< Dommer 8 >

1 Og Mændene af Efraim sagde til ham: Hvad er det for en Ting, du har gjort os, at du ikke kaldte os, der du gik at stride imod Midianiterne? og de kivede stærkt med ham.
The men of Ephraim said to him, "Why have you done such a thing to us, not calling us when you went to fight with Midian?" And they argued with him fiercely.
2 Og han sagde til dem: Hvad har jeg nu gjort som I? er ikke Efraims Efterhøst bedre end Abiesers Vinhøst?
He said to them, "What have I now done in comparison with you? Isn't the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezer?
3 Gud har givet Midianiternes Fyrster, Oreb og Seeb, i eders Haand, og hvad formaar jeg at gøre som I? Der han havde sagt det Ord, da lod deres Vrede af fra ham.
God has delivered into your hand the princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb; and what was I able to do in comparison with you?" Then their anger subsided toward him, when he had said that.
4 Der Gideon kom til Jordanen, gik han over og de tre Hundrede Mænd, som vare med ham, trætte af at forfølge.
Gideon came to the Jordan, and passed over, he, and the three hundred men who were with him, exhausted and famished.
5 Og han sagde til Mændene i Sukot: Kære, giver det Folk, som er i Følge med mig, nogle Brød; thi de ere trætte, og jeg forfølger Seba og Zalmuna, Midianiternes Konger.
He said to the men of Succoth, "Please give loaves of bread to the people who follow me; for they are exhausted, and I am pursuing after Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian."
6 Men de Øverste i Sukot sagde: Er da Sebas og Zalmunas Haand nu i din Haand, at vi skulle give din Hær Brød?
The princes of Succoth said, "Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in your hand, that we should give bread to your army?"
7 Og Gideon sagde: Derfor naar Herren giver Seba og Zalmuna i min Haand, da vil jeg tærske eders Kød med Torne af Ørken og med Tidsler.
Gideon said, "Therefore when the LORD has delivered Zebah and Zalmunna into my hand, then I will thresh your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and with briers."
8 Og han drog derfra op til Pnuel og talede til dem paa samme Maade; og Mændene i Pnuel svarede ham, ligesom Mændene i Sukot svarede.
He went up there to Penuel, and spoke to them in like manner; and the men of Penuel answered him as the men of Succoth had answered.
9 Og han sagde ogsaa til Mændene i Pnuel saalunde: Naar jeg kommer tilbage med Fred, da vil jeg nedbryde dette Taarn.
He spoke also to the men of Penuel, saying, "When I come again in peace, I will break down this tower."
10 Men Seba og Zalmuna vare i Karkor og med dem deres Lejr ved femten Tusinde, som vare alle de overblevne af den ganske Lejr af Folkene i Østen; men der var falden hundrede og tyve Tusinde Mænd, som kunde drage Sværd.
Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in Karkor, and their armies with them, about fifteen thousand men, all who were left of all the army of the Kedemites; for there fell one hundred twenty thousand men who drew sword.
11 Og Gideon drog op ad deres Vej, som bo i Telte, Østen for Noba og Jogbea; og han slog den Lejr, thi Lejren var tryg.
And Gideon went up by the way of those who dwell in tents on the east of Nobah and Jogbehah, opposite Zebah, and struck the army, when the army was unsuspecting.
12 Og Seba og Zalmuna flyede, men han forfulgte dem; og han greb de to Midianiternes Konger, Seba og Zalmuna, og forfærdede den ganske Lejr.
Zebah and Zalmunna fled, and he pursued after them, and he took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and routed the entire army.
13 Men der Gideon, Joas's Søn, kom tilbage fra Krigen fra Opgangen til Heres,
Gideon the son of Joash returned from the battle from the ascent of Heres.
14 da greb han en ung Karl af Mændene i Sukot og adspurgte ham; og denne skrev op for ham de Øverste i Sukot og de Ældste sammesteds, halvfjerdsindstyve og syv Mænd.
He caught a young man of the men of Succoth, and inquired of him: and he described for him the officials of Succoth, and its elders, seventy-seven men.
15 Og han kom til Mændene i Sukot og sagde: Se, her er Seba og Zalmuna, med hvilke I forhaanede mig og sagde: Er da Sebas og Zalmunas Haand nu i din Haand, at vi skulle give dine Folk, som ere trætte, Brød?
He came to the men of Succoth, and said, "Look Zebah and Zalmunna, concerning whom you taunted me, saying, "Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in your hand, that we should give bread to your men who are weary?"
16 Og han tog de Ældste af Staden og Torne af Ørken og Tidsler og lod Folket i Sukot faa Forstand ved dem.
He took the elders of the city, and thorns of the wilderness and briers, and with them he threshed the men of Succoth.
17 Og Pnuels Taarn nedbrød han, og han ihjelslog Mændene i Staden.
He broke down the tower of Penuel, and killed the men of the city.
18 Og han sagde til Seba og til Zalmuna: Hvordan vare de Mænd, som I sloge ihjel ved Thabor? og de sagde: Som du, saa vare de, hver af dem saa ud som en Kongesøn.
Then he said to Zebah and Zalmunna, "What kind of men were they whom you killed at Tabor?" They answered, "As you are, so were they; each one resembled the son of a king."
19 Og han sagde: De vare mine Brødre, min Moders Sønner: Saa vist som Herren lever, dersom I havde ladet dem leve, da vilde jeg ikke slaget eder ihjel.
He said, "They were my brothers, the sons of my mother. As the LORD lives, if you had saved them alive, I would not kill you."
20 Og han sagde til Jether, sin førstefødte: Staa op, slaa dem ihjel; men Drengen drog ikke sit Sværd ud, thi han frygtede, efterdi han var endnu en Dreng.
He said to Jether his firstborn, "Get up, and kill them." But the youth did not draw his sword; for he feared, because he was yet a youth.
21 Men Seba og Zalmuna sagde: Staa du op og fald an paa os, thi som Manden er, saa er hans Styrke; saa stod Gideon op og slog Seba og Zalmuna ihjel og toge de Halvmaaner, som vare paa deres Kamelers Halse.
Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, "Rise up yourself, and kill us, for a man is judged by his strength." Gideon arose, and killed Zebah and Zalmunna, and took the crescent ornaments that were on their camels' necks.
22 Da sagde hver Mand i Israel til Gideon: Hersk over os, baade du og saa din Søn, saa og din Søns Søn, efterdi du har frelst os af Midianiternes Haand.
Then the men of Israel said to Gideon, "Rule over us, both you, and your son, and your son's son also; for you have saved us out of the hand of Midian."
23 Og Gideon sagde til dem: Jeg vil ikke herske over eder; og min Søn skal ikke herske over eder; Herren skal herske over eder.
Gideon said to them, "I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you: the LORD shall rule over you."
24 Og Gideon sagde til dem: Jeg har en Begæring til eder: Hver give mig dog en Bing af hans Bytte; thi hine havde Guldringe, eftersom de vare Ismaeliter.
Gideon said to them, "I would make a request of you, that you would give me every man the earrings from his plunder." (For they had golden earrings, because they were Ishmaelites.)
25 Og de sagde: Vi ville gerne give, og de bredte et Klæde ud; og de kastede hver en Bing af sit Bytte derpaa.
They answered, "We will willingly give them." They spread a garment, and every one of them threw an earring from his plunder.
26 Og Vægten af de Guldringe, som han begærede, var tusinde og syv Hundrede Sekel Guld, foruden de Halvmaaner og de Halskæder og de Purpurklæder, som Midianiternes Konger havde paa sig, og foruden de Kæder, som vare om deres Kamelers Halse.
The weight of the golden earrings that he requested was one thousand and seven hundred pieces of gold, besides the crescents, and the pendants, and the purple clothing that was on the kings of Midian, and besides the chains that were about their camels' necks.
27 Og Gideon anvendte det til en Livkjortel og henlagde den i sin Stad udi Ofra, og al Israel bolede med den; og det blev Gideon og hans Hus til en Snare.
Gideon made an ephod of it, and put it in his city, even in Ophrah: and all Israel prostituted themselves after it there; and it became a snare to Gideon, and to his house.
28 Saa bleve Midianiterne ydmygede for Israels Børn og bleve ikke ved at opløfte deres Hoved, og Landet havde Bo fyrretyve Aar i Gideons Dage.
So Midian was subdued before the children of Israel, and did not become a threat again. The land had rest forty years in the days of Gideon.
29 Og Jerub-Baal, Joas's Søn, gik bort og boede i sit Hus.
Jerubbaal the son of Joash went and lived in his own house.
30 Og Gideon havde halvfjerdsindstyve Sønner, som vare udkomne af hans Lænd; thi han havde mange Hustruer.
Gideon had seventy sons conceived from his body; for he had many wives.
31 Og hans Medhustru, som var i Sikem, fødte ham ogsaa en Søn; og han gav ham Navnet Abimelek.
His secondary wife who was in Shechem, she also bore him a son, and he named him Abimelech.
32 Og Gideon, Joas's Søn, døde i en god Alderdom, og han blev begraven udi sin Faders, Abiesriteren Joas's, Grav i Ofra.
Gideon the son of Joash died in a good old age, and was buried in the tomb of Joash his father, in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.
33 Og det skete, der Gideon var død, da vendte Israels Børn om og bolede med Baalerne; og de gjorde sig Baal-Berith til en Gud.
It happened, as soon as Gideon was dead, that the children of Israel turned again, and played the prostitute after the Baals, and made Baal Berith their god.
34 Og Israels Børn kom ikke Herren, deres Gud, i Hu, som havde friet dem af alle deres Fjenders Haand trindt omkring.
The children of Israel did not remember the LORD their God, who had delivered them out of the hand of all their enemies on every side;
35 Og de viste ikke Kærlighed mod Jerub-Baals, det er Gideons Hus, efter alt det gode, som han havde gjort mod Israel.
neither did they show kindness to the house of Jerubbaal, who is Gideon, according to all the goodness which he had shown to Israel.

< Dommer 8 >