< Job 8 >
1 Da svarede Bildad, Sukiten, og sagde:
Then Baldad the Sauchite answered, and said,
2 Hvor længe vil du tale disse Ting, og hvor længe skal din Munds Taler være et mægtigt Vejr?
How long will you speak these things, [how long shall] the breath of your mouth [be] abundant in words?
3 Mon Gud skulde forvende Retten, og mon den Almægtige skulde forvende Retfærdighed?
Will the Lord be unjust when he judges; or will he that has made all things pervert justice?
4 Dersom dine Sønner have syndet imod ham, da har han givet dem hen i deres Overtrædelsers Vold.
If your sons have sinned before him, he has cast them away because of their transgression.
5 Men vil du søge hen til Gud og bede den Almægtige om Naade,
But be you early in prayer to the Lord Almighty.
6 og er du ren og oprigtig, da skal han vaage over dig og gøre, at din Retfærdigheds Bolig skal have Fred.
If you are pure and true, he will listen to your supplication, and will restore to you the habitation of righteousness.
7 Og var dit første lidet, saa skal dit sidste blive saare stort.
Though then your beginning should be small, yet your end should be unspeakably great.
8 Thi, kære, spørg den henfarne Slægt og agt paa det, som deres Fædre have udgrundet;
For ask of the former generation, and search diligently amongst the race of [our] fathers:
9 — thi vi ere fra i Gaar og vide intet; thi en Skygge ere vore Dage paa Jorden; —
(for we are of yesterday, and know nothing; for our life upon the earth is a shadow: )
10 skulle de ikke belære dig, ja sige dig det, og fremføre Ord ud af deres Hjerte?
shall not these teach you, and report [to you], and bring out words from [their] heart?
11 Kan et Siv opvokse uden af Sump? kan Enggræs gro op uden Vand?
Does the rush flourish without water, or shall the flag grow up without moisture?
12 Endnu staar det i sin Grøde, det rykkes ikke op; men før alt andet Græs borttørres det.
When it is yet on the root, and [though] it has not been cut down, does not any herb wither before it has received moisture?
13 Saa ere alle deres Veje, som glemme Gud; og den vanhelliges Haab slaar fejl.
Thus then shall be the end of all that forget the Lord: for the hope of the ungodly shall perish.
14 Thi hans Haab skal briste, og hans Tillid er som en Spindelvæv.
For his house shall be without inhabitants, and his tent shall prove a spider's web.
15 Han forlader sig fast paa sit Hus, men det skal ikke blive staaende; han holder sig til det, men det skal ikke staa fast.
If he should prop up his house, it shall not stand: and when he has taken hold of it, it shall not remain.
16 Han skyder frodigt op for Solen; og hans unge Skud brede sig ud over hans Have.
For it is moist under the sun, and his branch shall come forth out of his dung-heap.
17 Hans Rødder gro i hverandre om Stendyngen; han skuer op imod Stenhuset.
He lies down upon a gathering of stones, and shall live in the mist of flints.
18 Men oprykkes han fra sit Sted, da skal dette fornægte ham og sige: Jeg har ikke set dig.
If [God] should destroy [him], his place shall deny him. Hast you not seen such things,
19 Se, det er Glæden af hans Vej, og en anden vokser frem af Støvet.
that such is the overthrow of the ungodly? and out of the earth another shall grow.
20 Se, Gud forkaster ikke den retsindige og holder ikke fast ved de ondes Haand.
For the Lord will by no means reject the harmless man; but he will not receive any gift of the ungodly.
21 Endnu skal han fylde din Mund med Latter og dine Læber med Frydeskrig.
But he will fill with laughter the mouth of the sincere, and their lips with thanksgiving.
22 De, som hade dig, skulle klædes med Skam, og de ugudeliges Telt skal ikke mere findes.
But their adversaries shall clothe themselves with shame; and the habitation of the ungodly shall perish.