< Jonas 3 >

1 Og Herrens Ord kom anden Gang til Jonas saaledes:
And it came [the] word of Yahweh to Jonah a second [time] saying.
2 Gør dig rede, gak til Ninive, den store Stad, og udraab for den den Prædiken, som jeg paalægger dig.
Arise go to Nineveh the city great and call out against it the proclamation which I [am] speaking to you.
3 Og Jonas gjorde sig rede og gik til Ninive efter Herrens Ord, og Ninive var en stor Stad for Gud, en tre Dages Gang.
And he arose Jonah and he went to Nineveh according to [the] word of Yahweh and Nineveh it was a city great to God a journey of three days.
4 Og Jonas begyndte at gaa ind i Staden een Dags Gang, og han raabte og sagde: Der er endnu fyrretyve Dage, saa skal Ninive omstyrtes.
And he began Jonah to go in the city a journey of a day one and he proclaimed and he said yet forty day[s] and Nineveh [is] about to be overturned.
5 Da troede Mændene i Ninive paa Gud, og de udraabte en Faste og klædte sig i Sæk, baade store og smaa iblandt dem.
And they believed [the] people of Nineveh in God and they proclaimed a fast and they wore sackcloth from great their and unto insignificant their.
6 Der Ordet kom for Kongen af Ninive, da stod han op fra sin Trone og aflagde sin herlige Kappe og bedækkede sig med Sæk og sad i Aske.
And it reached the word to [the] king of Nineveh and he arose from throne his and he took off cloak his from on him and he covered sackcloth and he sat on ash[es].
7 Og han lod udraabe og sige i Ninive: Paa Kongens og hans Stormænds Befaling, som følger: Hverken Menneske eller Dyr, hverken Øksne eller Faar maa smage noget, de maa ikke græsse og ikke drikke Vand.
And he had a proclamation made and he said in Nineveh from [the] decree of the king and great [people] his saying the people and the livestock the cattle and the flock[s] may not they taste anything may not they graze and water may not they drink.
8 Men de skulle bedækkes med Sæk, baade Mennesker og Dyr, og raabe hart til Gud; og de skulle omvende sig, hver fra sin onde Vej og fra den Uret, som hænger ved deres Hænder.
And they may cover themselves sackcloth the people and the livestock and let them call out to God with strength and let them turn back everyone from way his evil and from the violence which [is] in palms their.
9 Hvo ved? Gud kunde vende om og angre det og vende om fra sin brændende Vrede, at vi ikke forgaa.
Who? [is] knowing he will turn and he will relent God and he will turn back from [the] burning of anger his and not we will perish.
10 Og Gud saa deres Gerninger, at de omvendte sig fra deres onde Vej; og Gud angrede det onde, som han havde talt om at ville gøre dem, og han gjorde det ikke.
And he saw God deeds their that they turned back from way their evil and he relented God on the evil which he had said to do to them and not he did [it].

< Jonas 3 >