< 1 Mosebog 29 >

1 Og Jakob løftede sine Fødder og gik til det Folks Land i Østen.
And Jacob lifts up his feet, and goes toward the land of the sons of the east;
2 Og han saa og se, der var en Brønd paa Marken, og se, der vare tre Faarehjorde, som laa ved den; thi man skulde vande Hjorden af den samme Brønd, og Stenen over Hullet paa Brønden var stor.
and he looks, and behold, a well in the field, and behold, there [are] three droves of a flock crouching by it, for they water the droves from that well, and the great stone [is] on the mouth of the well.
3 Og derhen skulde alle Hjordene sankes, og Stenen væltes fra Hullet paa Brønden, og Faarene vandes, og Stenen igen lægges over Hullet paa Brønden, paa sit Sted.
(When all the droves have been gathered there, and they have rolled the stone from off the mouth of the well, and have watered the flock, then they have turned back the stone on the mouth of the well to its place.)
4 Og Jakob sagde til dem: Mine Brødre, hvorfra ere I? og de sagde: Fra Karan ere vi.
And Jacob says to them, “My brothers, where [are] you from?” And they say, “We [are] from Haran.”
5 Og han sagde til dem: Kende I Laban, Nakors Søn? og de sagde: Vi kende ham.
And he says to them, “Have you known Laban, son of Nahor?” And they say, “We have known.”
6 Og han sagde til dem: Gaar det ham vel? og de sagde: Vel! og se, Rakel, hans Datter, kommer med Faarene.
And he says to them, “Does he have peace?” And they say, “Peace; and behold, his daughter Rachel is coming with the flock.”
7 Da sagde han: Se, det er endnu højt paa Dagen, det er ikke Tid, at Kvæget samles; vander Faarene og gaar, vogter dem!
And he says, “Behold, the day [is] still great, [it is] not time for the livestock to be gathered; water the flock, and go, delight yourselves.”
8 Og de sagde: Vi kunne ikke, førend alle Hjordene sankes, og man vælter Stenen fra Hullet paa Brønden, og da vande vi Faarene.
And they say, “We are not able, until all the droves be gathered together, and they have rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, and we have watered the flock.”
9 Medens han endnu talede med dem, da kom Rakel med Faarene, som vare hendes Faders; thi hun vogtede.
He is yet speaking with them, and Rachel has come with the flock which her father has, for she [is] shepherdess;
10 Og det skete, der Jakob saa Rakel, sin Morbroder Labans Datter, og Labans, sin Morbroders, Faar, da gik Jakob til og væltede Stenen fra Hullet paa Brønden og vandede Labans, sin Morbroders, Faar.
and it comes to pass, when Jacob has seen Rachel, daughter of his mother’s brother Laban, and the flock of his mother’s brother Laban, that Jacob comes near and rolls the stone from off the mouth of the well, and waters the flock of his mother’s brother Laban.
11 Og Jakob kyssede Rakel og opløftede sin Røst og græd.
And Jacob kisses Rachel, and lifts up his voice, and weeps,
12 Og Jakob sagde Rakel, at han var hendes Faders Broder, og at han var Rebekkas Søn; saa løb hun og forkyndte sin Fader det.
and Jacob declares to Rachel that he [is] her father’s brother, and that he [is] Rebekah’s son, and she runs and declares [it] to her father.
13 Og det skete, der Laban hørte den Tidende om Jakob, sin Søstersøn, da løb han mod ham og tog ham i Favn og kyssede ham og ledte ham ind i sit Hus; da fortalte han Laban alle disse Ting.
And it comes to pass, when Laban hears the report of his sister’s son Jacob, that he runs to meet him, and embraces him, and kisses him, and brings him into his house; and he recounts to Laban all these things,
14 Da sagde Laban til ham: Sandelig, du er mit Ben og mit Kød; og han blev hos ham en Maanedstid.
and Laban says to him, “You [are] surely my bone and my flesh”; and he dwells with him a month of days.
15 Og Laban sagde til Jakob: Fordi du er min Broder, skulde du derfor tjene mig for intet? sig mig, hvad din Løn skal være.
And Laban says to Jacob, “Is it because you [are] my brother that you have served me for nothing? Declare to me what your hire [is].”
16 Og Laban havde to Døtre: Den ældstes Navn var Lea, og den yngstes Navn Rakel.
And Laban has two daughters, the name of the older [is] Leah, and the name of the younger Rachel,
17 Og Lea havde svage Øjne; men Rakel var dejlig af Skikkelse og dejlig af Anseelse.
and the eyes of Leah [are] tender, and Rachel has been beautiful of form and beautiful of appearance.
18 Og Jakob elskede Rakel og sagde: Jeg vil tjene dig syv Aar for Rakel, din yngste Datter.
And Jacob loves Rachel and says, “I serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter”:
19 Og Laban sagde: Det er bedre, at jeg giver hende til dig, end at jeg giver hende til en anden Mand, bliv hos mig!
and Laban says, “It is better for me to give her to you than to give her to another man; dwell with me”;
20 Saa tjente Jakob for Rakel syv Aar, og de syntes ham at være faa Dage, fordi han havde Kærlighed til hende.
and Jacob serves for Rachel seven years; and they are in his eyes as some days, because of his loving her.
21 Og Jakob sagde til Laban: Giv mig min Hustru; thi min Tid er fuldkommet, og jeg vil gaa ind til hende.
And Jacob says to Laban, “Give up my wife, for my days have been fulfilled, and I go in to her”;
22 Saa bød Laban alle Mænd paa det Sted tilsammen og gjorde et Gæstebud.
and Laban gathers all the men of the place, and makes a banquet.
23 Og det skete om Aftenen, at han tog Lea sin Datter og ledte hende ind til ham, og han gik ind til hende.
And it comes to pass in the evening, that he takes his daughter Leah, and brings her to him, and he goes in to her;
24 Og Laban gav hende Silpa, sin Tjenestepige, til Pige for Lea, sin Datter.
and Laban gives his maidservant Zilpah to her, to his daughter Leah, [for] a maidservant.
25 Og det skete om Morgenen, se, da var det Lea; og han sagde til Laban: Hvi gjorde du dette imod mig? har jeg ej tjent hos dig for Rakel? og hvi har du bedraget mig?
And it comes to pass in the morning, that behold, it [is] Leah; and he says to Laban, “What [is] this you have done to me? Have I not served with you for Rachel? And why have you deceived me?”
26 Og Laban sagde: Det sker ikke saaledes paa vort Sted, at man giver den yngste bort før den førstefødte.
And Laban says, “It is not done so in our place, to give the younger before the firstborn;
27 Hold dennes Uge ud, saa ville vi ogsaa give dig denne for den Tjeneste, som du skal tjene hos mig endnu syv andre Aar.
fulfill the period of seven [for] this one, and we also give to you this one, for the service which you serve with me yet seven other years.”
28 Og Jakob gjorde saa og holdt dennes Uge ud; saa gav han ham Rakel, sin Datter, til hans Hustru.
And Jacob does so, and fulfills the period of seven [for] this one, and he gives his daughter Rachel to him for a wife for him;
29 Og Laban gav sin Datter Rakel Bilha, sin Tjenestepige, til Tjenestepige for hende.
and Laban gives his maidservant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel for a maidservant for her.
30 Saa gik han og ind til Rakel, og elskede Rakel mere end Lea; og han tjente hos ham endnu syr andre Aar.
And he also goes in to Rachel, and he also loves Rachel more than Leah; and he serves with him yet seven other years.
31 Der Herren saa, at Lea var foragtet, da aabnede han hendes Moderliv; men Rakel var ufrugtbar.
And YHWH sees that Leah [is] the hated one, and He opens her womb, and Rachel [is] barren;
32 Og Lea undfik og fødte en Søn, og hun kaldte hans Navn Ruben; thi hun sagde: Herren har set paa min Elendighed; thi nu skal min Mand elske mig.
and Leah conceives, and bears a son, and calls his name Reuben, for she said, “Because YHWH has looked on my affliction; because now does my husband love me.”
33 Og hun undfik igen og fødte en Søn og sagde: Fordi Herren har hørt, at jeg var forsmaaet, da har han givet mig ogsaa denne; saa kaldte hun hans Navn Simeon.
And she conceives again, and bears a son, and says, “Because YHWH has heard that I [am] the hated one, He also gives to me even this [one]”; and she calls his name Simeon.
34 Og hun undfik igen og fødte en Søn og sagde: Nu denne Sinde skal min Mand holde sig til mig, thi jeg har født ham tre Sønner; derfor kaldte man hans Navn Levi.
And she conceives again and bears a son, and says, “Now [is] the time, my husband is joined to me, because I have born to him three sons,” therefore has [one] called his name Levi.
35 Og hun undfik igen og fødte en Søn og sagde: Denne Sinde vil jeg prise Herren; derfor kaldte hun hans Navn Juda; saa holdt hun op at føde.
And she conceives again and bears a son, and this time says, “I praise YHWH”; therefore has she called his name Judah; and she ceases from bearing.

< 1 Mosebog 29 >