< Lukas 11 >

1 Og det skete, da han var paa et Sted og bad, at en af hans Disciple sagde til ham, da han holdt op: „Herre! lær os at bede, som ogsaa Johannes lærte sine Disciple.”
One day Jesus was somewhere praying. When he finished [praying], one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us [what to say when] we [(exc)] pray, as John [the Baptizer] taught his disciples!”
2 Da sagde han til dem: „Naar I bede, da siger: Fader, helliget vorde dit Navn; komme dit Rige;
He said to them, “When you pray, say [things like this]: ‘Father, we want you [(sg)] [MTY] to be honored/revered. [We want people to let you(sg)] [MTY, MET] rule over their lives.
3 giv os hver Dag vort daglige Brød;
Give us [(exc)] each day the food [SYN] that we need.
4 og forlad os vore Synder, thi ogsaa vi forlade hver, som er os skyldig; og led os ikke i Fristelse!”
Forgive us [for] the wrong things that we have done, because we forgive people for the wrong things that they do to us. Do not let us do wrong things when we are tempted {[someone or something] tempts us}.’”
5 Og han sagde til dem: „Om nogen af eder har en Ven og gaar til ham ved Midnat og siger til ham: Kære! laan mig tre Brød,
Then he said to them, “Suppose that one of you goes to the house of a friend at midnight. Suppose that you [(sg) stand outside and] call out to him, ‘My friend, please lend me three buns!
6 efterdi en Ven af mig er kommen til mig fra Rejsen, og jeg har intet at sætte for ham;
Another friend of mine who is traveling has just arrived [at my house], but I have no food [ready] to give to him!’
7 og hin saa svarer derinde fra og siger: Vold mig ikke Besvær; Døren er allerede lukket, og mine Børn ere med mig i Seng; jeg kan ikke staa op og give dig det:
Suppose that he answers you from inside [his house], ‘Do not bother me! The door has been locked {[We(exc)] have locked the door} and all my family are in bed. [So] I cannot get up and give you [(sg)] anything!’
8 da, siger jeg eder, om han end ikke staar op og giver ham det, fordi han er hans Ven, saa staar han dog op for hans Paatrængenheds Skyld og giver ham alt, hvad han trænger til.
I will tell you that even if he does not [want to] get up and give you [any food], to avoid being ashamed [for not helping you] because you are his friend (OR, if without being ashamed you continue asking him to do that), he certainly will get up and give you whatever you need.
9 Og jeg siger eder: Beder, saa skal eder gives; søger, saa skulle I finde; banker paa, saa skal der lukkes op for eder.
So I tell you this: Keep asking [God for what you need]. If you do that, [he] will give it to you [(pl)]. Confidently keep expecting [God to give you the things that you need], and [he] will give them to you [MET]. [It will be like] looking for what you need and finding it. Keep on [praying urgently to God. Then God will answer you. It will be like] knocking [on a door] so that [God] will open [the way] for you [to get what you pray for].
10 Thi hver den, som beder, han faar, og den, som søger, han finder, og den, som banker paa, for ham skal der lukkes op.
Remember that [God] will give things to everyone who continues to ask [him for them]. [He] will give things to whoever confidently keeps asking. [He] will open [the way] for people [to get the things that they keep urgently praying for].
11 Men hvilken Fader iblandt eder vil give sin Søn en Sten, naar han beder om Brød, eller naar han beder om en Fisk, mon han da i Stedet for en Fisk vil give ham en Slange?
If one of you had a son who asked you [(sg)] for a fish [to eat], (you [(sg)] certainly would not give him a [poisonous] snake instead!/would you give him a [poisonous] snake instead?) [RHQ]
12 Eller naar han beder om et Æg, mon han da vil give ham en Skorpion?
If he asked you for an egg, (you [(sg)] certainly would not give him a scorpion!/would you give him a scorpion?) [RHQ]
13 Dersom da I, som ere onde, vide at give eders Børn gode Gaver, hvor meget mere skal da Faderen fra Himmelen give den Helligaand til dem, som bede ham!”
Even though you people are evil, you know how to give good things to your children. So your Father in heaven will certainly [give good things] to those who ask him, [including] giving the Holy Spirit, [who is the best gift].”
14 Og han uddrev en ond Aand, og den var stum; men det skete, da den onde Aand var udfaren, talte den stumme, og Skarerne forundrede sig.
[One day there was a man there who, because a demon controlled him] [MTY], was unable to speak. After [Jesus expelled] the demon, the man [began to] talk. [Most of] the people [there] were amazed.
15 Men nogle af dem sagde: „Ved Beelzebul, de onde Aanders Fyrste, uddriver han de onde Aander.”
But some of them said, “It is Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons, who enables [this man] to expel demons!”
16 Men andre fristede ham og forlangte af ham et Tegn fra Himmelen.
Other [people there] asked Jesus to perform a miracle [to prove (he was the Messiah/that he had come] from God) [MTY/EUP]. They wanted to trap him [into not being able to perform a miracle or into doing something ridiculous].
17 Men da han kendte deres Tanker, sagde han til dem: „Hvert Rige, som er kommet i Splid med sig selv, lægges øde, og Hus falder over Hus.
But Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he said to them, “If [the people in] one nation fight against each other, their nation will be destroyed {[they] will destroy their nation}. If [the people in] [MTY] one house are divided, they will cease to remain as one [family].
18 Men hvis ogsaa Satan er kommen i Splid med sig selv, hvorledes skal hans Rige da bestaa? Thi I sige, at jeg uddriver de onde Aander ved Beelzebul.
[Similarly], if Satan [and his demons] were fighting against each other, (his rule over them would [certainly] not last!/how would his rule over them last?) [RHQ] [I say this] because you are saying that I am expelling demons by [the power of] the ruler of [his own demons]
19 Men dersom jeg uddriver de onde Aander ved Beelzebul, ved hvem uddrive da eders Sønner dem? Derfor skulle de være eders Dommere.
Furthermore, if [it is true that] Satan enables me to expel demons, [is it also true that] your disciples [who] expel demons [do so] by [Satan’s] power [RHQ]? [No, that is not true]. So they will show that you [are not thinking logically].
20 Men dersom jeg uddriver de onde Aander ved Guds Finger, da er jo Guds Rige kommet til eder.
But because it is by the power [MTY] of God [that I expel demons], I am showing you [that the power of] God to [MET] rule [people’s lives] has come to you.”
21 Naar den stærke bevæbnet vogter sin Gaard, bliver det, han ejer, i Fred.
Then, [to show that by expelling evil spirits he was making it clear that he was much more powerful than Satan, Jesus said] [MET], “When a strong man who has many weapons guards his own house, no one can steal the things in his house.
22 Men naar en stærkere end han er kommen over ham og har overvundet ham, da tager han hans fulde Rustning, som han forlod sig paa, og uddeler hans Bytte.
But when someone else who is stronger attacks that man and subdues him, he is able to take away the weapons in which the man trusted. Then he can take from that man’s house anything he [wants to].
23 Den, som ikke er med mig, er imod mig; og den, som ikke samler med mig, adspreder.
[No one can be neutral]. Those who do not help me [are opposing] me, and those who do not gather [people to become] my [disciples] are causing [those people] to go away [from me].”
24 Naar den urene Aand er faren ud af Mennesket, vandrer den igennem vandløse Steder og søger Hvile; og naar den ikke finder den, siger den: Jeg vil vende tilbage til mit Hus, som jeg gik ud af.
[Then Jesus said this]: “[Sometimes when] an evil spirit leaves someone, it wanders around in desolate areas seeking [someone in whom it can] rest. If it does not find anyone, it says [to itself], ‘I will return to the person in whom I used to live!’
25 Og naar den kommer, finder den det fejet og prydet.
So it goes back and finds that [the Spirit of God is not in control of that person’s life. The person’s life is like] a house that has been {that someone has} swept clean and everything put {put everything} in order, [but a house that is empty].
26 Da gaar den bort og tager syv andre Aander med sig, som ere værre end den selv, og naar de ere komne derind, bo de der; og det sidste bliver værre med dette Menneske end det første.”
Then [this evil spirit] goes and gets seven other spirits that are [even] more evil than it is. They [all] enter [that person] and [begin] living there. [So], [although] that person’s condition [was bad] before, it became much worse.”
27 Men det skete, medens han sagde disse Ting, da opløftede en Kvinde af Skaren sin Røst og sagde til ham: „Saligt er det Liv, som bar dig, og de Bryster, som du diede.”
When Jesus said that, a woman who was listening called out [to him], “[God is] pleased with the woman who gave birth to you [(sg)] and let you nurse [at her breasts]!”
28 Men han sagde: „Ja, salige ere de, som høre Guds Ord og bevare det.”
But he replied, “God [is] much more pleased with those who hear his message and obey it!”
29 Men da Skarerne strømmede til, begyndte han at sige: „Denne Slægt er en ond Slægt; et Tegn forlanger den, og der skal intet Tegn gives den uden Jonas's Tegn.
When the group of people around [Jesus] got larger, he said, “[Many of] you people who have been observing my ministry are evil. You want [me to perform] a miracle [to prove that I have come from God], but the only miracle that [I] will perform for you is one [like happened to] Jonah.
30 Thi ligesom Jonas blev et Tegn for Niniviterne, saaledes skal ogsaa Menneskesønnen være det for denne Slægt.
[After Jonah was inside a huge fish for three days, God performed] a miracle [to restore] Jonah. [Jonah then went and testified about that] to the people in Nineveh [city. God will perform] a similar miracle [for me], the one who came from heaven. [When you people have seen that miracle, you will believe my message].
31 Sydens Dronning skal oprejses ved Dommen sammen med Mændene af denne Slægt og fordømme dem; thi hun kom fra Jordens Grænser for at høre Salomons Visdom; og se, her er mere end Salomon.
[Long ago the] queen from [Sheba], [far] south [of Israel, traveled a long distance to hear Solomon speak many] wise things. But now [I, a man] who [is much] greater [and wiser] than Solomon, am here, [but you have not listened to what I have told you]. Therefore, at the time when [God] judges [all people], the queen from [Sheba] will stand there, [along] with you people, and will condemn you.
32 Mænd fra Ninive skulle opstaa ved Dommen sammen med denne Slægt og fordømme den; thi de omvendte sig ved Jonas's Prædiken; og se, her er mere end Jonas.
The people who lived in Nineveh [city] turned from their sinful ways when Jonah preached to them. But now I, who am greater than Jonah, have come [and preached to you], [but you have not turned from your sinful ways]. Therefore, at the time when God judges [all people], the people who lived in Nineveh will stand there with you and condemn you.”
33 Ingen tænder et Lys og sætter det i Skjul, ikke heller under Skæppen, men paa Lysestagen, for at de, som komme ind, kunne se dets Skin.
[Then, to show them that they did not need more miracles, but that they needed only to understand better what he had already told them, he said to them] [MET], “People who light a lamp do not then hide it, or put it under a basket. Instead, they put it on a lampstand so that those who enter [their house] can see [things from] its light. [Similarly, I have not concealed God’s truth. I have revealed it to you].
34 Dit Øje er Legemets Lys; naar dit Øje er sundt, er ogsaa hele dit Legeme lyst, men dersom det er daarligt, er ogsaa dit Legeme mørkt.
Your eyes [MET] are like a lamp for your body, because they enable you to see things. If your eyes are healthy, you are able to see everything well [MET]. [Similarly, if you(sg) accept my teaching, you will be able to know all that God wants you to know]. But if your eyes are bad, you are not able to see anything. It is like being in darkness [MET]. [And similarly, if you(pl) do not accept what I teach, you will not be able to know all the things that God wants you to know].
35 Se derfor til, at det Lys, der er i dig, ikke er Mørke.
Therefore, [you(pl) do not need to see more miracles. You need to think carefully about what I have already] told you, so that the things that you have heard from others do not cause you to remain in spiritual darkness [MET].
36 Dersom da hele dit Legeme er lyst, saa at ingen Del deraf er mørk, vil det være helt lyst, som naar Lyset bestraaler dig med sin Glans.”
If you [live completely according to God’s truth, you will be able to know everything that God wants you to know. It will be like] being in a room with a lamp shining brightly, enabling you to see everything clearly.”
37 Men idet han talte, beder en Farisæer ham om, at han vilde spise Middagsmaaltid hos ham, og han gik ind og satte sig til Bords.
While Jesus finished saying those things, a Pharisee invited him to eat a meal with him. So Jesus went to [his house] and ate with him.
38 Men Farisæeren forundrede sig, da han saa, at han ikke toede sig først før Maaltidet.
The Pharisee was surprised when he saw that Jesus did not follow the Pharisees’ ritual by washing his hands before eating. [The Pharisees washed their hands in a certain way to be cleansed from anything that might have contaminated them. They were afraid that God might reject them if they] had [touched something unacceptable to God].
39 Men Herren sagde til ham: „I Farisæere rense nu det udvendige af Bægeret og Fadet; men eders Indre er fuldt af Rov og Ondskab.
The Lord [Jesus] said to him, “You Pharisees are [concerned about things that are outside your bodies, not with what is in your] ([inner beings/hearts]) [MET]. You wash the outside of cups and dishes [before you eat because you think that doing that will make you acceptable to God], but within yourselves you are very greedy and wicked.
40 I Daarer! han, som gjorde det ydre, gjorde han ikke ogsaa det indre?
You foolish people! [God] is concerned about things that are outside [our bodies], but (he is certainly also concerned about our inner [beings]!/isn’t he also concerned about our hearts?) [RHQ]
41 Men giver det, som er indeni, til Almisse; se, saa ere alle Ting eder rene.
Give [money] to those who are poor. [Give according to what you know within] your (inner [/heart]) [that you should give]. Then you [will be surprised to realize that] you will be acceptable [to God without having to perform all those rituals about washing].
42 Men ve eder, I Farisæere! thi I give Tiende af Mynte og Rude og alle Haande Urter og forbigaa Retten og Kærligheden til Gud; disse Ting burde man gøre og ikke forsømme hine.
But there will be terrible punishment for you Pharisees! You give to God a tenth of [all you produce, even] the various herbs that you grow, but you do not [remember that you must act] justly [toward others] and love God! It is good to [give a tenth of your income to God], but you ought to do these other things also!
43 Ve eder, I Farisæere! thi I elske den fornemste Plads i Synagogerne og Hilsenerne paa Torvene.
There will be terrible punishment for you Pharisees, because you like [to sit in] the best seats in our worship places [so that people will think highly of you], and you like people to greet you [respectfully] in the marketplaces.
44 Ve eder, thi I ere som de ukendelige Grave, og Menneskene, som gaa over dem, vide det ikke.”
There will be terrible punishment for you, because you are like ground where there is no marker [to indicate that there is a] grave [underneath]. People walk there, but they cannot see [what is rotten down below] [MET]! [Similarly, people who see you do not realize how polluted you are within yourselves].”
45 Men en af de lovkyndige svarede og siger til ham: „Mester! idet du siger dette, forhaaner du ogsaa os.”
One of those who taught the [Jewish] laws replied, “Teacher, by saying this you [(sg)] are criticizing us [also]!”
46 Men han sagde: „Ve ogsaa eder, I lovkyndige! thi I lægge Menneskene Byrder paa, vanskelige at bære, og selv røre I ikke Byrderne med een af eders Fingre.
Jesus said, “It will be terrible also for you who teach the [Jewish] laws! You require people [to obey many rules that are difficult to obey] [MET]. [That is like making them] carry heavy burdens on their backs. But you yourselves do not obey the laws [that you require others to obey]. (OR, you do not do anything to help [others to obey the laws].)
47 Ve eder! thi I bygge Profeternes Grave, og eders Fædre sloge dem ihjel.
There will be terrible punishment for you! You decorate the tombs of the prophets whom your ancestors killed, [but you do not live according to what the prophets taught].
48 Altsaa ere I Vidner og samtykke i eders Fædres Gerninger; thi de sloge dem ihjel, og I bygge.
So you are declaring that you approve of what your ancestors did. They killed the prophets, and you [are not honoring the prophets! You just] decorate their tombs!
49 Derfor har ogsaa Guds Visdom sagt: Jeg vil sende Profeter og Apostle til dem, og nogle af dem skulle de slaa ihjel og forfølge,
So God, who is very wise [PRS], said, ‘I will send prophets and apostles [to you Jews]. [You] will kill some of them and cause some of them to suffer greatly.
50 for at alle Profeternes Blod, som er udøst fra Verdens Grundlæggelse, skal kræves af denne Slægt,
[As a result, I] will consider that many of you people [who have observed my Son’s ministry] will be guilty [MTY] [of murder, as if you had] killed all the prophets that other people have killed, from the time I created the world,
51 fra Abels Blod indtil Sakarias's Blod, som blev dræbt imellem Alteret og Templet; ja, jeg siger eder: Det skal kræves af denne Slægt.
starting from [Adam’s son Cain] killing [his brother] Abel and continuing until they killed the prophet Zechariah [in the holy place] between the altar and the temple.’ Yes, what I am saying [is true] [MTY]. [God] will punish you people who have observed my ministry, you people whom [he] considers to be guilty [MTY] for [killing] all those prophets!
52 Ve eder, I lovkyndige! thi I have taget Kundskabens Nøgle; selv ere I ikke gaaede ind, og dem, som vilde gaa ind, have I forhindret.”
There will be terrible punishment for you men who teach the [Jewish] laws, because you have [not let people] know [God’s truth] [MET]! [It is as though you are] taking away a key [to a house]. You are not going into [the house] yourselves, and you are not letting other people enter it, either.”
53 Og da han var gaaet ud derfra, begyndte de skriftkloge og Farisæerne at trænge stærkt ind paa ham og at lokke Ord af hans Mund om flere Ting;
After Jesus finished saying those things, he left there. Then the men who taught the [Jewish] laws and the Pharisees began to act in a very hostile way toward him. They tried to make him say what he thought about many things.
54 thi de lurede paa ham for at opfange noget af hans Mund, for at de kunde anklage ham.
They kept waiting for him to say something [wrong] for which they could accuse him.

< Lukas 11 >