< Dommer 4 >

1 Og Israels Børn bleve ved at gøre ondt for Herrens Øjne, der Ehud var død.
After Ehud died, the people of Israel once again did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh.
2 Og Herren solgte dem i Jabins, Kanaans Konges, Haand, som regerede i Hazor; og Sisera var hans Stridshøvedsmand, og han boede i Haroseth Hagojim.
Yahweh sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan who reigned in Hazor. The commander of his army was named Sisera, and he lived in Harosheth Haggoyim.
3 Og Israels Børn raabte til Herren; thi han havde ni Hundrede Jernvogne, og han havde undertrykt Israels Børn med Magt tyve Aar.
The people of Israel called out to Yahweh for help, because Sisera had nine hundred iron chariots and he oppressed the people of Israel with force for twenty years.
4 Og Debora, en Kvinde, en Profetinde, Lapidoths Hustru, dømte Israel paa den samme Tid.
Now Deborah, a prophetess (the wife of Lappidoth), was a leading judge in Israel at that time.
5 Og hun boede under Deboras Palmetræ, imellem Rama og Bethel, paa Efraims Bjerg; og Israels Børn gik op til hende for Retten.
She used to sit under the palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the people of Israel came to her to settle their disputes.
6 Og hun sendte hen og lod kalde Barak, Abinoams Søn, af Kedes i Nafthali, og hun sagde til ham: Har ikke Herren Israels Gud budet: Gak og saml Folk paa Thabors Bjerg, og tag ti Tusinde Mænd med dig af Nafthali Børn og af Sebulons Børn.
She sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali. She said to him, “Yahweh, the God of Israel, commands you, 'Go to Mount Tabor, and take with you ten thousand men from Naphtali and Zebulun.
7 Og jeg vil drage Sisera, Jabins Stridshøvedsmand, til dig, til Bækken Kison, og hans Vogne og hans Hob; og jeg vil give ham i din Haand.
I will draw out Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, to meet you by the Kishon River, with his chariots and his army, and I will give you victory over him.'”
8 Og Barak sagde til hende: Dersom du vil gaa med mig, da vil jeg gaa; men dersom du ikke vil gaa med mig, vil jeg ikke gaa.
Barak said to her, “If you go with me, I will go, but if you do not go with me, I will not go.”
9 Og hun sagde: Jeg vil visseligen gaa med dig; men du vil dog ikke faa Æren paa den Vej, som du gaar paa, thi Herren skal sælge Sisera i en Kvindes Haand; saa gjorde Debora sig rede og gik med Barak til Kedes.
She said, “I will certainly go with you. However, the road on which you are going will not lead to your honor, for Yahweh will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.” Then Deborah got up and went with Barak to Kedesh.
10 Da kaldte Barak Sebulon og Nafthali sammen til Kedes; og der drog op efter ham ti Tusinde Mænd, og Debora drog op med ham.
Barak called for the men of Zebulun and Naphtali to come together at Kedesh. Ten thousand men followed him, and Deborah went along with him.
11 Og Keniteren Heber havde skilt sig fra Keniterne, Hobabs, Mose Svigerfaders, Børn; og han slog sit Telt op indtil Lunden i Zaannaim, som er ved Kedes.
Now Heber (the Kenite) had separated himself from the Kenites—they were the descendants of Hobab (Moses' father-in-law)—and he pitched his tent by the oak in Zaanannim near Kedesh.
12 Da gave de Sisera til Kende, at Barak, Abinoams Søn, var dragen op paa Bjerget Thabor.
When they told Sisera that Barak son of Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor,
13 Og Sisera sammenkaldte alle sine Vogne, ni Hundrede Jernvogne, og alt Folket, som var med ham, fra Haroseth Hagojim til Bækken Kison.
Sisera called out all his chariots, nine hundred iron chariots, and all the soldiers who were with him, from Harosheth Haggoyim to the Kishon River.
14 Og Debora sagde til Barak: Staa op, thi dette er den Dag, paa hvilken Herren har givet Sisera i din Haand; er Herren ikke dragen ud for dit Ansigt? Saa drog Barak ned af Bjerget Thabor, og de ti Tusinde Mænd efter ham.
Deborah said to Barak, “Go! For this is the day in which Yahweh has given you victory over Sisera. Is not Yahweh leading you?” So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men following him.
15 Da forfærdede Herren Sisera og alle Vognene og al Hæren ved skarpe Sværd for Baraks Ansigt; og Sisera steg af Vognen og flyede til Fods.
Yahweh confused Sisera and all his chariots and all his army with the edge of the sword. And Sisera got down from his chariot and ran away on foot.
16 Men Barak forfulgte Vognene og Hæren indtil Haroseth Hagojim; og hele Siseras Lejr faldt for skarpe Sværd, der blev end ikke een tilovers.
But Barak pursued the chariots and the army to Harosheth Haggoyim, and the whole army of Sisera was killed by the edge of the sword, and not a man survived.
17 Men Sisera flyede til Fods til Jaels, Keniteren Hebers Hustrus, Telt, thi der var Fred imellem Jabin, Kongen af Hazor, og imellem Keniteren Hebers Hus.
But Sisera ran away on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, for there was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor and the family of Heber the Kenite.
18 Da gik Jael ud imod Sisera og sagde til ham: Tag ind, min Herre! tag ind til mig, frygt ikke; og han tog ind til hende i Teltet, og hun dækkede ham til med et By.
Jael went out to meet Sisera and said to him, “Turn aside, my master; turn aside to me and do not be afraid.” So he turned aside to her and came into her tent, and she covered him with a blanket.
19 Og han sagde til hende: Kære, giv mig lidt Vand at drikke, thi jeg tørster; da aabnede hun en Mælkeflaske og lod ham drikke og dækkede ham til.
He said to her, “Please give me a little water to drink, for I am thirsty.” She opened a leather bag of milk and gave him drink, and then she covered him up again.
20 Og han sagde til hende: Stil dig ved Døren af Teltet, og sker det, at der kommer nogen og spørger dig og siger: Er her nogen? da skal du sige: Her er ingen.
He said to her, “Stand at the opening of the tent. If someone comes and asks you, 'Is anyone here?', say 'No'.”
21 Da tog Jael, Hebers Hustru, en Teltnagel og tog en Hammer i sin Haand og gik ind til ham sagteligen og slog Naglen igennem hans Tinding, at den gik ned i Jorden (thi han sov haardt og var træt), og han døde.
Then Jael (the wife of Heber) took a tent peg and a hammer in her hand and went in secretly to him, for he was in a deep sleep, and she hammered the tent peg into the side of his head until it went down into the ground, and he died.
22 Og se, der Barak forfulgte Sisera, da gik Jael ud imod ham og sagde til ham: Kom, saa vil jeg vise dig den Mand, som du søger efter; og han kom ind til hende, og se, Sisera laa der og var død, og Naglen sad i hans Tinding.
As Barak was pursuing Sisera, Jael want out to meet him and said to him, “Come, I will show you the man you are looking for.” So he went in with her, and there lay Sisera dead, with the tent peg in the side of his head.
23 Saa ydmygede Gud paa den Dag Jabin, Kanaans Konge, for Israels Børns Ansigt.
So on that day God defeated Jabin, the king of Canaan, before the people of Israel.
24 Og Israels Børns Haand fik Fremgang og blev haard over Jabin, Kanaans Konge, indtil de fik Jabin, Kanaans Konge, udryddet.
The might of the people of Israel grew stronger and stronger against Jabin the king of Canaan, until they destroyed him.

< Dommer 4 >