< Galaterne 6 >
1 Brødre! om ogsaa et Menneske bliver overrasket af nogen Forsyndelse, da hjælper en saadan til Rette, I aandelige! med Sagtmodigheds Aand, og se til dig selv, at ikke ogsaa du bliver fristet!
My friends, if someone is led astray by sin, you who are spiritual should bring them back with a gentle spirit. Watch out that you don't get tempted too.
2 Bærer hverandres Byrder og opfylder saaledes Kristi Lov!
Carry each other's burdens, for in this way you fulfill the law of Christ.
3 Thi naar nogen mener, at han er noget, skønt han intet er, da bedrager han sig selv.
Those who think they're really something—when they're actually nothing—only fool themselves.
4 Men hver prøve sin egen Gerning, og da skal han have sin Ros i Forhold til sig selv alene, og ikke til Næsten;
Carefully examine your actions. Then you can be satisfied with yourself, without comparing yourself to anyone else.
5 thi hver skal bære sin egen Byrde.
We have to take responsibility for ourselves.
6 Men den, som undervises i Ordet, skal dele alt godt med den, som underviser ham.
Those that are taught the Word should treat their teachers well, sharing with them all good things.
7 Farer ikke vild; Gud lader sig ikke spotte; thi hvad et Menneske saar, det skal han ogsaa høste.
Don't be fooled, God can't be treated with contempt: whatever you sow, that's what you reap.
8 Thi den, som saar i sit Kød, skal høste Fordærvelse af Kødet; men den, som saar i Aanden, skal høste evigt Liv af Aanden. (aiōnios )
If you sow according to your sinful human nature, from that nature you'll reap self-destruction. But if you sow according to the Spirit, from the Spirit you'll reap eternal life. (aiōnios )
9 Men naar vi gøre det gode, da lader os ikke blive trætte; thi i sin Tid skulle vi høste, saafremt vi ikke give tabt.
Let's never tire of doing good, for we'll reap a harvest at the proper time, if we don't give up.
10 Saa lader os altsaa, efter som vi have Lejlighed, gøre det gode imod alle, men mest imod Troens egne!
So while we have time, let's do good to everyone—especially to those who belong to the family of faith.
11 Ser nu, med hvor store Bogstaver jeg skriver til eder med min egen Haand!
Notice how big the letters are, now that I'm writing with my own hand!
12 Alle de, som ville tage sig godt ud i Kødet, de tvinge eder til at lade eder omskære, alene for at de ikke skulle forfølges for Kristi Kors's Skyld.
Those people who only want to make a good impression are forcing you to be circumcised just so they won't be persecuted for the cross of Christ.
13 Thi ikke engang de, som lade sig omskære, holde selv Loven; men de ville, at I skulle lade eder omskære, for at de kunne rose sig af eders Kød.
Even those who are circumcised don't keep the law, but they want to have you circumcised so that they can boast about you and claim you as their followers.
14 Men det være langt fra mig at rose mig uden af vor Herres Jesu Kristi Kors, ved hvem Verden er korsfæstet for mig, og jeg for Verden.
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through this cross, the world has been crucified to me, and I've been crucified as far as the world is concerned.
15 Thi hverken Omskærelse eller Forhud er noget, men en ny Skabning.
Circumcision or uncircumcision doesn't matter—what matters is that we're created brand new!
16 Og saa mange, som vandre efter denne Rettesnor, over dem være Fred og Barmhjertighed, og over Guds Israel!
Peace and mercy to all who follow this principle, and to the Israel of God!
17 Herefter volde ingen mig Besvær; thi jeg bærer Jesu Mærketegn paa mit Legeme.
Please, don't anyone trouble me anymore, because I carry on my body the scars of Jesus.
18 Vor Herres Jesu Kristi Naade være med eders Aand, Brødre! Amen.
My brothers and sisters, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.