< Klagesangene 2 >

1 Hvorledes har Herren indhyllet Zions Datter med Mørke i sin Vrede? han har kastet Israels Herlighed fra Himmelen til Jorden, og han kom ikke sine Fødders Fodskammel i Hu paa sin Vredes Dag.
How hath the Lord covered with a cloud the daughter of Zion in His anger! He hath cast down from heaven unto the earth the beauty of Israel, and hath not remembered His footstool in the day of His anger.
2 Herren har opslugt og ikke sparet nogen af Jakobs Boliger, han har nedbrudt Judas Datters Befæstninger i sin Fortørnelse, han har nedkastet dem til Jorden; han har vanhelliget Riget og dets Fyrster.
The Lord hath swallowed up unsparingly all the habitations of Jacob; He hath thrown down in His wrath the strongholds of the daughter of Judah; He hath brought them down to the ground; He hath profaned the kingdom and the princes thereof.
3 Han har afhugget hvert Horn i Israel i sin brændende Vrede, han har draget sin højre Haand tilbage over for Fjenden; og der brændte i Jakob som en Ildslue, den har fortæret trindt omkring.
He hath cut off in fierce anger all the horn of Israel; He hath drawn back His right hand from before the enemy; and He hath burned in Jacob like a flaming fire, which devoureth round about.
4 Han har spændt sin Bue som en Fjende, han har stillet sig med sin højre Haand som en Modstander og har ihjelslaget alle dem, som vare en Lyst for Øjnene; han udøste sin Harme i Zions Datters Paulun som en Ild.
He hath bent His bow like an enemy, standing with His right hand as an adversary, and hath slain all that were pleasant to the eye; in the tent of the daughter of Zion He hath poured out His fury like fire.
5 Herren er bleven som en Fjende, han har opslugt Israel, han har opslugt alle dens Paladser, ødelagt dens Befæstninger og voldet Judas Datter megen Sorg og Bedrøvelse.
The Lord is become as an enemy, He hath swallowed up Israel; He hath swallowed up all her palaces, He hath destroyed his strongholds; and He hath multiplied in the daughter of Judah mourning and moaning.
6 Og han har med Vold nedrevet sit Gærde som en Haves, forstyrret sin Festforsamling; Herren har ladet Festforsamling og Sabbat glemmes i Zion og foragtet Konge og Præst i sin Vredes Heftighed.
And He hath stripped His tabernacle, as if it were a garden, He hath destroyed His place of assembly; the LORD hath caused to be forgotten in Zion appointed season and sabbath, and hath rejected in the indignation of His anger the king and the priest.
7 Herren har forkastet sit Alter, ringeagtet sin Helligdom, overgivet dens Paladsers Mure i Fjendens Haand; man opløftede en Røst i Herrens Hus, som var det en Festforsamlings Dag.
The Lord hath cast off His altar, He hath abhorred His sanctuary, He hath given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces; they have made a noise in the house of the LORD, as in the day of a solemn assembly.
8 Herren har besluttet at ødelægge Zions Datters Mur, han har udstrakt en Maalesnor; han har ikke draget sin Haand tilbage fra Ødelæggelsen; og han lod Værn og Mur sørge; sammensunkne ligge de begge.
The LORD hath purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion; He hath stretched out the line, He hath not withdrawn His hand from destroying; but He hath made the rampart and wall to mourn, they languish together.
9 Hendes Porte sank i Jorden, han ødelagde og sønderbrød hendes Portstænger; hendes Konger og hendes Fyrster ere iblandt Hedningerne; der er ingen Lov, selv hendes Profeter finde ikke Syn fra Herren.
Her gates are sunk into the ground; He hath destroyed and broken her bars; her king and her princes are among the nations, instruction is no more; yea, her prophets find no vision from the LORD.
10 Zions Datters Ældste sidde paa Jorden, de ere tavse; de kastede Støv over deres Hoved, iførte sig Sæk; Jerusalems Jomfruer sænkede deres Hoved ned imod Jorden.
They sit upon the ground, and keep silence, the elders of the daughter of Zion; they have cast up dust upon their heads, they have girded themselves with sackcloth; the virgins of Jerusalem hang down their heads to the ground.
11 Mine Øjne forsmægte af Graad, mine Indvolde syde, min Lever er udgydt paa Jorden formedelst mit Folks Datters Ødelæggelse, idet de spæde og diende Børn vansmægte paa Stadens Gader.
Mine eyes do fail with tears, mine inwards burn, my liver is poured upon the earth, for the breach of the daughter of my people; because the young children and the sucklings swoon in the broad places of the city.
12 De sige til deres Mødre: Hvor er Korn og Vin? idet de vansmægte som saarede paa Stadens Gader, idet de udaande deres Sjæl i deres Moders Skød.
They say to their mothers: 'Where is corn and wine?' when they swoon as the wounded in the broad places of the city, when their soul is poured out into their mothers' bosom.
13 Hvad skal jeg vidne for dig, hvorved skal jeg ligne dig, Jerusalems Datter? hvad skal jeg agte dig lig, at jeg kan trøste dig, du Jomfru, Zions Datter? thi din Ødelæggelse er stor som Havet; hvo kan læge dig?
What shall I take to witness for thee? What shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? What shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? For thy breach is great like the sea; who can heal thee?
14 Dine Profeter havde tomme og daarlige Syner angaaende dig, og de aabenbarede ikke din Misgerning, saa at de afvendte dit Fangenskab; men deres Syner om dig vare tomme Spaadomme og Forførelse.
Thy prophets have seen visions for thee of vanity and delusion; and they have not uncovered thine iniquity, to bring back thy captivity; but have prophesied for thee burdens of vanity and seduction.
15 Alle de, som gaa forbi ad Vejen, klappe i Hænderne over dig, de spotte og ryste med deres Hoved over Jerusalems Datter: Er det den Stad, hvilken man sagde at være hel dejlig, al Jordens Glæde?
All that pass by clap their hands at thee; they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jerusalem: 'Is this the city that men called the perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth?'
16 Alle dine Fjender opspile deres Mund imod dig, de spotte og skære Tænder; de sige: Vi have opslugt den; dette er kun den Dag, som vi biede efter, vi have fundet, vi have set det.
All thine enemies have opened their mouth wide against thee; they hiss and gnash the teeth; they say: 'We have swallowed her up; certainly this is the day that we looked for; we have found, we have seen it.'
17 Herren har gjort det, som han havde besluttet, han har udført sit Ord, som han fra gamle Dage havde befalet, han har nedbrudt og ikke sparet; og han lod Fjenden glæde sig over dig, han ophøjede dine Modstanderes Horn.
The LORD hath done that which He devised; He hath performed His word that He commanded in the days of old; He hath thrown down unsparingly; and He hath caused the enemy to rejoice over thee, He hath exalted the horn of thine adversaries.
18 Deres Hjerte raabte til Herren: O Zions Datters Mur! lad Taarerne strømme ned som en Bæk Dag og Nat, giv dig ingen Hvile, lad din Øjesten ikke være rolig!
Their heart cried unto the Lord: 'O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night; give thyself no respite; let not the apple of thine eye cease.
19 Staa op, raab højt om Natten, med Begyndelsen af Nattevagterne, udøs dit Hjerte som Vand for Herrens Ansigt; opløft dine Hænder til ham for dine spæde Børns Liv; thi de vansmægte af Hunger paa alle Gadehjørner.
Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; pour out thy heart like water before the face of the Lord; lift up thy hands toward Him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger at the head of every street.'
20 Herre! se og sku, hvem du har handlet saaledes med; mon Kvinder skulle æde deres Livsfrugt, de spæde Børn, som man bærer paa Hænderne? mon Præst og Profet skulle ihjelslaas i Herrens Helligdom?
'See, O LORD, and consider, to whom Thou hast done thus! Shall the women eat their fruit, the children that are dandled in the hands? Shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord?
21 Der ligger paa Jorden i Gaderne ung og gammel, mine Jomfruer og mine unge Karle ere faldne for Sværdet; du ihjelslog paa din Vredes Dag, du slagtede, du sparede ikke.
The youth and the old man lie on the ground in the streets; my virgins and my young men are fallen by the sword; Thou hast slain them in the day of Thine anger; Thou hast slaughtered unsparingly.
22 Du kalder som til en Festforsamlings Dag Rædsler over mig trindt omkring fra, og der er ingen, som undkom eller blev tilovers paa Herrens Vredes Dag; dem, som jeg havde baaret paa Hænderne og opdraget, dem har min Fjende gjort Ende paa.
Thou hast called, as in the day of a solemn assembly, my terrors on every side, and there was none in the day of the LORD'S anger that escaped or remained; those that I have dandled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed.'

< Klagesangene 2 >