< Job 5 >

1 Raab, kære, om der er nogen, som svarer dig? og til hvem af de hellige vil du vende Ansigtet?
Call if you want, but who is going to answer you? Which angel are you going to turn to?
2 Thi Fortørnelse slaar en Daare ihjel, og Nidkærhed dræber den taabelige.
Surely anger slays the fool and jealousy kills the simple.
3 Jeg saa en Daare rodfæstet, og jeg forbandede hans Bolig hastelig.
I have seen a fool growing strong, but I immediately cursed his house.
4 Hans Børn vare langt fra Frelse og nedtraadtes i Porten, og der var ingen, som reddede dem.
His sons are never safe; they are crushed in court with no one to defend them.
5 Den hungrige opaad hans Høst og hentede den endog fra Tjørnehegnet, og Røverne opslugte hans Formue.
The hungry eat everything he has harvested, taking even that protected by a thorn hedge, while others look to steal his wealth.
6 Thi Uretfærdighed skyder ikke frem af Støvet, og Møje vokser ikke op af Jorden;
For evil doesn't come from the dust; neither does trouble grow from the earth.
7 men et Menneske bliver født til Møje, ligesom Gnister maa flyve højt op.
But human beings are born for trouble just as certainly as sparks from a fire fly upwards.
8 Dog jeg vilde søge hen til Gud, og til Gud vilde jeg rette min Tale;
If it were me, I would go to God and put my case before him.
9 til ham, som gør store Ting, hvilke man ikke kan ransage, underlige Ting, saa der er intet Tal paa dem;
He is the one who does amazing, incredible things; miracles that can't be counted!
10 ham, som giver Regn paa Jorden og lader Vand komme paa Markerne;
He gives rain to the earth and sends water to the fields.
11 for at sætte de ringe højt op, og at de sørgende ophøjes ved Frelse;
He exalts the humble, and rescues those who mourn.
12 ham, som gør de træskes Anslag til intet, at deres Hænder ikke kunne udføre Sagen;
He frustrates the plans of the cunning so that they are unsuccessful.
13 ham, som griber de vise i deres Træskhed, saa de underfundiges Raad hastelig omstødes;
He traps the wise in their own clever thinking, and the schemes of twisted people are cut short.
14 om Dagen løbe de an i Mørket og føle sig for om Middagen, som var det Nat.
In the daytime they're in the dark, and they stumble around at noon like it's night.
15 Og han frelser en fattig fra Sværd, fra deres Mund og fra den stærkes Haand,
But God is the one who saves from their cutting remarks, and the poor from the actions of the powerful.
16 saa der bliver Haab for den ringe, og Uretfærdighed maa lukke sin Mund.
As a result those who are helpless have hope, and the wicked have to shut their mouths!
17 Se, saligt er det Menneske, som Gud straffer; derfor foragte du ikke den Almægtiges Tugtelse!
See how happy is the person God corrects—so don't despise the Almighty's discipline.
18 Thi han gør Smerte og forbinder; han saargør, og hans Hænder læge.
For he causes pain but he provides relief; he wounds but his hands heal.
19 I seks Angester skal han fri dig, og i syv skal intet ondt røre dig.
He will save you from many disasters; a multitude of evils will not affect you.
20 I Hunger skal han frelse dig fra Døden og i Krig fra Sværdets Vold.
In times of famine he will rescue you from death, and in times of war he will save you from the power of the sword.
21 Du skal finde Skjul for Tungens Svøbe og ikke frygte for Ødelæggelse, naar den kommer.
You will be protected from sharp-tongued slander; and when violence comes you will not be afraid.
22 Du skal le ad Ødelæggelse og Hunger og ikke frygte for Jordens Dyr;
You will laugh at violence and famine; you won't be afraid of wild animals—
23 thi med Stenene paa Marken har du Pagt, og Markens Dyr skulle holde Fred med dig.
for you will be at peace with the stones of the field and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
24 Og du skal forfare, at dit Telt har Fred, og du skal besøge din Bolig og intet savne.
You will be certain that your home is safe, for you will go to where you live and find nothing missing.
25 Og du skal forfare, at din Sæd skal blive mangfoldig, og din Afkom som Græs paa Jorden.
You will also be sure that you will have many children; your descendants will be like the grass of the earth.
26 Du skal komme til Graven i Alderdom, ligesom Neg optages i sin Tid.
You will live to a ripe old age like a sheaf of grain when it is harvested.
27 Se dette, det have vi undersøgt, saa er det; hør det, og forstaa det vel!
Look, we've examined it, and it's true! Listen to what I'm saying and apply it to yourself!”

< Job 5 >