< Job 34 >

1 Fremdeles svarede Elihu og sagde:
And Elihu commenced, and said,
2 Hører, I vise! min Tale, og I forstandige! vender eders Øren til mig;
Hear, O ye wise men, my words; and ye that have knowledge, give ear unto me.
3 thi Øret prøver Talen, og Ganen smager Maden.
For the ear proveth words, as the palate tasteth the food.
4 Lader os vælge os det rette, lader os kende imellem os, hvad godt er.
Let us choose for ourselves what is just: let us acknowledge between ourselves what is good.
5 Thi Job sagde: Jeg er retfærdig, men Gud har borttaget min Ret.
For Job hath said, “I am righteous; and God hath taken away justice from me.
6 Uagtet jeg har Ret, skal jeg staa som en Løgner; ulægelig har Pilen truffet mig, skønt der ikke er Overtrædelse hos mig.
Should I lie concerning the justice due me? incurable is [my wound from] the arrow I bear in me without any transgression.”
7 Hvor er en Mand som Job, der inddrikker Gudsbespottelse som Vand
What man is there like Job, who drinketh scorning like water,
8 og vandrer i Selskab med dem, som gøre Uret, og gaar med ugudelige Folk?
And is on the road to keep company with the wrong-doers, and to walk with men of wickedness?
9 Thi han sagde: Det gavner ikke en Mand, om han har Behag i Gud.
For he hath said, “It profiteth a man nothing when he acteth according to the pleasure of God.”
10 Derfor, I Mænd af Forstand! hører paa mig: Det være langt fra Gud at være ugudelig, og fra den Almægtige at være uretfærdig.
Therefore ye men of sense hearken unto me: far is it from God to practise wickedness; and from the Almighty to do wrong!
11 Thi han betaler et Menneske efter dets Gerning og lader enhver faa efter hans Vej.
For the work of a son of earth doth he recompense unto him, and according to the path of man doth he permit things to occur to him.
12 Ja, sandelig, Gud handler ikke uretfærdigt, og den Almægtige forvender ikke Retten.
Yea, surely God will not condemn unjustly, nor will the Almighty pervert justice.
13 Hvo har beskikket ham over Jorden? og hvo har grundet hele Jordens Kreds.
Who hath given him a charge concerning the earth? or who hath intrusted [him] the whole world?
14 Dersom han vilde agte paa sig selv alene, samlede han sin Aand og sin Aande til sig:
If he were to set his heart upon man, he would gather unto himself his spirit and his breath:
15 Da maatte alt Kød til Hobe opgive Aanden, og Mennesket blive til Støv igen.
All flesh would perish together, and the son of earth would return again unto dust.
16 Dersom du har Forstand, saa hør dette, vend dine Øren til min Tales Røst!
If then thou wishest to understand, hear this: give ear to the sound of my words.
17 Skulde vel den, som hader Ret, holde Styr? eller tør du sige den mægtige retfærdige at være uretfærdig?
Is it possible that he who hateth justice should govern? or wilt thou condemn the righteous mighty One?
18 Tør nogen sige til en Konge: Du Belial! til de ædle: Du ugudelige!
[Is it fit] to say to a king, Thou art worthless? and to princes, Ye are wicked?
19 Han anser ikke Fyrsternes Personer og agter ikke den rige fremfor den ringe; thi de ere alle hans Hænders Gerning.
Whereas he is one that showeth no favor to chieftains, and distinguisheth not the rich before the indigent; for all of them are the work of his hands.
20 De dø i et Øjeblik, og det midt om Natten: Folk rystes og forgaa; og de mægtige tages bort, men ikke ved Menneskehaand.
In a moment will they die, and in the midst of the night; people are moved, and pass away: and the mighty will be removed without a human hand.
21 Thi hans Øjne ere over hver Mands Veje, og han ser alle hans Skridt.
For big eyes are upon the ways of man, and all his steps doth he see.
22 Der er intet Mørke og ingen Dødsskygge, hvori de som gøre Uret, kunne skjule sig.
There is no darkness, nor shadow of death, where the evil-doers can hide themselves.
23 Thi han behøver ikke at agte længe nogen, der skal stedes til Dom for Gud.
For he need not direct [his attention] a long time upon man, that he should enter into judgment before God.
24 Han sønderslaar de mægtige uden at ransage, og han sætter andre i deres Sted.
He breaketh down mighty men without [long] searching, and placeth others in their stead.
25 Derfor kender han deres Gerninger og omkaster dem om Natten, at de blive knuste;
For the reason that he knoweth their deeds: therefore he overturneth them in the night, and they are crushed.
26 han slaar dem, hvor de ugudelige findes, paa det Sted, hvor Folk ser det.
Among wicked men doth he strike them, in the place where [many] see them:
27 Thi derfor vege de fra ham og agtede ikke paa nogen af hans Veje,
Because they have departed from following him, and have not considered all his ways.
28 for at de kunde bringe den ringes Skrig ind for ham, og for at han maatte høre de elendiges Skrig.
Bringing before them the cry of the indigent, and the cry of the afflicted which he had to hear.
29 Naar han skaffer Ro til Veje — hvo vil kalde ham uretfærdig? — og naar han skjuler sit Ansigt — hvo kan da beskue ham? — baade for et Folk og for et enkelt Menneske:
When he now granteth rest, who will condemn [him]! and when he hideth his face, who can behold him? whether it be against a nation, or against one man, it is the same:
30 Saa er det, for at en vanhellig ikke skal regere, og at der ikke skal være Snarer for Folket.
That no hypocritical man may reign, that such shall not be a mare to the people.
31 Mon nogen har sagt til Gud: Jeg har faaet, hvad jeg ikke forskylder?
For truly it is only fitting to say unto God, “I bear [cheerfully], I will not do any wrong;
32 Lær du mig ud over det, jeg kan se; dersom jeg har gjort Uret, da vil jeg ikke gøre det mere.
What I cannot see myself, do thou truly teach me; if I have done what is unjust, I will do so no more.”
33 Skal det være efter dit Skøn, at han skal gengælde? thi du har vraget, saa at du har at vælge, og ikke jeg? saa tal da, hvad du ved!
Should he then according to thy view send a recompense, because thou hast rejected him? “Because thou must choose, and not I?” and what thou knowest, do speak.
34 Folk af Forstand skulle sige til mig, og ligeledes den vise Mand, som hører mig:
Men of sense will say unto me, and every wise man who heareth me,
35 “Job taler ikke med Forstand, og hans Ord ere ikke mere Klogskab”.
That Job hath not spoken with knowledge, and that his words are without intelligence.
36 O gid, at Job maatte prøves til fulde, fordi han har svaret som uretfærdige Mænd!
Oh that Job may therefore be probed continually, in order to give answers against sinful men.
37 thi han lægger Overtrædelse til sin Synd, imellem os klapper han i Hænderne og gør mange Ord imod Gud.
For he addeth unto his sin transgression: among us he uttereth too many loud words, and multiplieth his speeches against God.

< Job 34 >