< Job 22 >
1 Da svarede Elifas, Themaniten, og sagde:
Then Eliphaz the Themanite responded by saying:
2 Mon en Mand kan gavne Gud? nej; men han gavner sig selv, naar han handler klogelig.
Can man be compared with God, even if he were perfect in knowledge?
3 Mon det er den Almægtige en Fordel, at du er retfærdig? og mon det er ham en Vinding, at du holder dine Veje fuldkomne?
What advantage is it to God, if you were just? Or what do you provide for him, if your way should be immaculate?
4 Mon han af Frygt for dig skal overbevise dig og gaa i Rette med dig?
Will he reprove you and take you to judgment for being afraid,
5 Er ikke din Ondskab megen og ingen Ende paa dine Misgerninger?
and not because of your many evil deeds and your infinite unfairness?
6 Thi du tog Pant af dine Brødre uden Føje og trak Klæderne af de nøgne.
For you have taken away the collateral of your brothers without cause, and stripped them naked of their clothing.
7 Du gav ikke den trætte Vand at drikke og nægtede den hungrige Brød.
You have not given water to the weary; you have taken bread away from the hungry.
8 Men den Mand, hvis Arm var stærk, han havde Landet, og den, hvis Person var anset, boede deri.
By the strength of your arm, you took possession of the land, and you retain it by being the strongest.
9 Du lod Enker fare tomhændede, og de faderløses Arme knustes.
You have sent widows away empty, and you have crushed the shoulders of orphans.
10 Derfor er der Snarer trindt omkring dig, og Rædsel har hastelig forfærdet dig.
Because of this, you are surrounded by traps, and unexpected fears will disturb you.
11 Eller ser du ikke Mørket og Vandfloden, som bedækker dig?
And did you think that you would not see darkness and that you were not to be overwhelmed by the onrush of overflowing waters?
12 Er ikke Gud i den høje Himmel? og se de øverste Stjerner, hvor de ere høje!
Have you not considered that God is higher than the heavens and is lifted above the height of the stars?
13 Derfor siger du: Hvad ved Gud? skulde han kunne dømme igennem Mørket?
And you say: “Well, what does God know?” and, “He judges, as if through a fog,”
14 Skyerne ere et Skjul for ham, at han ikke ser, og han vandrer omkring Himlenes Kreds.
and, “The clouds are his hiding-place,” and, “He does not examine us closely,” and, “He makes his rounds at the limits of the heavens.”
15 Vil du tage Vare paa Fortidens Vej, som de uretfærdige Folk have vandret paa,
Do you not want to tend the path of the ages, which wicked men have spurned?
16 de, som reves bort, førend det var deres Tid, hvis Grundvold opløstes i en Strøm;
These were taken away before their time, and a flood overthrew their foundation.
17 de, som sagde til Gud: Vig fra os; og: Hvad den Almægtige vel skulde kunne gøre for dem.
They said to God, “Withdraw from us,” and they treated the Almighty as if he could do nothing,
18 Han havde dog fyldt deres Huse med godt; men de ugudeliges Raad er langt fra mig.
though he had filled their houses with good things. May their way of thinking be far from me.
19 De retfærdige se det og glæde sig, og den uskyldige spotter dem:
The just will see and will rejoice, and the innocent will mock them.
20 “Sandelig, vor Modstander er tilintetgjort, og Ild har fortæret deres Herlighed”.
Has not their haughtiness been cut down, and has not fire devoured the remnants of them?
21 Kære, hold dig til ham, og hav saa Fred! deraf skal komme godt til dig.
So, repose yourself with him and be at peace, and, in this way, you will have the best fruits.
22 Kære, tag Lærdom af hans Mund, og læg hans Ord i dit Hjerte!
Accept the law from his mouth, and place his words in your heart.
23 Dersom du vender om til den Almægtige, da bliver du bygget op igen, ja, naar du holder Uret langt fra dine Telte.
If you will return to the Almighty, you will be rebuilt, and you will put sinfulness far from your tabernacle.
24 Og kast Guldet i Støvet og Ofirs Guld blandt Bækkens Stene:
He will give you stone in place of dirt, and torrents of gold in place of stone.
25 Saa skal den Almægtige være dit Guld, og han skal være dit kostbare Sølv.
And the Almighty will be against your enemies, and silver will be gathered together for you.
26 Thi da skal du forlystes ved den Almægtige og opløfte dit Ansigt til Gud.
Then will you flock together in delight over the Almighty, and you will lift up your face to God.
27 Du skal bede til ham, og han skal høre dig, og du skal betale dine Løfter.
You will plead with him, and he will listen to you, and you will pay your vows.
28 Naar du beslutter en Ting, da skal den lykkes for dig, og Lyset skal skinne over dine Veje.
You will decide on something, and it will come to you, and the light will shine in your ways.
29 Naar man trykker dig ned, da siger du: Opad! og han skal frelse den, som slaar Øjnene ned.
For he who had been humbled, will be in glory; and he who will lower his eyes, will be the one saved.
30 Han skal fri endogsaa den, der ikke er uskyldig, og denne skal udfries ved dine Hænders Renhed.
The innocent will be saved, and he will be saved with purity in his hands.