< Johannes 2 >

1 Og paa den tredje Dag var der et Bryllup i Kana i Galilæa; og Jesu Moder var der.
And on the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there.
2 Men ogsaa Jesus og hans Disciple bleve budne til Brylluppet.
And both Jesus and his disciples were invited to the marriage.
3 Og da Vinen slap op, siger Jesu Moder til ham: „De have ikke Vin.”
And the wine having failed, the mother of Jesus said to him: They have no wine.
4 Jesus siger til hende: „Kvinde! hvad vil du mig? min Time er endnu ikke kommen.”
Jesus said to her: Woman, what have I to do with you? my hour has not yet come.
5 Hans Moder siger til Tjenerne: „Hvad som han siger eder, det skulle I gøre.”
His mother said to the servants: Whatever he says to you, do.
6 Men der var der efter Jødernes Renselsesskik fremsat seks Vandkar af Sten, som rummede hvert to eller tre Spande.
Now, according to the Jewish custom of purifying, six water-pots of stone had been set there, containing each two or three baths.
7 Jesus siger til dem: „Fylder Vandkarrene med Vand;” og de fyldte dem indtil det øverste.
Jesus said to them: Fill the water-pots with water. And they filled them to the brim.
8 Og han siger til dem: „Øser nu og bærer til Køgemesteren;” og de bare det til ham.
And he said to them: Draw out now, and carry it to the governor of the feast. And they carried it.
9 Men da Køgemesteren smagte Vandet, som var blevet Vin, og ikke vidste, hvorfra det kom (men Tjenerne, som havde øst Vandet, vidste det), kalder Køgemesteren paa Brudgommen og siger til ham:
When the governor of the feast had tasted the water that had been made wine, (and he knew not whence it was, but the servants that had drawn the water knew, ) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, and said to him:
10 „Hvert Menneske sætter først den gode Vin frem, og naar de ere blevne drukne, da den ringere; du har gemt den gode Vin indtil nu.”
Every man sets out the good wine first, and when they have drunk freely, then that which is inferior; but you have kept the good wino till now.
11 Denne Begyndelse paa sine Tegn gjorde Jesus i Kana i Galilæa, og han aabenbarede sin Herlighed; og hans Disciple troede paa ham.
This beginning of signs Jesus made in Cana of Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed on him.
12 Derefter drog han ned til Kapernaum, han og hans Moder og hans Brødre og hans Disciple, og de bleve der ikke mange Dage.
After this he went down to Capernaum, he and his mother and his brothers and his disciples. And they continued there not many days.
13 Og Jødernes Paaske var nær, og Jesus drog op til Jerusalem.
And the passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
14 Og han fandt siddende i Helligdommen dem, som solgte Okser og Faar og Duer, og Vekselererne.
And he found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money-changers sitting.
15 Og han gjorde en Svøbe af Reb og drev dem alle ud af Helligdommen, baade Faarene og Okserne, og han spredte Vekselerernes Smaapenge og væltede Bordene.
And when he had made a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, the sheep also, and the oxen, and he poured out the money of the money-changers, and overthrew their tables;
16 Og han sagde til dem, som solgte Duer: „Tager dette bort herfra; gører ikke min Faders Hus til en Købmandsbod!”
and said to those who sold doves: Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise.
17 Hans Disciple kom i Hu, at der er skrevet: „Nidkærheden for dit Hus vil fortære mig.”
And his disciples remembered that it was written, Zeal for thy house has eaten me up.
18 Da svarede Jøderne og sagde til ham: „Hvad viser du os for et Tegn, efterdi du gør dette?”
Then answered the Jews and said to him: What sign do you show us, seeing that you do these things?
19 Jesus svarede og sagde til dem: „Nedbryder dette Tempel, og i tre Dage vil jeg oprejse det.”
Jesus answered and said to them: Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days.
20 Da sagde Jøderne: „I seks og fyrretyve Aar er der bygget paa dette Tempel, og du vil oprejse det i tre Dage?”
Then the Jews said to him: Forty and six years was this temple in building, and will you rebuild it in three days?
21 Men han talte om sit Legemes Tempel.
But he spoke of the temple of his body.
22 Da han saa var oprejst fra de døde, kom hans Disciple i Hu, at han havde sagt dette; og de troede Skriften og det Ord, som Jesus havde sagt.
When, therefore, he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this. And they believed the scripture, and the word that Jesus had spoken.
23 Men da han var i Jerusalem i Paasken paa Højtiden, troede mange paa hans Navn, da de saa hans Tegn, som han gjorde.
And while he was in Jerusalem, during the feast of passover, many believed on his name, because they saw the signs that he did.
24 Men Jesus selv betroede sig ikke til dem, fordi han kendte alle,
But Jesus did not trust himself to them, because he knew all men,
25 og fordi han ikke havde nødig, at nogen skulde vidne om Mennesket; thi han vidste selv, hvad der var i Mennesket.
and had no need that any one should testify of man, for he himself knew what was in man.

< Johannes 2 >