< Job 14 >

1 Et Menneske, født af en Kvinde, lever en stakket Tid og mættes af Uro.
Man born of a woman is short of days, and sated with harrowing trouble.
2 Han gaar op som et Blomster og henvisner, han flyr som en Skygge og bestaar ikke.
Like a flower he cometh forth, and is cut down: and he fleeth like a shadow, and remaineth not.
3 Ogsaa over en saadan oplader du dine Øjne og fører mig for din Dom.
And yet on such a one dost thou open thy eyes, and me thou bringest into judgment with thee?
4 Ja, kom der dog en ren af en uren! men nej, ikke en eneste.
Who can make a clean thing out of an unclean? not one [thing].
5 Dersom hans Dage ere bestemte, hans Maaneders Tal fastsat hos dig, dersom du har sat ham en Grænse, han ikke kan overskride:
Seeing that his days are determined, the number of his months are [fixed] with thee, that thou hast set his bounds which he cannot pass:
6 Da lad af fra ham, at han maa hvile; at han dog som en Daglønner maa glæde sig ved sin Dag.
Turn thyself from him that he may recover from his pain, and be able to enjoy like a hired laborer his day.
7 Thi et Træ har Haab: Naar det er afhugget, kan det igen skyde frem, og dets Kviste udeblive ikke.
For there is hope for the tree: if it be cut down, it may still sprout again, while its young shoot will not cease.
8 Om end dets Rod bliver gammel i Jorden, og dets Stub dør i Støvet,
If even its root become old in the earth, and its stock die in the dust:
9 saa grønnes det dog igen af Vandets Duft og skyder Grene som en frisk Plante.
Yet through the scent of water will it flourish [again], and produce boughs as though It were newly planted.
10 Men dør en Mand, er hans Kraft forbi, og opgiver et Menneske Aanden, hvor er han da?
But man dieth, and lieth powerless: yea, the son of earth departeth—and where is he?
11 Vand løber ud af Søen, og en Flod svinder og bliver tør:
The waters run off from the sea, and the river faileth and drieth up:
12 Saaledes lægger og at Menneske sig og staar ikke op; indtil Himlene ikke mere ere, opvaagne de ikke, og de opvækkes ikke af deres Søvn.
So doth man lie down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they will not awake, and will not be roused out of their sleep.
13 Gid du vilde gemme mig i Graven, ja skjule mig, indtil din Vrede vendte om; at du vilde sætte mig en beskikket Tid og vilde komme mig i Hu igen! (Sheol h7585)
Oh who would grant that thou mightest hide me in the nether world, that thou mightest conceal me, until thy wrath be appeased, that thou mightest set for me a fixed time, and remember me then! (Sheol h7585)
14 Naar en Mand dør, mon han da skal leve op igen? saa vilde jeg vente alle mine Stridsdage, indtil min Afløsning kom.
Or, when a man dieth, will he live again? all the days of my time of service would I then wait, till [the hour of] my release were come.
15 Du skulde kalde, og jeg skulde svare dig; du skulde længes efter dine Hænders Gerning!
Do thou call, and I will truly answer thee: have a desire for the work of thy hands.
16 Thi nu tæller du mine Skridt; du varer ikke over min Synd.
Yet now thou numberest my steps: and thou waitest not with [the punishment of] my sin.
17 Min Overtrædelse er forseglet i et Knippe, og du syr til om min Misgerning.
Sealed up in a bag is my transgression, and thou yet addest to my iniquity.
18 Men et Bjerg, som falder, smuldrer hen, og en Klippe flytter sig fra sit Sted;
But truly a falling mountain will crumble, and [even] a rock is moved out of its place.
19 Vandet udhuler Stene, og dets Strømme bortskylle Jordens Støv: Saaledes gør du et Menneskes Forhaabning til intet.
The water weareth out stones; thou sweepest away their fragments [like] the dust of the earth: and so thou destroyest the hope of man.
20 Du overvælder ham evindelig, og han farer hen; du forvender hans Udseende og lader ham fare.
Thou assailest him with might without ceasing, till he passeth away: thou changest his countenance, and sendest him off.
21 Ere hans Børn i Ære, da ved han det ikke; ere de ringe, da mærker han det ikke.
His children acquire honor, but he knoweth it not: and they are esteemed little, but he perceiveth nothing of them.
22 For ham er kun Smerten, hans Kød lider, og for ham Sorgen, hans Sjæl føler.
But his body. on him, feeleth pain, and his soul will mourn for him.

< Job 14 >