< Jeremias 1 >

1 Ord af Jeremias, Hilkias Søn, en af Præsterne, som vare i Anathoth, i Benjamins Land,
The word of God which came to Jeremias the [son] of Chelcias, of the priests, who lived in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin:
2 til hvem Herrens Ord kom i Josias's, Amons Søns, Judas Konges Dage, i hans Regerings trettende Aar;
[accordingly] as the word of God came to him in the days of Josias son of Amos king of Juda, in the thirteenth year of his reign.
3 og det kom fremdeles i Jojakims, Josias's Søns, Judas Konges Dage indtil Enden af Zedekias's, Josias's Søns, Judas Konges ellevte Aar, indtil Jerusalem blev ført i Fangenskab i den femte Maaned.
And it was in the days of Joakim, son of Josias king of Juda, until the eleventh year of Sedekias king of Juda, [even] until the captivity of Jerusalem in the fifth month.
4 Og Herrens Ord kom til mig saalunde:
And the word of the Lord came to him, [saying],
5 Før jeg dannede dig i Moders Liv, kendte jeg dig, og før du udkom af Moders Skød, helligede jeg dig; jeg beskikkede dig til en Profet for Folkene.
Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you; and before you came forth from the womb, I sanctified you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
6 Men jeg sagde: Ak Herre, Herre! se, jeg forstaar ikke at tale, thi jeg er ung.
And I said, O Lord, you that are supreme Lord, behold, I know not [how] to speak, for I am a child.
7 Men Herren sagde til mig: Sig ikke: Jeg er ung; thi du skal gaa over alt, hvor jeg sender dig, og alt det, som jeg befaler dig, skal du tale.
And the Lord said to me, Say not, I am a child: for you shall go to all to whoever I shall send you, and according to all [the words] that I shall command you, you shall speak.
8 Frygt ikke for deres Ansigt; thi jeg er med dig for at redde dig, siger Herren.
Be not afraid before them: for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.
9 Og Herren udrakte sin Haand og lod den røre ved min Mund, og Herren sagde til mig: Se, jeg har lagt mine Ord i din Mund.
And the Lord stretched forth his hand to me, and touched my mouth: and the Lord said to me, Behold, I have put my words into your mouth.
10 Se, jeg har beskikket dig paa denne Dag over Folkene, og over Rigerne til at oprykke og til at omstyrte og til at fordærve og til at nedkaste, til at bygge og til at plante.
Behold, I have appointed you this day over nations and over kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to rebuild, and to plant.
11 Og Herrens Ord kom til mig, og han sagde: Jeremias, hvad ser du? Og jeg sagde: Jeg ser en Mandelstav.
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, What see you? And I said, A rod of an almond tree.
12 Og Herren sagde til mig: Du saa rigtigt; thi jeg vil være aarvaagen over mit Ord for at fuldkomme, det.
And the Lord said to me, You have well seen: for I have watched over my words to perform them.
13 Og Herrens Ord kom til mig anden Gang, og han sagde: Hyad ser du? Og jeg sagde: Jeg ser en sydende Gryde, og den vender sig hid fra Egnen imod Nord.
And the word of the Lord came to me a second time, saying, What see you? And I said, A caldron on the fire; and the face of it is toward the north.
14 Og Herren sagde til mig: Fra Norden skal Ulykken udlades over alle Landets Indbyggere.
And the Lord said to me, From the north shall flame forth evils upon all the inhabitants of the land.
15 Thi se, jeg kalder ad alle Rigernes Stammer imod Norden, siger Herren; og de skulle komme og sætte hver sin Stol for Indgangen til Jerusalems Porte og imod alle dens Mure trindt omkring, imod alle Judas Stæder.
For, behold, I call together all the kingdoms of the earth from the north, says the Lord; and they shall come, and shall set each one his throne at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem, and against all the walls round about her, and against all the cities of Juda.
16 Og jeg vil holde Ret over dem for al deres Ondskabs Skyld; thi de forlode mig og gjorde Røgelse for andre Guder og tilbade for deres Hænders Gerninger.
And I will speak to them in judgment, concerning all their iniquity, [forasmuch] as they have forsaken me, and sacrificed to strange gods, and worshipped the works of their own hands.
17 Og du, du skal binde op om dine Lænder og gøre dig rede og tale til dem alt det, jeg vil befale dig; vær ikke bange for dem, at jeg ikke skal gøre dig bange for dem.
And do you gird up your loins, and stand up, and speak all [the words] that I shall command you: be not afraid of their face, neither be you alarmed before them; for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.
18 Og jeg, se, jeg har gjort dig i Dag til en fast Stad og til en Jernpille og til Kobbermure for hele Landet, imod Judas Konger, imod dets Fyrster, imod dets Præster og imod Folket i Landet.
Behold, I have made you this day as a strong city, and as a brazen wall, strong [against] all the kings of Juda, and the princes thereof, and the people of the land.
19 Og de skulle stride imod dig og ikke faa Overhaand over dig; thi jeg er med dig, siger Herren, for at redde dig.
And they shall fight against you; but they shall by no means prevail against you; because I am with you, to deliver you, says the Lord.

< Jeremias 1 >