< Esajas 42 >

1 Se, min Tjener, hvem jeg opholder, min udvalgte, i hvem min Sjæl har Behagelighed; jeg har givet min Aand over ham, han skal føre Ret ud til Hedningerne.
Behold my servant, I will uphold him, my elect, with him my soul is well-pleased. I have sent my Spirit upon him. He will offer judgment to the nations.
2 Han skal ikke raabe og ej opløfte Røsten og ikke lade sin Røst høre paa Gaden.
He will not cry out, and he will not show favoritism to anyone; neither will his voice be heard abroad.
3 Han skal ikke sønderbryde det knækkede Rør og ikke udslukke den rygende Tande; han skal udføre Ret efter Sandhed.
The bruised reed he will not break, and the smoldering wick he will not extinguish. He will lead forth judgment unto truth.
4 Han skal ikke vansmægte, ej heller blive afmattet, indtil han faar beskikket Ret paa Jorden; og paa hans Lov vente Øer.
He will not be saddened or troubled, until he establishes judgment on earth. And the islands will await his law.
5 Saa siger Gud Herren, som skabte Himlene og udspændte dem, som udbredte Jorden og dens Grøde, han, som giver Folket derpaa Aande og dem, som gaa derpaa, Aand:
Thus says the Lord God, who created the heavens and expanded it, who formed the earth and all that springs from it, who gives breath to the people in it, and spirit to those walking on it.
6 Jeg, Herren, jeg har kaldet dig i Retfærdighed, og jeg vil tage dig ved din Haand; og jeg vil bevare dig og gøre dig til en Pagt for Folket, til et Lys for Hedningerne,
I, the Lord, have called you in justice, and I have taken your hand and preserved you. And I have presented you as a covenant of the people, as a light to the Gentiles,
7 til at aabne de blindes Øjne, til at udføre de bundne af Fængsel, dem, som sidde i Mørke, af Fangenskabet.
so that you may open the eyes of the blind, and lead out the prisoner from confinement and those sitting in darkness from the house of incarceration.
8 Jeg er Herren, det er mit Navn; og jeg vil ingen anden give min Ære eller de udskaarne Billeder min Lov.
I am the Lord; this is my name. I will not give my glory to another, nor my praise to graven things.
9 Se, de første Ting ere komne, og jeg forkynder de nye; før de oprinde, vil jeg lade eder høre om dem.
The things that were first, behold, they have arrived. And I also announce what is new. Before these things arise, I will cause you to hear about them.
10 Synger Herren en ny Sang, hans Lov fra Jordens Ende, I, som fare ud paa Havet og dets Fylde, I Øer og deres Indbyggere!
Sing to the Lord a new canticle, sing his praise from the ends of the earth, you who descend into the sea and all its fullness, the islands and their inhabitants.
11 Ørken og dens Stæder skulle opløfte Røsten, de Byer, hvor Kedar bor; de, som bo paa Klippen, skulle synge med Fryd, de skulle raabe fra Bjergenes Top.
Let the desert and its cities be lifted up. Kedar will dwell in houses. O inhabitants of the rock, give praise! They will cry out from the top of the mountains.
12 De skulle tillægge Herren Ære og kundgøre hans Lov paa Øerne.
They will give glory to the Lord, and they will announce his praise to the islands.
13 Herren skal drage ud som den vældige, vække sin Nidkærhed som en Krigsmand; han skal raabe med Glæde, ja, raabe højt, han skal faa Overhaand over sine Fjender.
The Lord will go forth like a strong man; like a man of battle, he will stir up zeal. He will shout and cry out. He will prevail against his enemies.
14 Jeg har tiet fra fordums Tid, jeg var tavs, jeg holdt mig tilbage; men nu vil jeg stønne dybt som hun, der føder, jeg vil give min Harme Luft og fnyse.
I have always been quiet; I have been silent; I have been patient. I will speak like a woman giving birth. I will destroy and consume, all at once.
15 Jeg vil lægge Bjerge og Høje øde og borttørre alle deres Urter og gøre Floder til Fastland og udtørre Søer.
I will desolate the mountains and the hills, and I will wither all their grass. And I will turn rivers into islands, and I will dry up the pools of water.
16 Og jeg vil lede de blinde paa den Vej, som de ikke have vidst, jeg vil lade dem træde paa de Stier, som de ikke have kendt; jeg vil gøre Mørket for deres Ansigt til Lys og de bakkede Steder til Slette; disse ere Ordene, jeg opfylder dem og gaar ikke fra dem.
And I will lead the blind along a way which they do not know. And I will cause them to walk along paths with which they were unfamiliar. I will turn darkness into light before them, and crooked into straight. These things I have done for them. For I have not abandoned them.
17 Vige tilbage og blive svarlig til Skamme skulle de, som forlade sig paa et udskaaret Billede, de, som sige til et støbt Billede: I ere vore Guder.
They have been converted again. Let those who trust in graven idols be greatly confounded, for they say to a molten thing, “You are our god.”
18 I døve, hører! og I blinde, lukker Øjnene op! at I kunne se.
You who are deaf, hear! You who are blind, turn your gaze and see!
19 Hvo er blind, naar det ikke er min Tjener, og døv som den, jeg udsendte som mit Bud? hvo er blind som den fuldkomne og blind som Herrens Tjener?
Who is blind, except my servant? Who is deaf, except the one to whom I have sent my messengers? Who is blind, except the one who has been sold? And who is blind, except the servant of the Lord?
20 Du har set mange Ting, men du bevarer dem ikke; oplades Ørene, hører han dog ikke.
You who see many things, will you not keep them? You who have open ears, will you not listen?
21 Herren har Lyst for sin Retfærdigheds Skyld til at gøre Loven stor og herlig.
And the Lord was willing to sanctify him, and to magnify the law, and to exalt him.
22 Men dette er et Folk, som er blevet til Rov og Bytte, de ere alle sammen bundne i Huler og skjulte i Fængsler, de ere blevne til Rov, og der er ingen, som frier, til Bytte, og der er ingen, som siger: Giv tilbage!
But this same people has robbed and laid waste. All their youth are a snare, and they have been hidden in houses of confinement. They have become victims; there is no one who may rescue them. They have been plundered; there is no one who may say, “Restore.”
23 Hvo er der iblandt eder, som vender Øret til dette, og som vil mærke og høre det, som skal ske herefter.
Who is there among you who will hear this, who will listen closely and heed this in the future?
24 Hvo gav Jakob hen til at plyndres og Israel hen til Røvere? mon ikke Herren, imod hvem vi syndede, og paa hvis Veje de ikke vilde vandre, og paa hvis Lov de ikke vilde høre?
Who has handed over Jacob into plunder, and Israel into devastation? Is it not the Lord himself, against whom we have sinned? And they were not willing to walk in his ways, and they have not listened to his law.
25 Derfor udøste han sin Vredes Harme og Krigens Magt over dem, og den optændtes trindt omkring imod dem; men de forstaa det ikke; og den fortærede dem, men de lægge det ikke paa Hjerte.
And so, he poured out over him the indignation of his fury and a strong battle. And he burned him all around, and he did not realize it. And he set him on fire, and he did not understand it.

< Esajas 42 >