< Hoseas 12 >

1 Efraim lægger sig efter Vind og jager efter Østenvejr, den hele Dag formerer han Løgn og Voldsgerning; og de slutte Pagt med Assyrien, og Olie føres til Ægypten.
[The leaders of] Israel are constantly wavering [about seeking help from other countries]. [Seeking their help is as useless as] [MET] chasing the wind. They pile up their lies and violent acts. [First, ] they make a treaty with Assyria, and [then they] send olive oil to [the rulers of] Egypt [to seek their help].
2 Og Herren har Trætte med Juda, og han er rede til at hjemsøge Jakob efter hans Veje og betale ham efter hans Idrætter.
Yahweh [says that he] will bring accusations against [the leaders of] Judah, and that he will punish [the descendants of] Jacob for what they have done.
3 I Moders Liv holdt han sin Broder om Hælen, og i sin Manddoms Kraft kæmpede han med Gud.
[When Jacob was] in his mother’s womb, he grabbed his brother [Esau’s] heel [because he wanted to be born first]. When Jacob grew up, he wrestled with God.
4 Ja, han kæmpede med en Engel og sejrede, han græd og bad ham om Naade; han fandt ham i Bethel, og der talte han med os.
He struggled with [the one who had appeared to him in the form of] an angel, and Jacob defeated him, but [then] he cried and asked the angel to bless him. [Later], God came to Jacob at Bethel and talked with him there.
5 Og Herren, Hærskarernes Gud — „Herren” er hans Ihukommelses Navn.
[That was] the Commander of the armies of angels whose name is Yahweh [who talked with him]!
6 Og du, du skal omvende dig til din Gud; bevar Miskundhed og Ret, og vent stedse paa din Gud!
But you [people of Israel] must return to your God! You must faithfully love [him], and you must do what is fair/just and always depend on him.
7 I Kanaans Haand er der Falskheds Vægtskaale; han har Lyst til at forfordele.
The merchants [among you] use scales that do not weigh correctly; they love/like to cheat people.
8 Og Efraim sagde: Jeg er dog bleven rig, jeg har vundet mig Formue; alle mine Arbejder paadrage mig ingen Overtrædelse, som maatte være Synd.
[The people of] Israel boast, saying “We are [very] rich [DOU]; and we got all that money by our own efforts, and without committing any sin.”
9 Men jeg er Herren din Gud fra Ægyptens Land af: Jeg vil endnu lade dig bo i Telte som paa Højtidens Dage.
“I am Yahweh your God, [the one who brought your ancestors] out of Egypt. [And some day] I will force you to live in tents again [like your ancestors did] when [they celebrated] the Festival [of Living in Temporary Shelters].
10 Og jeg har talt til Profeterne, og jeg har givet mange Syner, og ved Profeterne fremsatte jeg Lignelser.
[Many times] I spoke to the prophets, and I gave them many visions, and I gave them parables to tell [to the people].”
11 Er Gilead Uretfærdighed, saa skulle de blive aldeles til intet; de have ofret Øksne i Gilgal, derfor skulle ogsaa deres Altre vorde som Stenhobe ved Furerne paa Marken.
[The people of] Gilead [city] are [RHQ] extremely wicked; they are worthless. The people sacrifice bulls in Gilgal [city], but their altars will [soon] become like [SIM] piles of stone [at the edge of] a plowed field.
12 Og Jakob flyede til Arams Land, og Israel tjente for en Hustru; ja, for en Hustru maatte han være Hyrde.
[Your ancestor] Jacob fled [from his brother Esau] and went to northwest Mesopotamia. He worked [for his uncle Laban for many years] to get a wife; he took care of [his uncle’s] sheep [to pay] for her.
13 Og ved en Profet førte Herren Israel op af Ægypten, og ved en Profet blev det bevaret.
[Many years later, ] Yahweh enabled a prophet to bring the [ancestors of you] people of Israel here from Egypt; that prophet, [Moses], took care of them.
14 Efraim har vakt bitter Harme; men hans Herre skal lade hans Blodskyld blive paa ham og betale ham hans Forhaanelse.
[But now the people of] Israel have caused [Yahweh] to become very angry; Yahweh says that they deserve to die because they caused [many others] to die [MTY]; he will pay them back for the sins that they have committed against him and for insulting him.

< Hoseas 12 >