< Job 27 >
1 Og Job blev ved at fremføre sit Billedsprog og sagde:
And Job further continued and said in his parable,
2 Saa sandt Gud lever, som har borttaget min Ret, og den Almægtige, som har beskelig bedrøvet min Sjæl!
[As] God lives, who has thus judge me; and the Almighty, who has embittered my soul;
3 — thi endnu er min Aand i mig, og Guds Aande i min Næse —
verily, while my breath is yet in [me], and the breath of God which remains to me is in my nostrils,
4 skulle mine Læber ikke tale Uret, og skal min Tunge ikke fremføre Svig.
my lips shall not speak evil words, neither shall my soul meditate unrighteous thoughts.
5 Det være langt fra mig, at jeg skulde give eder Ret; indtil jeg opgiver Aanden, vil jeg ikke lade mig fratage min Uskyldighed.
Far be it from me that I should justify you till I die; for I will not let go my innocence,
6 Jeg vil holde paa min Retfærdighed og ikke lade af fra den; mit Hjerte skal ikke bebrejde mig nogen af mine Dage.
but keeping fast to [my] righteousness I will by no means let it go: for I am not conscious to myself of having done any thing amiss.
7 Min Fjende skal staa som en ugudelig, og den, som rejser sig imod mig, som en uretfærdig.
Nay rather, but let mine enemies be as the overthrow of the ungodly, and they that rise up against me, as the destruction of transgressors.
8 Thi hvad er den vanhelliges Forventelse, naar Gud bortskærer og bortrykker hans Sjæl!
For what is the hope of the ungodly, that he holds to it? will he indeed trust in the Lord [and] be saved?
9 Mon Gud skulde høre hans Skrig, naar Angest kommer over ham?
Will God hear his prayer? or, when distress has come upon him,
10 Kan han forlyste sig ved den Almægtige? kan han til hver en Tid paakalde Gud?
has he any confidence before him? or will [God] hear him as he calls upon him?
11 Jeg vil lære eder om Guds Haand; hvad der er hos den Almægtige, vil jeg ikke dølge.
Yet now I will tell you what is in the hand of the Lord: I will not lie concerning the things which are with the Almighty.
12 Se, I have jo alle set det; hvorfor nære da en saadan Forfængelighed?
Behold, you all know that you are adding vanity to vanity.
13 Dette er et ugudeligt Menneskes Del hos Gud og Voldsmænds Arv, som de faa af den Almægtige.
This is the portion of an ungodly man from the Lord, and the possession of oppressors shall come upon them from the Almighty.
14 Har han mange Børn, hjemfalde de til Sværdet, og hans Afkom vil ikke mættes af Brød.
And if their children be many, they shall be for slaughter: and if they grow up, they shall beg.
15 De, som blive tilovers af ham, skulle begraves ved Døden, og hans Enker skulle ikke begræde ham.
And they that survive of him shall utterly perish, and no one shall pity their widows.
16 Naar han sanker Sølv som Støv og samler Klæder som Dynd,
Even if he should gather silver as earth, and prepare gold as clay;
17 da samler han det vel, men den retfærdige skal iføre sig det, og den uskyldige skal dele Pengene.
All these things shall the righteous gain, and the true-hearted shall possess his wealth.
18 Han byggede sit Hus som Møl, og som en Hytte, en Vogter gør sig.
And his house is gone like moths, and like a spider's web.
19 Rig lægger han sig og bliver ikke ved; sine Øjne oplader han og er ikke mere til.
The rich man shall lie down, and shall not continue: he has opened his eyes, and he is not.
20 Forskrækkelser skulle gribe ham som Vande, en Hvirvelvind skal bortstjæle ham om Natten.
Pains have come upon him as water, and darkness has carried him away by night.
21 Østenvejret skal løfte ham op, og han farer bort, og det skal hvirvle ham bort fra sit Sted.
And a burning wind shall catch him, and he shall depart, and it shall utterly drive him out of his place.
22 Og Gud skal skyde paa ham og ikke spare; med skal han ville fly fra hans Haand.
And [God] shall cast [trouble] upon him, and not spare: he would fain flee out of his hand.
23 Man skal klappe i Hænderne over ham og pibe ham bort fra hans Sted.
He shall cause [men] to clap their hands against them, and shall hiss him out of his place.