< Jeremias 12 >

1 Herre! du er retfærdig, naar jeg vil trætte med dig; jeg vil kun tale med dig om Ret: Hvorfor er de ugudeliges Vej lykkelig? hvorfor ere alle de troløse saare trygge?
[are] righteous You O Yahweh if I bring a case to you nevertheless judgments I will speak with you why? [the] way of wicked [people] does it prosper are they at ease? all [those who] act treacherously of treachery.
2 Du plantede dem, de sloge ogsaa Rødder, de gaa frem, de have ogsaa baaret Frugt; du er nær i deres Mund, men langt borte fra deres Indre.
You have planted them also they have taken root they walk also they have produced fruit [are] near you in mouth their and distant from kidneys their.
3 Men du, Herre! du kender mig, du ser mig og prøver mit Hjertelag imod dig; bortryk dem som Faar til at slagtes og indvi dem til Drabsdagen!
And you O Yahweh you know me you see me and you test heart my with you drag away them like sheep to slaughter and set apart them to a day of slaughter.
4 Hvor længe skal Landet sørge og Urterne paa al Marken tørres hen? for deres Ondskabs Skyld, som bo der, ere Dyr og Fugle omkomne; thi de sige: Han ser ikke, hvorledes vor sidste Tid vil blive.
Until when? will it dry up the land and [the] vegetation of every field will it be dried up from [the] evil of [those who] dwell in it it has dwindled away animals and bird[s] for people have said not he will see end our.
5 Naar du løb med Fodgængere, og de gjorde dig træt: Hvorledes vil du da kunne kappes med Heste? og i Fredens Land føler du dig vel tryg, men hvorledes vil du gøre det ved Jordans Stolthed?
If with foot soldiers - you have run and they have made weary you and how? will you compete with the horses and in a land of safety you [are] falling to [the] ground and how? will you do in [the] thicket of the Jordan.
6 Thi ogsaa dine Brødre og din Faders Hus, ogsaa disse ere troløse imod dig, ogsaa disse skrige med fuld Røst efter dig; tro dem ikke, naar de tale godt til dig.
For also brothers your and [the] house of father your also they they have dealt treacherously with you also they they have called out after you full may not you trust in them for they speak to you good things.
7 Jeg har forladt mit Hus, opgivet min Arv; jeg har givet min Sjæls elskelige i hendes Fjenders Haand.
I have forsaken house my I have abandoned inheritance my I have given [the] beloved one of self my in [the] hand enemies her.
8 Min Arv er bleven mig som en Løve i Skoven; den har opløftet sin Røst imod mig, derfor hader jeg den.
It has become to me inheritance my like a lion in the forest it has given on me with voice its there-fore I hate it.
9 Er min Arv bleven mig som en spraglet Rovfugl? Rovfuglene omringe den; gaar, samler alle vilde Dyr paa Marken, lader dem komme at æde!
¿ A bird of prey speckled [is] inheritance my to me that [are] bird[s] of prey? all around on it go gather every animal of the field bring [them] for food.
10 Mange Hyrder have ødelagt min Vingaard, de have nedtraadt min Ager; de have gjort den Ager; der var min Lyst, til en øde Ørk.
Shepherds many they have ruined vineyard my they have trodden down portion my they have made [the] portion of desire my into a wilderness of desolation.
11 Man har gjort den aldeles øde, den sørger over for mig, der den er øde; alt Landet er ødelagt, thi ingen lagde sig det paa Hjerte.
He has made it into a desolation it is in mourning on me desolate it has been made desolate all the land for there not [is] anyone [who] puts [it] on heart.
12 Ødelæggere ere komne over alle nøgne Høje i Ørken; thi Herren har et Sværd, der fortærer fra Jordens ene Ende og indtil Jordens anden Ende; intet Kød har Fred.
Over all [the] bare heights in the wilderness they have come destroyers for a sword of Yahweh [is] devouring from an end of [the] land and to [the] end of the land not peace [belongs] to any flesh.
13 De saaede Hvede og høstede Torne, de gjorde sig Møje, men det gavner dem ikke, og de skamme sig over deres Indtægt, for Herrens brændende Vredes Skyld.
People have sown wheat and thorns they have reaped they have wearied themselves not they have profited and be ashamed from produce your from [the] burning of [the] anger of Yahweh.
14 Saa siger Herren imod alle mine onde Naboer, der antaste den Arv, som jeg har tildelt mit Folk Israel: Se, jeg oprykker dem af deres Land og oprykker Judas Hus af deres Midte.
Thus - he says Yahweh on all neighbors my evil who touch the inheritance which I gave as an inheritance people my Israel here I [am] about to pluck up them from on land their and [the] house of Judah I will pluck up from among them.
15 Og det skal ske, efter at jeg har oprykket dem, da vil jeg komme igen og forbarme mig over dem; og jeg vil føre dem tilbage, hver til sin Arv og hver til sit Land.
And it will be after have plucked up I them I will return and I will have compassion on them and I will bring back them everyone to own inheritance his and everyone to own land his.
16 Og det skal ske, dersom de lære mit Folks Veje, saa de Sværge ved mit Navn, „saa sandt som Herren lever”, ligesom de lærte mit Folk at sværge ved Baal: Da skulle de bygges midt iblandt mit Folk.
And it will be certainly [if] they will learn [the] ways of people my to swear by name my [by] [the] life of Yahweh just as they taught people my to swear by Baal and they will be built in among people my.
17 Men dersom de ikke høre, da vil jeg oprykke et saadant Folk, ja, oprykke og ødelægge det, siger Herren.
And if not they will listen and I will pluck up the nation that plucking up and destroying [the] utterance of Yahweh.

< Jeremias 12 >