< 1 Mosebog 18 >
1 Og Herren aabenbaredes for ham i Mamre Lund, og han sad i sit Telts Dør, der Dagen var hed.
One day during that year when it was hot, Yahweh appeared to Abraham again near the big trees that belonged to Mamre, while Abraham was sitting in the entrance to his tent.
2 Og han opløftede sine Øjne og saa, og se, tre Mænd stode for ham; og der han saa dem, løb han dem i Møde fra Teltets Dør og bøjede sig til Jorden.
Abraham looked up [MTY] and was surprised to see three men standing near him. [Actually, one was Yahweh, and the other two were angels]. When he saw them, he ran to meet them. He prostrated himself with his face on the ground to show respect,
3 Og han sagde: Min Herre! Kære, dersom jeg har fundet Naade for dine Øjne, da gak ikke din Tjener forbi!
and said [to one of them], “Sir, if you are pleased with me, stay here for a little while [LIT].
4 Kære, lad hente lidt Vand, og toer eders Fødder, og hviler eder under Træet!
Allow my servants to bring a little water and wash your feet, and rest under this tree.
5 Og jeg vil hente en Mundfuld Brød, og vederkvæger eders Hjerte, siden kunne I gaa længere; thi derfor gik I forbi eders Tjener; og de sagde: Gør saaledes, som du har sagt.
Since you have come here to me, allow me to bring you some food [SYN] so that you can feel refreshed before you leave.” Yahweh replied, “All right, do as you have said.”
6 Og Abraham skyndte sig til Teltet, til Sara, og sagde: Tag hastig tre Maader Hvedemel, ælt og bag Kager!
So Abraham quickly went into the tent and said to Sarah, “Quick, get some of our best flour and make some loaves of bread!”
7 Og Abraham løb til Kvæget og hentede en blød og god Kalv, og han gav Drengen den, og han skyndte sig at tilberede den.
Then he ran to the herd of cattle and selected a calf whose meat would be tender and tasty. He gave it to one of his servants [and told him to] quickly kill it and cook it.
8 Og han tog Fløde og Mælk og Kalven, som han havde ladet tilberede, og satte for dem, og han stod hos dem under Træet, og de aade.
When the meat was cooked, Abraham brought some curds and milk and the meat that had been prepared, and set them in front of his visitors. Then he stood near them, under a tree, while they ate.
9 Og de sagde til ham: Hvor er Sara, din Hustru? og han svarede: Se, i Teltet.
[One of] them asked him, “Where is Sarah, your wife?” He replied, “She is in the tent.”
10 Og han sagde: Jeg vil visseligen komme til dig igen ved denne Aarsens Tid, og se, Sara, din Hustru, skal have en Søn; og Sara hørte det i Teltets Dør, og den var bag ham.
Then the leader of the group said, “I will return to you (about this time/in the springtime) next year, and to your amazement, your wife Sarah will have an infant son.” It happened that Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent, which was behind the one who was speaking.
11 Og Abraham og Sara vare gamle, vel ved Alder, det gik ikke mere Sara efter Kvinders Vis.
Abraham and Sarah were very old, and Sarah was far past the time of when she could bear children.
12 Og Sara lo ved sig selv og sagde: Skulde jeg lade mig lyste, efter at jeg er bleven gammel, og min Herre er gammel!
So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “My body is worn out, and my husband is old. So how can I have the pleasure [of having a child]?” [RHQ]
13 Da sagde Herren til, Abraham: Hvorfor lo Sara og sagde: monne jeg og visseligen skal føde, og jeg er gammel!
Yahweh said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh? Why was she thinking, ‘I am too old, so how can I bear a child?’
14 Skulde nogen Ting være underlig for Herren? til den bestemte Tid vil jeg komme til dig igen, ved denne Aarsens Tid, og Sara skal have en Søn.
I am Yahweh! (Is there anything too difficult for me?/There is nothing too difficult for me!) [RHQ] I will return about this time next year in the springtime, and Sarah will have an infant son.”
15 Og Sara nægtede og sagde: Jeg lo ikke; thi hun frygtede; men han sagde: Nej, thi du lo.
Then Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But Yahweh said, “Don’t deny it! You did laugh.”
16 Saa stode Mændene op derfra og vendte sig imod Sodoma, og Abraham gik med dem for at ledsage dem.
When the three men got up to leave, they looked down into the valley toward Sodom [city]. Abraham was walking with them to say “goodbye” to them.
17 Da sagde Herren: Skulde jeg dølge for Abraham det, jeg gør?
Yahweh thought to himself, “It is not right for me to prevent Abraham from knowing what I plan to do [RHQ].
18 efterdi Abraham skal visseligen vorde et stort og stærkt Folk, og alle Folk paa Jorden skulle velsignes i ham.
Abraham’s descendants [MTY] will become a great and powerful nation. And people of [MTY] all nations will be blessed because of what I do for him.
19 Thi jeg kender ham, at han skal byde sine Børn og sit Hus efter sig, at de skulle bevare Herrens Vej i at gøre Retfærdighed og Dom, paa det at Herren skal lade det komme over Abraham, som han har lovet ham.
I have chosen him in order that he will teach his children and their families to obey me and do what is right and fair, and then I will do for Abraham what I promised.”
20 Og Herren sagde: Efterdi Skriget i Sodoma og Gomorra er stort, og efterdi deres Synd er meget svar,
So Yahweh said to Abraham, “I have heard the terrible things that have been said about the people of [MTY] Sodom and Gomorrah. Their sins are very great.
21 da vil jeg nu fare ned og se, om de have gjort ganske efter det Skrig, som er kommet for mig, eller hvis ikke, saa vil jeg vide det.
So I will go down now, and I will see if all the terrible things that I have heard are true or not true.”
22 Og Mændene vendte deres Ansigt derfra og gik til Sodoma; men Abraham blev endnu staaende for Herrens Aasyn.
Then the two men turned and started walking toward Sodom. But Yahweh remained, standing in front of Abraham.
23 Og Abraham traadte frem og sagde: Vil du da ødelægge den retfærdige med den ugudelige?
Abraham came closer to him and said, “Will you really destroy righteous people along with wicked ones?
24 Der maatte maaske være halvtredsindstyve retfærdige i Staden; vil du og ødelægge og ej spare det Sted for de halvtredsindstyve retfærdiges Skyld, som kunde være derinde?
What will you do if there are only 50 righteous people in the city? Will you really get rid of them all, and not spare the place/city for the sake of the 50 righteous people who are in the city?
25 Det være langt fra dig at gøre efter denne Vis, at ihjelslaa den retfærdige med den ugudelige, at den retfærdige skulde være ligesom den ugudelige, det være langt fra dig; den, som dømmer den ganske Jord, skulde han ikke gøre Ret?
It would certainly not be right for you to do such a thing, to kill righteous people along with wicked ones, and treat righteous people and wicked people the same way. You could not do that, because you, who are the judge of everyone on the earth, will certainly do what is right [regarding the people of Sodom]!” [RHQ]
26 Da sagde Herren: Dersom jeg finder halvtredsindstyve retfærdige udi Sodoma Stad, da vil jeg spare hele Stedet for deres Skyld.
Yahweh replied, “If I find 50 righteous people in Sodom, I will spare the whole place/city for their sake.”
27 Og Abraham svarede og sagde: Se nu, jeg har begyndt at tale til Herren, og jeg er Støv og Aske.
Abraham replied, “I should not be bold like this and speak to you, God, because I am as worthless as dust and ashes [MET].
28 Der maatte maaske fattes fem i de halvtredsindstyve retfærdige, vilde du ødelægge hele Staden for de fems Skyld? Og han sagde: Jeg vil ikke ødelægge den, om jeg finder fem og fyrretyve der.
But what will you do if there are only 45 righteous people? Will you destroy everyone in the whole city because there are only 45 and not 50 righteous people?” Yahweh replied, “I will not destroy it if I find that there are 45 righteous people.”
29 Og han blev endnu ved at tale til ham og sagde: Der maatte maaske findes fyrretyve; og han sagde: Jeg vil ikke gøre det for de fyrretyves Skyld.
Abraham continued to speak to him [like this], saying, “What will you do if you find that there are only 40 righteous people there?” Yahweh replied, “I will not destroy them all, for the sake of the 40.”
30 Og han sagde: Herren blive dog ikke vred, saa vil jeg tale: der kunde maaske findes tredive; og han sagde: Jeg vil ikke gøre det, om jeg finder tredive der.
Abraham said, “God, please don’t be angry now. Let me speak again. What will you do if there are only 30 righteous people?” He replied, “I will not do it if I find that there are 30 there.”
31 Og han sagde: Se nu, jeg har begyndt at tale til Herren, der maatte maaske findes tyve; og han sagde: Jeg vil ikke ødelægge den for de tyves Skyld.
Abraham said, “I should not be bold and speak to you like this, God. But what will you do if you find that there are only 20 righteous people there?” He replied, “I will not destroy the whole city, for the sake of those 20.”
32 Og han sagde: Herren blive dog ikke vred, saa vil jeg tale alene denne Gang: der maatte maaske findes ti; og han sagde: Jeg vil ikke ødelægge den for de tis Skyld.
Abraham said, “God, don’t be angry now. Just let me speak one time more. What will you do if you find that there are only ten righteous people there?” Yahweh answered, “I will not destroy the city for the sake of those ten.”
33 Og Herren gik bort, der han havde udtalt med Abraham, og Abraham vendte om til sit Sted.
Abraham said no more, and as soon as Yahweh finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.