blev til; men de fly: „Staar! staar!” men ingen ser sig tilbage.
[The people will rush from] Nineveh like [SIM] water rushes from a broken dam. [The officials] will shout, “Stop! Stop!” but the people will not even look back [as they run away].
9 Røver Sølv! røver Guld! der er dog ingen Ende paa Forraadet, en Herlighed af alle Haande kostelige Ting.
[The enemy attackers say to each other, ] “Seize the silver! Grab the gold! There is a huge amount of very valuable things in this city, more valuable things than anyone can count!”
10 Øde og Ørk og Ødelæggelse og et forsagt Hjerte, og Vaklen i Knæerne, og Smerte i alle Lænder! og alles Ansigter have skiftet Farve.
[Soon everything valuable in the city] will be seized or ruined. People will be trembling, with the result that they will not be able to fight. Their faces will all become pale.
11 Hvor er nu Løvernes Bolig og denne, de unge Løvers Vildbane, hvor Løven, Løvinden gik, Løveungen, og der var ingen, som forfærdede dem.
[After that happens, people will say, ] “What happened to [RHQ] that [great city of Nineveh]? [It was like] [MET] a den [full] of young lions, where the male and female lions lived and fed the young ones.
12 En Løve, der røvede, hvad der var nok til dens Unger, og kvalte til sine Løvinder og fyldte sine Huler med Rov og sine Boliger med det røvede.
[The soldiers in Nineveh were like] [MET] lions that killed or strangled [other animals] [and brought the meat] to their dens.”
13 Se, jeg kommer imod dig, siger den Herre Zebaoth, og jeg vil brænde dine Vogne, saa de gaa op i Røg, og Sværd skal fortære dine unge Løver; og jeg vil udrydde dit Rov af Jorden, og dine Sendebuds Røst skal ikke høres ydermere.
The Commander of the armies of angels says [to the people of Nineveh], “I am opposed to you; I will cause your chariots to [be burned in fires and] go up in smoke. Your young men will be killed with swords. [Your soldiers] will never again conquer [other nations] and seize their valuable possessions. Your messengers will never again take messages [to other nations, demanding that their armies surrender to them].”