< Job 36 >
1 Og Elihu blev ved og sagde:
And Elihu added and said: —
2 Bi mig lidt, og jeg vil belære dig, thi her er endnu noget at tale for Gud.
Restrain thyself for me a little, and I will shew thee, that, yet—for GOD, there is justification,
3 Jeg vil hente min Kundskab langt borte fra og skaffe den, som har skabt mig, Ret.
I will bring my knowledge from afar, and, to my Maker, will I attribute righteousness.
4 Thi sandelig, mine Taler ere ikke Løgn; een, som er oprigtig i hvad han ved, er hos dig.
For, of a truth—not false, are my words, One of competent knowledge, is with thee.
5 Se, Gud er mægtig, og han vil ikke forkaste nogen, han er mægtig i Forstandens Styrke.
Lo! GOD, is mighty, yet will he not despise, Mighty in vigour of mind;
6 Han lader ikke en ugudelig leve, men skaffer de elendige Ret.
He will not keep alive one who is lawless, but, the right of oppressed ones, will he grant;
7 Han drager ikke sine Øjne bort fra de retfærdige, hos Konger paa Tronen, der sætter han dem evindelig, og de skulle ophøjes.
He will not withdraw—from a righteous one—his eyes, —but, with kings on the throne, He hath seated men triumphantly, and they have been exalted.
8 Og om de blive bundne i Lænker, blive fangne med Elendigheds Snore,
But, if, bound in fetters, they have been captured with cords of affliction,
9 da forkynder han dem deres Gerninger og deres Overtrædelser, at de vare overmodige;
Then hath he declared to them their deed, and their transgressions—that they were wont to behave themselves proudly;
10 da aabner han deres Øren for Formaningen og siger, at de skulle omvende sig fra Uretfærdighed.
Thus hath he uncovered their ear to a warning, and said—that they should turn from iniquity.
11 Dersom de da ville høre og tjene ham, da skulle de ende deres Dage i det gode og deres Aar i Liflighed;
If they would hearken, and serve, they should complete their days, in prosperity, and their years, in pleasantness;
12 men dersom de ikke ville høre, da skulle de omkomme ved Sværdet op opgive Aanden i Uforstand.
But, if they would not hearken, by a weapon, should they pass away, and breathe their last, no one knowing.
13 Og de vanhellige af Hjerte nære Vrede, de raabe ej til ham, naar han binder dem.
Yea, the impious in heart, should store up anger, They should not cry for help, when he bound them.
14 Deres Sjæl dør hen i Ungdommen og deres Liv som Skørlevneres.
Their soul should die in youth, and their life, among the unclean.
15 Han frier en elendig ved hans Elendighed og aabner deres Øre ved Trængsel.
He would deliver the humbled in his humiliation, and would uncover—in oppression—their ear.
16 Ogsaa dig leder han ud af Trængselens Strube til det vide Rum, hvor der ikke er snævert; og hvad, som sættes paa dit Bord, er fuldt af Fedme.
Yea he might even have allured thee—out of the mouth of straitness, [into] a wide space—no narrowness there, —and, the food set down on thy table, should have been full of fatness.
17 Men har du fuldt op af den uretfærdiges Sag, skal Sag og Dom følges ad.
But, with the plea of a lawless one, thou art full, Plea and sentence, will take fast hold.
18 Thi lad ej Vreden forlede dig til Spot og lad ej den store Løsesum forføre dig!
Because there is wrath, [beware] lest he take thee away with a stroke, Then let not, a great ransom, mislead thee.
19 Mon han skulde agte din Rigdom? nej, hverken det skønne Guld eller nogen Magts Styrke!
Will he value thy riches? Nay not precious ore, nor all the forces of strength.
20 Du skal ikke hige efter Natten, da Folk borttages fra deres Sted.
Do not pant for the night, when peoples disappear from their place.
21 Forsvar dig, at du ikke vender dit Ansigt til Uret; thi denne har du foretrukket fremfor det at lide.
Beware, do not turn unto iniquity, For, this, thou hast chosen rather than affliction.
22 Se, Gud er ophøjet ved sin Kraft; hvo er en Lærer som han?
Lo, GOD, exalteth himself by his strength, Who like him doth teach?
23 Hvo har foreskrevet ham hans Vej? og hvo tør sige: Du har gjort Uret?
Who enjoined on him his way? and who ever said, Thou hast wrought perversity?
24 Kom i Hu, at du ophøjer hans Gerning, hvilken Folk have besunget;
Remember, that thou extol his work, of which men have sung;
25 hvilken alle Mennesker have set, hvilken Mennesket skuer langtfra.
Every son of earth, hath viewed it, Mortal man, looketh at it from afar.
26 Se, Gud er stor, og vi kunne ikke kende ham, og man kan ikke udgrunde Tallet paa hans Aar.
Lo, GOD, is greater than we can know, The number of his years, even past finding out!
27 Thi han drager Vandets Draaber til sig; gennem hans Dunstkreds beredes de til Regn,
For he draweth up drops of water, They trickle as rain through his mist;
28 hvilken Skyerne lade nedflyde, lade neddryppe over mange Mennesker.
With which the clouds flow down, They drop on man in abundance.
29 Mon ogsaa nogen forstaa hans Skyers Udspænding, hans Hyttes Bragen?
But surely none can understand the burstings of the cloud, the crashing of his pavilion!
30 Se, han udbreder sit Lys om sig og skjuler Havets Rødder.
Lo! he hath spread out over it, his lightning, The bed of the sea, hath he covered.
31 Thi derved dømmer han Folkene, giver dem Spise i Overflødighed.
For, by those things, he executeth judgment on peoples, He giveth food in abundance:
32 Over sine Hænder dækker han med Lyset, og han giver det Befaling imod den, det skal ramme.
Upon both hands, he putteth a covering of lightning, and layeth command upon it against an assailant:
33 Om ham forkynder hans Torden, ja om ham Kvæget, naar han drager op.
His rolling thunder telleth concerning him, —The cattle, even, concerning him that is coming up.