< Jeremias 49 >

1 Imod Ammons Børn, Saa siger Herren: Har Israel ingen Sønner? eller har han ingen Arving? hvorfor har Malkom taget Gad til Eje og hans Folk taget Bolig i dennes Stæder?
Against the sons of Ammon. Thus says the Lord: “Does Israel have no sons? Or is there no heir for him? Then why has Milcom possessed the inheritance of Gad, and why have his people lived in his cities?
2 Derfor se, Dage komme, siger Herren, da jeg vil lade et Krigsskrig høres imod Ammons Børns Rabba, og den skal blive til en øde Dynge, og dens omliggende Stæder skulle antændes med Ild; men Israel skal tage dem til Eje, som eje ham, siger Herren.
Therefore, behold, the days are approaching, says the Lord, when I will cause the noise of battle to be heard over Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. And it will be scattered into a tumult, and her daughters will be burned with fire. And Israel shall possess those who had possessed him, says the Lord.
3 Hyl, Hesbon! thi Aj er ødelagt; skriger, I Rabbas Døtre! ifører eder Sæk, klager eder, og løber omkring i Indhegningerne; thi Malkom skal gaa i Landflygtighed, hans Præster og hans Fyrster til Hobe.
Wail, O Heshbon! For Ai has been devastated. Cry out, O daughters of Rabbah! Wrap yourselves with haircloth. Mourn and circle the hedges. For Milcom will be led into the transmigration: his priests and his leaders together.
4 Hvi roser du dig af Dalene? din Dal har Overflod, du forvildede Datter! du, som forlader dig paa dine Skatte og tænker: Hvo kan komme til mig?
Why have you gloried in the valleys? Your valley has flowed away, O delicate daughter, for you had confidence in your treasures, and you were saying, ‘Who can approach me?’
5 Se, jeg lader komme Frygt over dig, siger den Herre, Herre Zebaoth, fra alle Sider trindt omkring dig; og I skulle blive fordrevne, hver sin Vej, og der skal ingen være, der samler dem, som fly.
Behold, I will lead a terror over you, says the Lord, the God of hosts, from those who are all around you. And you will be dispersed, each one from before your sight. There will be no one who will gather together those who are fleeing.
6 Men derefter vil jeg vende Ammons Børns Fangenskab, siger Herren.
And after this, I will cause the captives of the sons of Ammon to return, says the Lord.”
7 Imod Edom. Saa siger den Herre Zebaoth: Er der ingen Visdom mere i Theman? Klogskaben er forsvunden for de forstandige; deres Visdom er skyllet bort.
Against Idumea. Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Is there no longer any wisdom in Teman? Counsel has perished from the sons. Their wisdom has become useless.
8 Flyr, vender eder, tager Bolig i det dybe, I Indbyggere i Dedan! thi jeg lader Esaus Ulykke komme over ham den Tid, jeg hjemsøger ham.
Flee and turn your backs! Descend into the chasm, O inhabitants of Dedan! For I have brought the perdition of Esau over him, the time of his visitation.
9 Dersom Vinhøstmænd komme over dig, skulle de ikke lade nogen Efterhøst blive tilbage; dersom Tyve komme om Natten, skulle de ødelægge, indtil de have nok.
If those who gather grapes had passed by you, would they not have left behind a cluster? If there were thieves in the night, they would seize what was enough for themselves.
10 Thi jeg har blottet Esau, aabenbaret hans Skjulesteder, saa at han ikke kan skjule sig; ødelagt er hans Afkom og hans Brødre og hans Naboer, og der er ingen mere tilbage.
Yet truly, I have stripped Esau bare. I have revealed his secrets, and he is not able to be concealed. His offspring has been devastated, with his brothers and his neighbors, and he himself will not exist.
11 Forlad dine faderløse, jeg vil lade dem leve; og dine Enker forlade sig paa mig!
Leave behind your orphans. I will make sure that they live. And your widows will hope in me.”
12 Thi saa siger Herren: Se, de, som ikke vare dømte til at drikke af Bægeret, maatte jo drikke, og skulde da du slippe fri? Nej, du skal ikke slippe fri, men visselig drikke.
For thus says the Lord: “Behold, those who judged that they would not drink the cup, will certainly drink. And so, will you be released as if you were innocent? You will not be released as if innocent. Instead, you shall certainly drink.
13 Thi jeg har svoret ved mig selv, siger Herren, at Bozra skal blive til Forfærdelse, til Forhaanelse, til Ørk og til Forbandelse; og alle dets Stæder skulle blive til Ørkener evindelig.
For I have sworn by myself, says the Lord, that Bozrah will be a desolation, and a disgrace, and a wasteland, and a curse. And all her cities will be a perpetual wilderness.
14 Jeg har hørt et Rygte fra Herren, og at der er sendt et Bud ud iblandt Folkene: Samler eder og kommer over det; og gører eder rede til Striden!
I have heard a report from the Lord, and a legate has been sent to the nations: ‘Gather yourselves together, and go forth against her, and let us rise up to battle.’
15 Thi se, jeg vil gøre dig liden iblandt Folkene, foragtet iblandt Menneskene.
For behold, I have made you little among the nations, contemptible among men.
16 Der har været Skræk for dig; dit Hjertes Hovmod har bedraget Æg, du, som bor i Klippens Kløfter og har besat Højens Top; om du end sætter din Rede saa højt som Ørnen, vil jeg dog kaste dig ned derfra, siger Herren.
Your arrogance has deceived you, by the pride of your heart, you who live in the caverns of the rock and who strive to take hold of the height of the hill. But even if you make your nest like that of an eagle, I will pull you down from there, says the Lord.
17 Og Edom skal blive til en Forfærdelse; enhver, som gaar forbi det, skal forfærdes og spotte over alle dets Plager.
And Idumea will be a desert. Everyone who passes by it will be stupefied and will hiss over all its wounds.
18 Ligesom Sodoma og Gomorra og dens Naboer ere omstyrtede, siger Herren, saa skal ingen Mand bo der og intet Menneskebarn opholde sig der.
Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbors were overthrown, says the Lord: there will not be a man living there, and no son of man will tend it.
19 Se, han drager op som en Løve fra Jordans Stolthed imod den stedse friske Græsgang; thi i et Øjeblik vil jeg jage dem bort derfra; og hvo er den udvalgte, som jeg vil beskikke over den? Thi hvo er som jeg? og hvo kan kræve mig til Regnskab? og hvo er den Hyrde, som kan bestaa for mit Ansigt?
Behold, he will ascend like a lion from the arrogance of the Jordan, against the robust beauty. For I will cause him to rush against her suddenly. And who will be the elect one, whom I may appoint over her? For who is like me? And who can endure me? And who is that pastor who can withstand my countenance?
20 Derfor hører Herrens Raad, som han har besluttet imod Edom, og hans Tanker, som han har tænkt imod Themans Indbyggere: Man skal visselig bortslæbe de smaa Lam af Hjorden, og deres Græsgang skal forfærdes over dem.
Because of this, listen to the counsel of the Lord, which he has undertaken concerning Edom, and to his thoughts, which he has devised concerning the inhabitants of Teman. Certainly, the little ones of the flock will cast them down, unless they scatter them with their habitation.
21 Ved Lyden af deres Fald bæver Jorden; Skriget — Lyden deraf høres ved det røde Hav.
The earth has been shaken at the noise of their destruction. The outcry of their voice has been heard at the Red Sea.
22 Se, han stiger op som Ørnen og flyver, og han udbreder sine Vinger imod Bozra; og paa denne Dag skulle de vældiges Hjerter i Edom være ligesom en beængstet Kvindes Hjerte.
Behold, he will ascend like an eagle and will fly. And he will spread his wings over Bozrah. And in that day, the heart of the strong ones of Idumea will be like the heart of a woman giving birth.”
23 Imod Damaskus. Hamat og Arfad ere beskæmmede, thi de have hørt et ondt Rygte, de ere forsagte; der er Bekymring som paa Havet, det kan ikke være roligt.
Against Damascus. “Hamath has been confounded, with Arpad. For they have heard a most grievous report. They have been stirred up like the sea. Because of anxiousness, they were not able to rest.
24 Damaskus har ladet Hænderne synke, den har vendt sig for at fly, og Forfærdelse har betaget den: Angest og Smerte have grebet den som den fødende.
Damascus has been broken. She has been turned to flight. Trembling has taken hold of her. Anguish and sorrows have seized her, like a woman giving birth.
25 Hvorledes! er den ikke forladt, den berømte Stad, min Glædes By?
How could they have abandoned the praiseworthy city, the city of rejoicing?
26 Derfor skulle dens unge Karle falde paa dens Gader, og alle Krigsmændene skulle udryddes paa den Dag, siger den Herre Zebaoth.
For this reason, her young men will fall in her streets. And all the men of battle will be silenced in that day, says the Lord of hosts.
27 Og jeg vil antænde en Ild paa Murene i Damaskus, og den skal fortære Benhadads Paladser.
And I will kindle a fire at the wall of Damascus, and it will devour the defensive walls of Ben-hadad.”
28 Imod Kedar og Hazors Riger, hvilke Nebukadnezar, Kongen af Babel, slog. Saa siger Herren: Staar op, drager op til Kedar og ødelægger Østens Børn!
Against Kedar and against the kingdoms of Hazor, which Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, has struck down. Thus says the Lord: “Rise up and ascend to Kedar, and lay waste to the sons of the East.
29 De skulle tage deres Pauluner og deres Hjorde, deres Telte og alle deres Redskaber, og deres Kameler skulle de føre bort med sig; og de skulle raabe over dem: Rædsel trindt omkring!
They will seize their tabernacles and their flocks. And they will take for themselves their tents, and all their vessels, and their camels. And they will call down a terror upon them on every side.
30 Flyr, vanker vidt om, tager Bolig i det dybe, I Hazors Indbyggere! siger Herren, thi Nebukadnezar, Kongen af Babel, har besluttet et Raad imod eder og udtænkt en Tanke imod eder.
Flee, go away urgently! Sit in deep pits, you who inhabit Hazor, says the Lord. For Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, has undertaken a counsel against you, and he has devised plans against you.
31 Staar op, drager op imod et Folk, som er roligt, som bor tryggelig, siger Herren; det har hverken Porte eller Portstænger, de bo for sig selv.
Rise up, and ascend to a nation that is quiet and lives in confidence, says the Lord. They have neither gates nor bars. They dwell alone.
32 Og deres Kameler skulle blive til Rov og deres Kvægs Mangfoldighed til Bytte; og jeg vil adsprede dem med rundklippet Haar for alle Vinde; og fra alle Sider vil jeg lade deres Ulykke komme, siger Herren.
And their camels will be a spoil, and the multitude of their cattle will be a prey. And I will disperse, into every wind, those who have shaved their hair. And from all their confines, I will lead great destruction over them, says the Lord.
33 Og Hazor skal blive til Dragers Bo, en Ødelæggelse evindelig; der skal ingen Mand bo der og intet Menneskebarn opholde sig der.
And Hazor will be a habitation for serpents, deserted even unto eternity. No man will abide there, nor will a son of man tend it.”
34 Herrens Ord, som kom til Profeten Jeremias, imod Elam, i Begyndelsen af Judas Konge Zedekias's Regering, saaledes:
The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet against Elam, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, the king of Judah, saying:
35 Saa siger den Herre Zebaoth: Se, jeg sønderbryder Elams Bue, deres Hovedstyrke.
“Thus says the Lord of hosts: Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, and the summit of their strength.
36 Og jeg vil lade de fire Vejr fra Himmelens fire Hjørner komme over Elam og adsprede dem for alle disse Vejr, og der skal ikke være noget Folk, hvorhen der jo skal komme fordrevne fra Elam.
And I will lead the four winds over Elam, from the four corners of heaven. And I will scatter them into all these winds. And there will be no nation to which the fugitives of Elam will not travel.
37 Og jeg vil indjage Elam Skræk for deres Fjenders Ansigt og for deres Ansigt, som søge efter deres Liv, og lade Ulykke, min brændende Vrede, komme over dem, siger Herren; og jeg vil sende Sværdet efter dem, indtil jeg har gjort Ende paa dem.
And I will cause Elam to be terrified before their enemies and in the sight of those who seek their life. And I will lead an evil over them, the wrath of my fury, says the Lord. And I will send the sword after them, until I consume them.
38 Og jeg vil sætte min Trone i Elam, og jeg vil lade Konger og Fyrster forsvinde derfra, siger Herren.
And I will set my throne in Elam, and I will perish the kings and princes from there, says the Lord.
39 Og det skal ske i de sidste Dage, da vil jeg omvende Elams Fangenskab, siger Herren.
But in the last days, I will cause the captives of Elam to return, says the Lord.”

< Jeremias 49 >