< Ezra 6 >
1 Da gav Kong Darius Befaling, og de ledte i Brevkammeret, hvor man lagde Skatten, i Babel.
Then Darius the king made a decree, and they sought in the house of the scrolls of the treasuries placed there in Babylon,
2 Og der blev funden i Akmetha, paa Slottet, i Landskabet Medien, en Rulle, og i den var en Antegnelse saa skreven:
and there has been found at Achmetha, in a palace that [is] in the province of Media, a scroll, and a record thus written within it [is]:
3 I Kong Kyrus's første Aar gav Kong Kyrus Befaling om Guds Hus i Jerusalem, at Huset skulde bygges til at være et Sted, hvor man ofrede Offer, og at dets Grundvold skulde føres op; tresindstyve Alen skulde dets Højde og tresindstyve Alen dets Bredde være;
“In the first year of Cyrus the king, Cyrus the king has made a decree concerning the house of God in Jerusalem: let the house be built in the place where they are sacrificing sacrifices, and its foundations strongly laid; its height sixty cubits, its breadth sixty cubits;
4 der skulde være tre Lag store Stene og et Lag nyt Træ; og Bekostningen skulde udredes af Kongens Hus.
three rows of rolled stones, and a row of new wood, and let the outlay be given out of the king’s house.
5 Tilmed skulde man og tilbagegive Guds Hus's Kar, som vare af Guld og Sølv, hvilke Nebukadnezar havde taget ud af Templet, som var i Jerusalem, og ført til Babel, og de skulde komme til Templet, som skal være i Jerusalem, til deres Sted, og man skulde bringe dem ind i Guds Hus.
And also, the vessels of the house of God, of gold and silver, that Nebuchadnezzar took forth out of the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, and brought to Babylon, let be given back, and go to the temple that [is] in Jerusalem, [each] to its place, and put [them] down in the house of God.
6 Nu, du Thatnaj, Landshøvding paa hin Side Floden, du Sthar-Bosnaj og Selskabet, de af Afarsakta, som er paa hin Side Floden, holder eder langt derfra!
Now Tatnai, governor beyond the river, Shethar-Boznai, and their companions, the Apharsachites, who [are] beyond the river, be far from here;
7 Lader dem arbejde paa dette Guds Hus, at Jødernes Landshøvding og Jødernes Ældste kunne bygge dette Guds Hus paa dets Sted.
let alone the work of this house of God, let the governor of the Jews, and [the] elders of the Jews, build this house of God on its place.
8 Der er og given Befaling af mig om det, som I skulle gøre imod disse Jøders Ældste, at de kunne bygge dette Guds Hus, nemlig, at af Kongens Gods, af Skatten paa hin Side Floden, skulle Omkostningerne straks udredes til disse Mænd, at de ikke forhindres.
And a decree is made by me concerning that which you do with [the] elders of these Jews to build this house of God, that of [the] riches of [the] king, that [are] of [the] tribute beyond [the] river, let the outlay be given speedily to these men, that they do not cease;
9 Og hvad de have fornødent, baade Kalve og Vædre og Lam til Brændoffer for Himmelens Gud, Hvede, Salt, Vin og Olie, skal man paa Forlangende af Præsterne, som ere i Jerusalem, Dag for Dag give dem; der maa ikke ske nogen Forseelse herudi,
and what they are needing—both young bullocks, and rams, and lambs for burnt-offerings to the God of the heavens, wheat, salt, wine, and oil according to the saying of the priests who [are] in Jerusalem—let be given to them day by day without fail,
10 paa det de kunne ofre til en sød Lugt for Gud i Himmelen og bede for Kongens og hans Børns Liv.
that they are bringing sweet savors near to the God of the heavens, and praying for the life of the king, and of his sons.
11 Fremdeles er der given Befaling af mig, at naar et Menneske forandrer denne Ting, saa skal der af hans Hus udrives en Bjælke, og han skal hænges op og slaas fast derpaa, og hans Hus skal gøres til en Møgdynge derfor.
And a decree is made by me, that anyone who changes this thing, let wood be pulled down from his house, and being raised up, let him be struck on it, and let his house be made a dunghill for this.
12 Og Gud, som har ladet sit Navn bo der, nedslaa hver Konge og hvert Folk, som udrækker sin Haand for at forandre det, for at forstyrre dette Guds Hus, som er i Jerusalem; jeg, Darius har givet Befaling; det skal uopholdelig gøres.
And God, who caused His Name to dwell there, casts down any king and people that puts forth his hand to change, to destroy this house of God that [is] in Jerusalem; I Darius have made a decree; let it be done speedily.”
13 Thatnaj, Landshøvding paa hin Side Floden, Sthar-Bosnaj og deres Selskab, gjorde derpaa uopholdelig derefter, fordi Kong Darius havde sendt Bud.
Then Tatnai, governor beyond the river, Shethar-Boznai, and their companions, according to that which Darius the king has sent, so they have done speedily;
14 Og Jødernes Ældste byggede, og det lykkedes for dem efter Profeten Haggajs og Sakarias's, Iddos Søns, Profeti; og de byggede og fuldførte det efter Israels Guds Befaling og efter Kyrus's og Darius's og Artakserkses's, Kongen af Persiens, Befaling.
and [the] elders of [the] Jews are building and prospering through [the] prophecy of Haggai [the] prophet, and Zechariah son of Iddo, and they have built and finished by [the] decree of [the] God of Israel, and by [the] decree of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.
15 Og det Hus blev fuldt færdigt til den tredje Dag i Adar Maaned, i Kong Darius's Regerings sjette Aar.
And this house has gone out until the third day of the month Adar, that is [in] the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king.
16 Og Israels Børn, Præsterne og Leviterne og de andre af de Folk, som havde været bortførte, holdt dette Guds Hus's Indvielse med Glæde.
And the sons of Israel have made, [and] the priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the sons of the captivity, a dedication of this house of God with joy,
17 Og de ofrede til dette Guds Hus's Indvielse hundrede Øksne, to Hundrede Vædre, fire Hundrede Lam og tolv Gedebukke til Syndoffer for hele Israel, efter Israels Stammers Tal.
and have brought near for the dedication of this house of God: one hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs; and twelve young male goats for a sin-offering for all Israel according to the number of the tribes of Israel;
18 Og de beskikkede Præsterne i deres Afdelinger og Leviterne i deres Skifter til Gudstjenesten i Jerusalem, som skrevet er i Mose Bog.
and they have established the priests in their divisions, and the Levites in their courses, over the service of God that [is] in Jerusalem, as it is written in the scroll of Moses.
19 Og de Folk, som havde været bortførte, holdt Paaske paa den fjortende Dag i den første Maaned.
And the sons of the captivity make the Passover on the fourteenth of the first month,
20 Thi Præsterne og Leviterne havde renset sig som een Mand, de vare alle rene, og de slagtede Paaskelam for alle de Folk, som havde været bortførte, og for deres Brødre, Præsterne, og for sig selv.
for the priests and the Levites have been purified together—all of them [are] pure—and they slaughter the Passover for all the sons of the captivity, and for their brothers the priests, and for themselves.
21 Saa aade Israels Børn, de, der vare komne tilbage af dem, som havde været bortførte, samt alle de, som havde sluttet sig til dem og forladt Hedningernes Urenhed, i Landet for at søge Herren Israels Gud.
And the sons of Israel, those returning from the captivity, and everyone who is separated from the uncleanness of the nations of the land to them, to seek to YHWH, God of Israel, eat,
22 Og de holdt de usyrede Brøds Højtid i syv Dage med Glæde; thi Herren havde glædet dem og vendt Assyriens Konges Hjerte til dem for at styrke deres Hænder til Arbejdet paa Guds, Israels Guds, Hus.
and they make the Celebration of Unleavened Things seven days with joy, for YHWH made them to rejoice, and turned around the heart of the king of Asshur to them, to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.