< 3 Mosebog 7 >
1 Og dette er Loven om Skyldofret; det er en højhellig Ting.
This is the law of the guilt offering. It is most holy.
2 Paa det Sted, hvor de skulle slagte Brændofret, skulle de slagte Skyldofret, og man skal stænke Blodet deraf paa Alteret rundt omkring.
They must kill the guilt offering in the place for killing it, and they must sprinkle its blood against every side of the altar.
3 Og alt Fedtet deraf skal man ofre, nemlig Stjerten og Fedtet, som skjuler Indvoldene,
All the fat in it will be offered: the fat tail, the fat that is over the inner parts,
4 og de to Nyrer, og Fedtet, som er paa dem, det som er oven for Lænderne; og han skal udtage Hinden over Leveren tilligemed Nyrerne.
the two kidneys and the fat on them, which is next to the loins, and what covers the liver, with the kidneys—all this must be removed.
5 Og Præsten skal gøre et Røgoffer af dem paa Alteret, som et Ildoffer for Herren; det er et Skyldoffer.
The priest must burn these parts on the altar as an offering made with fire to Yahweh. This is the guilt offering.
6 Alt Mandkøn iblandt Præsterne skal æde det, det skal ædes paa et helligt Sted; det er en højhellig Ting.
Every male among the priests may eat part of this offering. It must be eaten in a holy place because it is most holy.
7 Ligesom Syndofret er, saa skal og Skyldofret være, der er een Lov for dem; det skal høre den Præst til, som gør Forligelse derved.
The sin offering is like the guilt offering. The same law applies to both of them. They belong to the priest who makes atonement with them.
8 Og den Præst, som ofrer nogens Brændoffer, den Præst skal Huden af det Brændoffer, han har ofret, høre til.
The priest who offers anyone's burnt offering may have for himself the hide of that offering.
9 Og ethvert Madoffer, som er bagt i Ovnen, og ethvert, som er lavet i Kedelen eller i Panden, det skal høre den Præst til, som ofrer det.
Every grain offering that is baked in an oven, and every such offering that is cooked in a frying pan or in a baking pan will belong to the priest who offers it.
10 Og ethvert Madoffer, som er blandet med Olie, eller som er tørt, skal høre alle Arons Børn til, den ene saavel som den anden.
Every grain offering, either dry or mixed with oil, will belong equally to all the descendants of Aaron.
11 Og dette er Loven om Takofret, som man skal ofre for Herren.
This is the law of the sacrifice of peace offerings which people will offer to Yahweh.
12 Vil man ofre det til Lovoffer, da skal man tillige med Lovofrets Slagtoffer bringe usyrede Kager blandede med Olie og usyrede tynde Kager, overstrøgne med Olie, og Mel, æltet til Kager, som ere blandede med Olie.
If anyone offers it in order to give thanks, then he must offer it with a sacrifice of cakes made without yeast, but mixed with oil, of cakes made without yeast, but spread with oil, and of cakes made with fine flour that is mixed with oil.
13 Tillige med Kager af syret Brød skal man bringe sit Offer, med Slagtofret, som hører til Takofrets Lovoffer.
Also for the purpose of giving thanks, he must offer with his peace offering cakes of bread made with yeast.
14 Og man skal ofre deraf et Stykke af hver Offergave som en Gave til Herren; det skal høre den Præst til, som stænker Takofrets Blod.
He is to offer one of each kind of these sacrifices as an offering presented to Yahweh. It will belong to the priests who sprinkle the blood of the peace offerings onto the altar.
15 Og Kødet af Slagtofret, som hører til nogens Takoffers Lovoffer, skal ædes paa hans Offers Dag; man skal intet lade blive deraf til om Morgenen.
The person presenting a peace offering for the purpose of giving thanks must eat the meat of his offering on the day of the sacrifice. He must not leave any of it until the next morning.
16 Og dersom det Slagtoffer, som han ofrer, er et Løfteoffer eller et frivilligt Offer, da skal det ædes paa den samme Dag, han ofrer sit Offer, og den næste Dag skal det ædes, som levnes deraf.
But if the sacrifice of his offering is for the purpose of a vow, or for the purpose of a freewill offering, the meat must be eaten on the day that he offers his sacrifice, but whatever remains of it may be eaten on the next day.
17 Men hvad der levnes af Ofrets Kød, skal paa den tredje Dag opbrændes med Ild.
However, whatever meat of the sacrifice remains on the third day must be burned.
18 Og dersom der alligevel ædes af hans Takoffers Kød paa den tredje Dag, da bliver han ikke behagelig; den, som ofrede det, ham skal det ikke? regnes til gode, det skal være en Vederstyggelighed; og den, som æder deraf, skal bære sin Misgerning.
If any of the meat of the sacrifice of one's peace offering is eaten on the third day, it will not be accepted, neither will it be credited to the one who offered it. It will be a disgusting thing, and the person who eats it will carry the guilt of his sin.
19 Og det Kød, som rører ved noget urent, skal ikke ædes, det skal opbrændes med Ild, men hvad Kødet ellers angaar, maa enhver, som er ren, æde Kødet.
Any meat that touches an unclean thing must not be eaten. It must be burned. As for the rest of the meat, anyone who is clean may eat it.
20 Og hver den, som æder Kødet af Takofret, som hører Herren til, medens hans Urenhed er paa ham, den Person skal udryddes fra sit Folk.
However, an unclean person who eats any meat from the sacrifice of a peace offering that belongs to Yahweh—that person must be cut off from his people.
21 Og naar nogen rører ved noget urent, ved et urent Menneske eller ved et urent Dyr eller ved nogen som helst uren Vederstyggelighed og æder af Takofrets Kød, som hører Herren til, da skal den Person udryddes fra sit Folk.
If anyone touches any unclean thing—whether uncleanness of man, or of unclean beast, or of some unclean and disgusting thing, and if he then eats some of the meat of a sacrifice of peace offering that belongs to Yahweh, that person must be cut off from his people.'”
22 Og Herren talede til Mose og sagde:
Then Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,
23 Tal til Israels Børn og sig: I skulle intet Fedt æde af Okse eller Lam eller Ged.
“Speak to the people of Israel and say, 'You must eat no fat of an ox or a sheep or a goat.
24 Men Fedtet af Aadsel og Fedtet af det, som er revet, det maa benyttes til alle Haande Brug, men I skulle aldeles ikke æde det.
The fat of an animal that died without being a sacrifice, or the fat of an animal torn by wild animals, may be used for other purposes, but you must certainly not eat it.
25 Thi om nogen æder Fedtet af Dyr, af hvilke man skal ofre et Ildoffer for Herren, da skal den, som æder deraf, udryddes fra sit Folk.
Whoever eats the fat of an animal that men can offer as a sacrifice by fire to Yahweh, that person must be cut off from his people.
26 Og I skulle intet Blod æde i alle eders Boliger, enten af Fugle eller af Dyr.
You must eat no blood whatsoever in any of your houses, whether it is from a bird or an animal.
27 Enhver, som æder noget Blod, den Person skal udryddes fra sit Folk.
Whoever eats any blood, that person must be cut off from his people.'”
28 Og Herren talede til Mose og sagde:
So Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,
29 Tal til Israels Børn og sig: Hvo som vil ofre sit Takoffers Slagtoffer for Herren, han skal fremføre sit Offer for Herren, af sit Takoffers Slagtoffer.
“Speak to the people of Israel and say, 'He who offers the sacrifice of a peace offering to Yahweh must bring part of his sacrifice to Yahweh.
30 Hans Hænder skulle frembære Herrens Ildoffer; han skal frembære Fedtet tilligemed Brystet, Brystet, for at røre det med en Rørelse for Herrens Ansigt.
The offering for Yahweh to be made by fire, his own hands must bring it. He must bring the fat with the breast, so that the breast may be waved as a wave offering before Yahweh.
31 Og Præsten skal gøre et Røgoffer af Fedtet paa Alteret, men Brystet skal høre Aron og hans Sønner til.
The priest must burn the fat on the altar, but the breast will belong to Aaron and his descendants.
32 Og I skulle give Præsten den højre Bov som Offergave, af eders Takoffers Slagtofre.
You must give the right thigh to the priest as an offering presented out of the sacrifice of your peace offerings.
33 Den af Arons Sønner, som ofrer Blodet af Takofret og Fedtet, han skal have den højre Bov til Del.
The priest, one of Aaron's descendants, who offers the blood of the peace offerings and the fat—he will have the right thigh as his share of the offering.
34 Thi jeg har taget Brystet, som bliver rørt, og Boven, som bliver given, fra Israels Børn ud af deres Takofres Slagtofre og har givet Præsten Aron og hans Sønner dem, til en evig Rettighed af Israels Børn.
For I have taken from the people of Israel, the breast of the wave offering, and the thigh that is the contribution, and they have been given to Aaron the priest and his sons as their regular share.
35 Dette er Arons Salvelses og hans Sønners Salvelses Del af Herrens Ildofre, paa den Dag han førte dem frem for at gøre Præstetjeneste for Herren,
This is the share for Aaron and his descendants from the offerings for Yahweh made by fire, on the day when Moses presented them to serve Yahweh in the work of priest.
36 den, som Herren bød at skulle gives dem, paa den Dag han salvede dem, af Israels Børn, til en evig Rettighed hos deres Efterkommere.
This is the share that Yahweh commanded to be given them from the people of Israel, on the day that he anointed the priests. It will always be their share throughout all generations.
37 Dette er Loven om Brændofret og om Madofret og om Syndofret og om Skyldofret og om Fyldelsesofret og om Takofret,
This is the law of the burnt offering, of the grain offering, of the sin offering, of the guilt offering, of the consecration offering, and of the sacrifice of peace offerings,
38 som Herren befalede Mose paa Sinai Bjerg, paa: den Dag han befalede Israels Børn at ofre Herren deres Ofre, i Sinai Ørk.
about which Yahweh gave commands to Moses on Mount Sinai on the day that he commanded the people of Israel to offer their sacrifices to Yahweh in the wilderness of Sinai.'”