< 1 Mosebog 37 >
1 Og Jakob boede i det Land, hvori hans Fader havde været fremmed, i det Land Kanaan.
And Jacob dwells in the land of his father’s sojournings—in the land of Canaan.
2 Disse ere Jakobs Slægter. Josef var sytten Aar gammel, der han vogtede Kvæg med sine Brødre, og var som Dreng hos Bilhas Sønner og hos Silpas Sønner, hans Faders Hustruers Børn; og Josef førte deres onde Rygte forderes Fader.
These [are] the generations of Jacob: Joseph, a son of seventeen years, has been enjoying himself with his brothers among the flock (and he [is] a youth), with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives, and Joseph brings in an account of their evil to their father.
3 Og Israel elskede Josef fremfor alle sine Sønner, fordi han avlede ham i Alderdommen, og han gjorde ham en broget Kjortel.
And Israel has loved Joseph more than any of his sons, for he [is] a son of his old age, and has made for him a long coat;
4 Der hans Brødre saa, at deres Fader elskede ham mere end alle hans Brødre, da fik de Had til ham og kunde ikke tale fredeligen til ham.
and his brothers see that their father has loved him more than any of his brothers, and they hate him, and have not been able to speak [to] him peaceably.
5 Og Josef drømte en Drøm og forkyndte sine Brødre den; da fik de end større Had til ham.
And Joseph dreams a dream, and declares to his brothers, and they add still more to hate him.
6 Og han sagde til dem: Kære, hører denne Drøm, som jeg har drømt.
And he says to them, “Please hear this dream which I have dreamed:
7 Se, vi bandt Neg midt paa Marken, og se, mit Neg rejste sig op og blev ogsaa staaende, og se, eders Neg stode omkring og bøjede sig for mit Neg.
that, behold, we are binding bundles in the midst of the field, and behold, my bundle has arisen, and has also stood up, and behold, your bundles are all around, and they bow themselves to my bundle.”
8 Da sagde hans Brødre til ham: Skulde du virkelig regere over os? eller skulde du virkelig herske over os? Saa fik de end mere Had til ham for hans Drømme og for hans Tale.
And his brothers say to him, “Do you certainly reign over us? Do you certainly rule over us?” And they add still more to hate him, for his dreams, and for his words.
9 Og han drømte endnu en anden Drøm, og han fortalte sine Brødre den og sagde: Se, jeg drømte endnu en Drøm, og se, Solen og Maanen og elleve Stjerner bøjede sig for mig.
And he dreams yet another dream, and recounts it to his brothers, and says, “Behold, I have dreamed a dream again, and behold, the sun and the moon, and eleven stars, are bowing themselves to me.”
10 Og der han fortalte det til sin Fader og til sine Brødre, da straffede hans Fader ham og sagde til ham: Hvad er det for en Drøm, som du drømte? mon jeg og din Moder og dine Brødre virkelig skulde komme og bøje os for dig til Jorden?
And he recounts to his father, and to his brothers; and his father pushes against him, and says to him, “What [is] this dream which you have dreamed? Do we certainly come, I, and your mother, and your brothers—to bow ourselves to you, to the earth?”
11 Og hans Brødre avindedes paa ham; men hans Fader bevarede den Tale.
And his brothers are zealous against him, and his father has watched the matter.
12 Og hans Brødre gik at vogte deres Faders Kvæg i Sikem.
And his brothers go to feed the flock of their father in Shechem,
13 Og Israel sagde til Josef: Vogte ikke dine Brødre i Sikem? gak, og jeg vil sende dig til dem; og han sagde til ham: Se, jeg er rede.
and Israel says to Joseph, “Are your brothers not feeding in Shechem? Come, and I send you to them”; and he says to him, “Here I [am]”;
14 Og han sagde til ham: Kære, gak, se, om det gaar vel med dine Brødre og vel med Kvæget, og bring mig Svar igen; saa sendte han ham fra Hebrons Dal, og han kom til Sikem.
and he says to him, “Now go see the peace of your brothers, and the peace of the flock, and bring me back word”; and he sends him from the Valley of Hebron, and he comes to Shechem.
15 Da mødte en Mand ham, og se, han vankede hid og did paa Marken, og Manden spurgte ham og sagde: Hvad leder du efter?
And a man finds him, and behold, he is wandering in the field, and the man asks him, saying, “What do you seek?”
16 Og han sagde: Jeg leder efter mine Brødre; kære, giv mig til Kende, hvor de vogte.
And he says, “I am seeking my brothers, please declare to me where they are feeding.”
17 Og Manden sagde: De droge herfra; thi jeg hørte dem sige: Lader os gaa til Dothan; saa gik Josef efter sine Brødre og fandt dem i Dothan.
And the man says, “They have journeyed from this, for I have heard some saying, Let us go to Dothan,” and Joseph goes after his brothers, and finds them in Dothan.
18 Der de saa ham langt fra, og før han kom nær til dem, da lagde de Raad op mod ham at slaa ham ihjel.
And they see him from afar, even before he draws near to them, and they conspire against him to put him to death.
19 Og de sagde, den ene til den anden: Se, denne Drømmemester kommer.
And they say to one another, “Behold, this man of the dreams comes;
20 Og nu, kommer og lader os ihjel slaa ham og kaste ham i en af Gravene og sige: Et vildt Dyr har ædt ham, saa ville vi se, hvad der bliver af hans Drømme.
and now, come, and we slay him, and cast him into one of the pits, and have said, An evil beast has devoured him; and we see what his dreams are.”
21 Der Ruben hørte dette, friede han ham af deres Hænder og sagde: Lader os ikke slaa ham ihjel!
And Reuben hears, and delivers him out of their hand, and says, “Let us not strike the life”;
22 Og Ruben sagde til dem: Udøser ikke Blod, kaster ham i denne Grav, som er i Ørken, og lægger ikke Haand paa ham; thi han vilde fri ham af deres Haand og føre ham tilbage til sin Fader.
and Reuben says to them, “Shed no blood; cast him into this pit which [is] in the wilderness, and do not put forth a hand on him,” in order to deliver him out of their hand, to bring him back to his father.
23 Og det skete, der Josef kom til sine Brødre, da førte de Josef af hans Kjortel, af hans brogede Kjortel, som han havde paa sig.
And it comes to pass, when Joseph has come to his brothers, that they strip Joseph of his coat, the long coat which [is] on him,
24 Og de toge ham og kastede ham i Graven, og Graven var tom, intet Vand var i den.
and take him and cast him into the pit, and the pit [is] empty, there is no water in it.
25 Saa satte de sig til at æde Brød, og de løftede deres Øjne op og saa, og se, en rejsende Hob Ismaeliter kom fra Gilead, og deres Kameler bare Urter og Balsam og Ladanum, og de gik for at drage ned til Ægypten.
And they sit down to eat bread, and they lift up their eyes, and look, and behold, a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead, and their camels carrying spices, and balm, and myrrh, going to take [them] down to Egypt.
26 Da sagde Juda til sine Brødre: Hvad gavner det, om vi ihjelslaa vor Broder og dølge hans Blod?
And Judah says to his brothers, “What gain when we slay our brother, and have concealed his blood?
27 Kommer og lader os sælge ham til Ismaeliterne, at vor Haand ikke skal i være paa ham, thi han er vor Broder, vort Kød; saa adløde hans Brødre ham.
Come, and we sell him to the Ishmaelites, and our hands are not on him, for he [is] our brother—our flesh”; and his brothers listen.
28 Og da de midianitiske Mænd, som vare Købmænd, kom forbi, trak de Josef op og droge ham frem af Graven, og de solgte Josef til Ismaeliterne for tyve Sekel Sølv; og disse førte Josef til Ægypten.
And Midianite merchantmen pass by and they draw out and bring up Joseph out of the pit, and sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver, and they bring Joseph into Egypt.
29 Og Ruben kom til Graven igen, og se, Josef var ikke i Graven; og han sønderrev sine Klæder.
And Reuben returns to the pit, and behold, Joseph is not in the pit, and he tears his garments,
30 Og han kom tilbage til sine Brødre og sagde: Drengen er der ikke! og jeg, hvor skal jeg gaa hen!
and he returns to his brothers and says, “The boy is not, and I—to where am I going?”
31 Og de toge Josefs Kjortel og slagtede en Gedebuk og dyppede Kjortelen i Blodet,
And they take the coat of Joseph, and slaughter a kid of the goats, and dip the coat in the blood,
32 og de sendte den brogede Kjortel og lode den bringe til deres Fader og sagde: Denne have vi fundet; kære, kend, om det er din Søns Kjortel eller ej?
and send the long coat, and they bring [it] to their father, and say, “We have found this; please discern whether it [is] your son’s coat or not.”
33 Og han kendte den og sagde: Det er min Søns Kjortel, et vildt Dyr har ædt ham, Josef er visselig reven ihjel.
And he discerns it and says, “My son’s coat! An evil beast has devoured him; torn—Joseph is torn!”
34 Og Jakob sønderrev sine Klæder og lagde Sæk om sine Lænder og sørgede over sin Søn lang Tid.
And Jacob tears his raiment, and puts sackcloth on his loins, and becomes a mourner for his son many days,
35 Og alle hans Sønner og alle hans I Døtre lagde sig efter at trøste ham; men han vilde ikke lade sig trøste og sagde: Thi jeg maa fare med Sorg ned i Graven til min Søn; og hans I Fader begræd ham. (Sheol )
and all his sons and all his daughters rise to comfort him, and he refuses to comfort himself, and says, “For I go down to my son mourning, to Sheol,” and his father weeps for him. (Sheol )
36 Og Midianiterne solgte ham til Ægypten til Potifar, Faraos Hofsinde og Øverste for Livvagten.
And the Midianites have sold him to Egypt, to Potiphar, a eunuch of Pharaoh, head of the executioners.