< Johannes 19 >
1 Nu tog da Pilatus Jesus og lod ham hudstryge.
Then Pilatos scourged Jeshu.
2 Og Stridsmændene flettede en Krone af Torne og satte den paa hans Hoved og kastede en Purpurkappe om ham, og de gik hen til ham og sagde:
And the soldiers entwined a crown of thorns, and set it on his head; and they covered him with robes of purple,
3 „Hil være dig, du Jødernes Konge!” og de sloge ham i Ansigtet.
and said, Hail to thee, King of the Jihudoyee! and struck him upon his cheeks.
4 Og Pilatus gik atter ud, og han siger til dem: „Se, jeg fører ham ud til eder, for at I skulle vide, at jeg finder ingen Skyld hos ham.”
And Pilatos came again forth, and said to them, Behold, I bring him to you forth, that you may know that I find nothing against him, nor one cause (of death).
5 Da gik Jesus ud med Tornekronen og Purpurkappen paa. Og han siger til dem: „Se, hvilket Menneske!”
AND Jeshu came forth, having on him the crown of thorns and the robes of purple. And Pilatos said to them, Behold the man!
6 Da nu Ypperstepræsterne og Svendene saa ham, raabte de og sagde: „Korsfæst! korsfæst!” Pilatus siger til dem: „Tager I ham og korsfæster ham; thi jeg finder ikke Skyld hos ham.”
But when the chief priests and officials saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify him, crucify him! Pilatos saith to them, Take you him and crucify him; for I find in him no cause.
7 Jøderne svarede ham: „Vi have en Lov, og efter denne Lov er han skyldig at dø, fordi han har gjort sig selv til Guds Søn.”
The Jihudoyee say to him, We have a law, and, according to our law, he is guilty of death, because he made himself the son of Aloha.
8 Da Pilatus nu hørte dette Ord, blev han endnu mere bange.
When Pilatos heard that word, he the more feared.
9 Og han gik ind igen i Borgen og siger til Jesus: „Hvorfra er du?” Men Jesus gav ham intet Svar.
And he entered again the praetorium, and said to Jeshu, Whence art thou? But Jeshu gave him no answer.
10 Pilatus siger da til ham: „Taler du ikke til mig? Ved du ikke, at jeg har Magt til at løslade dig, og at jeg har Magt til at korsfæste dig?”
Pilatos saith to him, With me speakest thou not? Knowest thou not that I have power to release thee, and power to crucify thee?
11 Jesus svarede: „Du havde aldeles ingen Magt over mig, dersom den ikke var given dig ovenfra; derfor har den, som overgav mig til dig, større Synd.”
Jeshu saith to him, Thou against ME hast no power, no not any, unless it hath been given to thee from above: wherefore he who delivered me to thee hath a sin greater than thine.
12 Derefter forsøgte Pilatus at løslade ham. Men Jøderne raabte og sagde: „Dersom du løslader denne, er du ikke Kejserens Ven. Hver den, som gør sig selv til Konge, sætter sig op imod Kejseren.”
On this account Pilatos willed to release him: but the Jihudoyee cried out, If this (man) thou releasest, thou art not the friend of Cesar: for whosoever maketh himself a king is the adversary of Cesar.
13 Da Pilatus hørte disse Ord, førte han Jesus ud og satte sig paa Dommersædet, paa det Sted, som kaldes Stenlagt, men paa Hebraisk Gabbatha;
But when Pilatos heard that word, he brought Jeshu without, and sat down upon the tribunal in the place which is called the Pavement of Stones, but in Hebrew it is called Gaphiphtha.
14 men det var Beredelsens Dag i Paasken, ved den sjette Time. Og han siger til Jøderne: „Se, eders Konge!”
And it was the preparation for the petscha. AND it was about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jihudoyee, Behold your king!
15 De raabte nu: „Bort, bort med ham! korsfæst ham!” Pilatus siger til dem: „Skal jeg korsfæste eders Konge?” Ypperstepræsterne svarede: „Vi have ingen Konge uden Kejseren.”
But they cried out, Take him away, take him away! crucify him, crucify him! Pilatos saith to them, Your king shall I crucify? The chief priests say to him, We have no king but Cesar.
16 Saa overgav han ham da til dem til at korsfæstes. De toge nu Jesus;
Then delivered he him to them, that they might crucify him.
17 og han bar selv sit Kors og gik ud til det saakaldte „Hovedskalsted”, som hedder paa Hebraisk Golgatha,
And they took Jeshu, and led him forth, bearing his cross to a place which is called A Skull, but in Hebrew is Gogultha:
18 hvor de korsfæstede ham og to andre med ham, en paa hver Side, men Jesus midt imellem.
there they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, and Jeshu in the midst.
19 Men Pilatus havde ogsaa skrevet en Overskrift og sat den paa Korset. Men der var skrevet: „Jesus af Nazareth, Jødernes Konge.”
And a tablet also wrote Pilatos, and set it on the cross; and it was thus written, This is Jeshu Natsroya, King of the Jihudoyee.
20 Denne Overskrift læste da mange af Jøderne; thi det Sted, hvor Jesus blev korsfæstet, var nær ved Staden; og den var skreven paa Hebraisk, Latin og Græsk.
And this title many of the Jihudoyee read; for nigh to the city was the place where Jeshu was crucified; and the writing was in Hebrew and Greek and Roman.
21 Da sagde Jødernes Ypperstepræster til Pilatus: „Skriv ikke: Jødernes Konge, men: Han sagde: Jeg er Jødernes Konge.”
And the chief priests said to Pilatos, Do not write that he is king of the Jihudoyee, but that he said, I am the king of the Jihudoyee.
22 Pilatus svarede: „Hvad jeg skrev, det skrev jeg.”
Pilatos saith, That which I have written, I have written.
23 Da nu Stridsmændene havde korsfæstet Jesus, toge de hans Klæder og gjorde fire Dele, een Del for hver Stridsmand, og ligeledes Kjortelen; men Kjortelen var usyet, vævet fra øverst helt igennem.
BUT the soldiers, when they had crucified Jeshu, took his vestments and made four parts, a part unto each one of the soldiers: but his tunic was without seam, from the top woven all of it.
24 Da sagde de til hverandre: „Lader os ikke sønderskære den, men kaste Lod om den, hvis den skal være;” for at Skriften skulde opfyldes, som siger: „De delte mine Klæder imellem sig og kastede Lod om mit Klædebon.” Dette gjorde da Stridsmændene.
And they said one to another, Let us not rend it, but play for it by playing, (to decide) whose it shall be: and fulfilled was the scripture which had said,
25 Men ved Jesu Kors stod hans Moder og hans Moders Søster, Maria, Klopas's Hustru, og Maria Magdalene.
They divided my garments among them, And upon my raiment did they cast the lot. These things did the soldiers. But there stood by the cross of Jeshu his mother, and the sister of his mother, and Mariam, she who was (the wife) of Cleopha, and Mariam Magdalitha.
26 Da Jesus nu saa sin Moder og den Discipel, han elskede, staa hos, siger han til sin Moder: „Kvinde! se, det er din Søn.”
Jeshu seeth his mother, and that disciple whom he loved, standing; and he said to his mother, Woman, behold thy son!
27 Derefter siger han til Discipelen: „Se, det er din Moder.” Og fra den Time tog Discipelen hende hjem til sit.
and he said to that disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple received her to be with him.
28 Derefter, da Jesus vidste, at alting nu var fuldbragt, for at Skriften skulde opfyldes, siger han: „Jeg tørster.”
After these Jeshu knew that every thing would be accomplished, and, that the scripture might be fulfilled, said, I thirst.
29 Der stod et Kar fuldt af Eddike; de satte da en Svamp fuld af Eddike paa en Isopstængel og holdt den til hans Mund.
And a vessel was set (there) filled with vinegar: then they filled a sponge from the vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and offered it to his mouth.
30 Da nu Jesus havde taget Eddiken, sagde han: „Det er fuldbragt;” og han bøjede Hovedet og opgav Aanden.
And when Jeshu had taken the vinegar, he said, Behold, it is finished! And he bowed his head, and delivered up his spirit.
31 Da det nu var Beredelsesdag, bade Jøderne Pilatus om, at Benene maatte blive knuste og Legemerne nedtagne, for at de ikke skulde blive paa Korset Sabbaten over; thi denne Sabbatsdag var stor.
THE Jihudoyee, because it was the preparation, said, Let not these bodies remain-all-night upon the cross, because the shabath has lighted: for a great day was the day of that shabath. And they besought of Pilatos that they should break the legs of those (who had been) crucified, and take them down.
32 Da kom Stridsmændene og knuste Benene paa den første og paa den anden, som vare korsfæstede med ham.
And the soldiers came, and brake the legs of the first, and of that other who was crucified with him;
33 Men da de kom til Jesus og saa, at han allerede var død, knuste de ikke hans Ben.
but when they came unto Jeshu, they saw that he was dead already, and they brake not his legs.
34 Men en af Stridsmændene stak ham i Siden med et Spyd, og straks flød der Blod og Vand ud.
But one of the soldiers struck him in his side with the lance, and forthwith there came out blood and water.
35 Og den, der har set det, har vidnet det, og hans Vidnesbyrd er sandt, og han ved, at han siger sandt, for at ogsaa I skulle tro.
And he who SAW testifieth, and the truth is his testimony; and he knoweth that the truth he hath said, that you also may believe.
36 Thi disse Ting skete, for at Skriften skulde opfyldes: „Intet Ben skal sønderbrydes derpaa.”
For these things were done, that the scripture might be fulfilled, which said, that A bone shall not be broken in him.
37 Og atter et andet Skriftord siger: „De skulle se hen til ham, hvem de have gennemstunget.”
And again another scripture which said, They shall look upon him whom they pierced.
38 Men Josef fra Arimathæa, som var en Jesu Discipel, dog lønligt, af Frygt for Jøderne, bad derefter Pilatus om, at han maatte tage Jesu Legeme, og Pilatus tillod det. Da kom han og tog Jesu Legeme.
After these Jauseph, he who was of Rometha, begged of Pilatos, for he was a disciple of Jeshu, but secretly for fear of the Jihudoyee, that he might take the body of Jeshu: and Pilatos permitted. And he came and took the body of Jeshu.
39 Men ogsaa Nikodemus, som første Gang var kommen til Jesus om Natten, kom og bragte en Blanding af Myrra og Aloe, omtrent hundrede Pund.
And Nikodimos also came, he who at first had come to Jeshu by night, and he brought with him a condiment of myrrh and aloes, as a hundred lithreen.
40 De toge da Jesu Legeme og bandt det i Linklæder med de vellugtende Urter, som Jødernes Skik er at fly Lig til Jorde.
And they took the body of Jeshu, and wrapped it in cloths and in balsams, as is the manner of the Jihudoyee to bury.
41 Men der var paa det Sted, hvor han blev korsfæstet, en Have, og i Haven en ny Grav, hvori endnu aldrig nogen var lagt.
Now in that place where Jeshu was crucified was a garden, and in the garden a new sepulchre where one yet had not been laid.
42 Der lagde de da Jesus, for Jødernes Beredelsesdags Skyld, efterdi Graven var nær.
And they laid there Jeshu, because the shabath was coming in and the sepulchre was near.