< Jeremias 32 >

1 Det Ord, som kom til Jeremias fra Herren i Judas Konge Zedekias's tiende Aar; det Aar er Nebukadnezars attende Aar;
This is the word that came to Jeremiah from Yahweh in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar.
2 — og dengang belejrede Kongen af Babels Hær Jerusalem; men Profeten Jeremias var indelukket i Forgaarden til Fængselet, som var i Judas Konges Hus;
At that time, the army of the king of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem, and Jeremiah the prophet was imprisoned in the courtyard of the guard at the house of the king of Judah.
3 hvor Zedekias, Judas Konge, havde indelukket ham og sagt: Hvorfor spaar du og siger: Saa sagde Herren: Se, jeg giver denne Stad i Kongen af Babels Haand, at han skal indtage den,
Zedekiah king of Judah had imprisoned him and said, “Why do you prophesy and say, 'Yahweh says this: Look, I am about to give over this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he will capture it.
4 og Zedekias, Judas Konge, skal ikke undkomme fra Kaldæernes Haand; men han skal visselig gives i Kongen af Babels Haand, og hans Mund skal tale med hans Mund, og hans Øjne skulle se hans Øjne;
Zedekiah king of Judah will not escape from the hand of the Chaldeans, for he will certainly be given into the hand of the king of Babylon. His mouth will speak to the king's mouth, and his eyes will see the king's eyes.
5 og han skal føre Zedekias til Babel, og han skal blive der, indtil jeg ser til ham, siger Herren; thi om I end stride imod Kaldæerne, skulle I ikke have Lykke. —
He will take Zekediah to Babylon, and he will remain there until I have dealt with him—this is Yahweh's declaration. Though you fight against the Chaldeans, you will not succeed.'”
6 Og Jeremias sagde: Herrens Ord er kommet til mig saalunde:
Jeremiah said, “The word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
7 Se, Hanameel, din Farbroder, Sallums Søn, kommer til dig og siger: Køb dig min Ager, som er i Anathoth; thi du har Løsningsretten, at du kan købe den.
'Look, Hanamel son of Shallum your uncle is coming to you and will say, “Buy my field that is in Anathoth for yourself, for the right to buy it belongs to you.”'”
8 Og Hanameel, min Farbroders Søn, kom til mig efter Herrens Ord til Fængselets Forgaard og sagde til mig: Kære, køb min Ager, som er i Anathoth, i Benjamins Land; thi du har Arveretten, og du har Løsningsretten, køb dig den; da fornam jeg, at det var Herrens Ord.
Then, as Yahweh had declared, Hanamel, the son of my uncle, came to me in the courtyard of the guard, and he said to me, “Buy my field that is in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin, for the right of inheritance is yours, and the right to buy it belongs to you. Buy it for yourself.” Then I knew that this was Yahweh's word.
9 Og jeg købte af Hanameel, min Farbroders Søn, Ageren, som var i Anathoth, og vejede ham Pengene til, sytten Sekel Sølv.
So I bought the field in Anathoth from Hanamel, the son of my uncle, and I weighed out for him the silver, seventeen shekels in weight.
10 Og jeg skrev det i Brevet og forseglede det og tog Vidner dertil og vejede Pengene i Vægtskaalerne:
Then I wrote in a scroll and sealed it, and had witnesses witness it. Then I weighed the silver in the scales.
11 Og jeg tog Købebrevet, det som var forseglet og indeholdt, hvad der var bestemt og fastsat, og det, som var aabent.
Next I took the deed of purchase that was sealed, following the command and the statutes, as well as the unsealed deed.
12 Og jeg gav Baruk, en Søn af Neria, som var en Søn af Mahasia, Købebrevet for Hanameels, min Farbroders Søns, Øjne og for de Vidners Øjne, som havde underskrevet Købebrevet, for alle de Jøders Øjne, som sade i Fængselets Forgaard.
I gave the sealed scroll to Baruch son of Neriah son of Mahseiah in front of Hanamel, the son of my uncle, and the witnesses who had written in the sealed scroll, and in front of all the Judeans who sat in the courtyard of the guard.
13 Og jeg befalede Baruk for deres Øjne og sagde:
So I gave a command to Baruch before them. I said,
14 Saa siger den Herre Zebaoth, Israels Gud: Tag disse Breve, dette Købebrev, baade dette forseglede og dette aabne Brev, og læg dem i et Lerkar, at de maa holde sig mange Dage.
“Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel, says this: Take these documents, both this receipt of purchase that is sealed and the unsealed copies of the deed of purchase, and put them in a clay jar so they will last for a long time.
15 Thi saa siger den Herre Zebaoth, Israels Gud: Endnu skal der købes Huse og Agre og Vingaarde i dette Land.
For Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel, says this: Houses, fields, and vineyards will again be bought in this land.”
16 Og jeg bad til Herren, efter at jeg havde overgivet Baruk, Nerias Søn, Købebrevet og sagde:
After I gave the receipt of purchase to Baruch son of Neriah, I prayed to Yahweh and said,
17 Ak, Herre, Herre! se, du har skabt Himmelen og Jorden ved din store Kraft og ved din udrakte Arm; der er ingen Ting underlig for dig,
“Woe, Lord Yahweh! Look! You alone have made the heavens and the earth by your great strength and with your raised arm. Nothing you say is too difficult for you to do.
18 du, som gør Miskundhed imod tusinde og som betaler Fædrenes Misgerning i deres Børns Barm efter dem, du store, du vældige Gud, hvis Navn er Herren Zebaoth,
You show covenant faithfulness to thousands and pour the guilt of men into the laps of their children after them. You are the great and mighty God; Yahweh of hosts is your name.
19 stor i Raad og mægtig i Gerning; thi dine Øjne ere opladte over alle Menneskens Børns Veje til at give hver efter hans Veje og efter hans Idrætters Frugt!
You are great in wisdom and mighty in deeds, for your eyes are open to all the ways of people, to give to each man what his conduct and deeds deserve.
20 Du, som har gjort Tegn og underlige Ting i Ægyptens Land, indtil denne Dag, baade iblandt Israel og iblandt andre Mennesker, og har indlagt dig et Navn, som det er paa denne Dag;
You did signs and wonders in the land of Egypt. To this present day here in Israel and among all mankind, you have made your name famous.
21 og du udførte dit Folk Israel af Ægyptens Land, ved Tegn og ved underlige Ting og ved en stærk Haand og ved en udrakt Arm og ved stor Forfærdelse;
For you brought your people Israel out from the land of Egypt with signs and wonders, with a strong hand, with a raised arm, and with great terror.
22 og du gav dem dette Land, som du tilsvor deres Fædre at ville give dem, et Land, som flyder med Mælk og Honning;
Then you gave them this land—which you had sworn to their ancestors to give to them—a land flowing with milk and honey.
23 og de kom og toge det i Eje, men de hørte ikke din Røst og vandrede ikke efter din Lov; alt det, som du bød dem at gøre, gjorde de ikke; og du lod al denne Ulykke møde dem.
So they entered and took possession of it. But they did not obey your voice or live in obedience to your law. They did nothing of what you had commanded them to do, so you brought all this disaster on them.
24 Se, Belejringsvoldene ere komne ind imod Staden til dens Indtagelse, og Staden er given i Kaldæernes Haand, som stride imod den, ved Sværdet og Hungeren og Pesten; og det, som du har talt, er sket, og se, du ser det.
Look! The siege mounds have reached up to the city to capture it. For because of sword, famine, and plague, the city has been given into the hand of the Chaldeans who are fighting against it. For what you have said would happen is happening, and see, you are watching.
25 Og du, Herre, Herre, har dog sagt til mig: Køb dig Ageren for Penge og tag Vidner derpaa, skønt Staden er given i Kaldæernes Haand.
Then you yourself said to me, “Purchase a field for yourself with silver and have witnesses witness it, even though this city is being given into the hand of the Chaldeans.”
26 Og Herrens Ord kom til Jeremias, saa lydende:
The word of Yahweh came to Jeremiah, saying,
27 Se, jeg er Herren, alt Køds Gud; mon nogen Ting skulde være underlig for mig?
“Look! I am Yahweh, God of all mankind. Is anything too difficult for me to do?
28 Derfor, saa siger Herren: Se, jeg giver denne Stad i Kaldæernes Haand og i Nebukadnezar, Kongen af Babels Haand, at han skal indtage den.
Therefore Yahweh says this, 'See, I am about to give this city into the hand of the Chaldeans and Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. He will capture it.
29 Og Kaldæerne, som stride imod denne Stad, skulle komme og stikke Ild paa denne Stad og opbrænde den og Husene, paa hvis Tage de gjorde Røgelse for Baal og udøste Drikoffer for andre Guder for at opirre mig.
The Chaldeans who are fighting against this city will come and set fire to this city and burn it, along with the houses on the roofs of which the people worshiped Baal and poured out drink offerings to other gods in order to provoke me.
30 Thi Israels Børn og Judas Børn have kun gjort ondt for mine Øjne fra deres Ungdom af; og Israels Børn have kun opirret mig med deres Hænders Gerning, siger Herren.
For the people of Israel and Judah have certainly been people who have been doing evil before my eyes since their youth. The people of Israel have certainly offended me with the practices of their hands—this is Yahweh's declaration.
31 Thi til Vrede for mig og til Harme for mig har denne Stad været fra den Dag, da de byggede den, og indtil denne Dag, saa at jeg maa skaffe den bort fra mit Ansigt
Yahweh declares that this city has been a provocation of my wrath and fury since the day that they built it. It has been that right up to this present day. So I will remove it from before my face
32 formedelst al Israels Børns og Judas Børns Ondskab, som de øvede for at opirre mig, de, deres Konger, deres Fyrster, deres Præster og deres Profeter, baade Judas Mænd og Jerusalems Indbyggere.
because of all the wickedness of the people of Israel and Judah, the things that they have done to provoke me—they, their kings, princes, priests, prophets, and every person in Judah and inhabitant of Jerusalem.
33 Og de vendte Ryggen til mig, og ikke Ansigtet; skønt jeg lærte dem tidligt og ideligt, hørte de dog ikke, saa at de annammede Undervisning.
They turned their backs to me instead of their faces, though I had eagerly taught them. I tried to teach them, but not one of them listened in order to receive correction.
34 Men de satte deres Vederstyggeligheder i det Hus, som er kaldet efter mit Navn, for at besmitte det.
They set up their abominable idols in the house that is called by my name, to defile it.
35 Og de byggede Baalshøjene, som ere i Ben-Hinnoms Dal, for at ofre deres Sønner og deres Døtre til Molek, hvilket jeg ikke havde befalet dem, og hvilket ikke var kommet mig i Sinde, og for at gøre denne Vederstyggelighed, paa det de maatte faa Juda til at synde.
They built high places for Baal in the Valley of Ben Hinnom in order to put their sons and daughters in the fire for Molech. I did not command them. It never entered my mind that they should do this detestable thing and so cause Judah to sin.'
36 Og nu siger Herren, Israels Gud, derfor saaledes om denne Stad, om hvilken I sige, at den gives i Kongen af Babels Haand, ved Sværdet og ved Hungeren og ved Pesten:
So now therefore, I, Yahweh, the God of Israel, say this concerning this city, the city about which you are saying, 'It is given into the hand of the king of Babylon by sword, famine, and plague.'
37 Se, jeg samler dem fra alle Landene, hvorhen jeg fordrev dem i min Vrede og i min Harme og i stor Fortørnelse; og jeg vil føre dem tilbage til dette Sted og lade dem bo tryggelig.
See, I am about to gather them from every land where I had driven them in my wrath, fury, and great anger. I am about to bring them back to this place and enable them to live in security.
38 Og de skulle være mig et Folk, og jeg vil være dem en Gud.
Then they will be my people, and I will be their God.
39 Og jeg vil give dem eet Hjerte og een Vej, at de skulle frygte mig alle Dage, for at det maa gaa dem vel og deres Børn efter dem.
I will give them one heart and one way to honor me every day so it will be good for them and their descendants after them.
40 Og jeg vil slutte en evig Pagt med dem, at jeg ikke vil drage mig tilbage fra dem, med at gøre dem godt; og jeg vil lægge min Frygt i deres Hjerter, at de ikke skulle vige fra mig.
Then I will make with them an everlasting covenant, that I will not turn away from doing good to them. I will set honor for me in their hearts, so that they will never turn away from me.
41 Og jeg vil glæde mig over dem ved at gøre dem godt; og jeg vil plante dem i dette Land i Sandhed, af mit ganske Hjerte og af min ganske Sjæl.
Then I will rejoice in doing good to them. I will faithfully plant them in this land with all my heart and all my life.
42 Thi saa siger Herren: Ligesom jeg lod al den store Ulykke komme over dette Folk, saaledes vil jeg lade alt det gode komme over dem, som jeg taler over dem.
For Yahweh says this, 'Just as I have brought all this great disaster on this people, so I will bring on them all the good things that I have said I would do for them.
43 Og der skal købes Agre i dette Land, om hvilket I sige: Det er øde, uden Folk og Kvæg, det er givet i Kaldæernes Haand.
Then fields will be bought in this land, about which you are saying, “This is a ruined land, which has neither man nor beast. It has been given into the hand of the Chaldeans.”
44 De skulle købe Agre for Penge og skrive Breve og forsegle dem og tage Vidner derpaa, i Benjamins Land og trindt omkring Jerusalem, og i Judas Stæder og i Stæderne paa Bjerget og i Stæderne i Lavlandet og i Stæderne imod Sønden; thi jeg vil omvende deres Fangenskab, siger Herren.
They will buy fields with silver and write in sealed scrolls. They will assemble witnesses in the land of Benjamin, all around Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, in the cities in the hill country and in the lowlands, and in the cities of the Negev. For I will bring back their fortunes—this is Yahweh's declaration.'”

< Jeremias 32 >