< Ezra 2 >

1 Men disse ere Landskabets Folk, som af de bortførte Fangers Tal, hvilke Nebukadnezar, Kongen af Babel, havde bortført til Babel, droge op, og som kom tilbage til Jerusalem og Juda, hver til sin Stad,
Now these are the children of the province, that went up out of the captivity of those that had been carried away, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away unto Babylon, and that returned unto Jerusalem and Judah, every one unto his city;
2 hvilke kom med Serubabel: Jesua, Nehemia, Seraja, Reelia, Mardokaj, Bilsan, Mispar, Bigvaj, Rehum, Baena; Tallet paa Mændene af Israels Folk var:
who came with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, Baanah. The number of the men of the people of Israel:
3 Pareos's Børn, to Tusinde, et Hundrede, to og halvfjerdsindstyve;
The children of Parosh, two thousand a hundred seventy and two.
4 Sefatjas Børn, tre Hundrede og to og halvfjerdsindstyve;
The children of Shephatiah, three hundred seventy and two.
5 Araks Børn, syv Hundrede, fem og halvfjerdsindstyve;
The children of Arah, seven hundred seventy and five.
6 Pahat-Moabs Børn af Jesuas og Joabs Børn, to Tusinde, otte Hundrede og tolv;
The children of Pahath-moab, of the children of Jeshua [and] Joab, two thousand eight hundred and twelve.
7 Elams Børn, tusinde, to Hundrede, fire og halvtredsindstyve;
The children of Elam, a thousand two hundred fifty and four.
8 Sathus Børn, ni Hundrede og fem og fyrretyve;
The children of Zattu, nine hundred forty and five.
9 Saccajs Børn, syv Hundrede og tresindstyve;
The children of Zaccai, seven hundred and threescore.
10 Banis Børn, seks Hundrede og to og fyrretyve;
The children of Bani, six hundred forty and two.
11 Bebais Børn, seks Hundrede og tre og tyve;
The children of Bebai, six hundred twenty and three.
12 Asgads Børn, tusinde, to Hundrede og to og tyve;
The children of Azgad, a thousand two hundred twenty and two.
13 Adonikams Børn, seks Hundrede og seks og tresindstyve;
The children of Adonikam, six hundred sixty and six.
14 Bigvajs Børn, to Tusinde og seks og halvtredsindstyve;
The children of Bigvai, two thousand fifty and six.
15 Adins Børn, fire Hundrede og fire og halvtredsindstyve;
The children of Adin, four hundred fifty and four.
16 Alters Børn af Ezekias, otte og halvfemsindstyve;
The children of Ater, of Hezekiah, ninety and eight.
17 Bezajs Børn, tre Hundrede og tre og tyve;
The children of Bezai, three hundred twenty and three.
18 Joras Børn, hundrede og tolv;
The children of Jorah, a hundred and twelve.
19 Hasums Børn, to Hundrede og tre og tyve;
The children of Hashum, two hundred twenty and three.
20 Gibbars Børn, fem og halvfemsindstyve
The children of Gibbar, ninety and five.
21 Bethlehems Børn, hundrede og tre og tyve;
The children of Beth-lehem, a hundred twenty and three.
22 Nethofas Mænd, seks og halvtredsindstyve;
The men of Netophah, fifty and six.
23 de Mænd af Anathoth, hundrede og otte og tyve;
The men of Anathoth, a hundred twenty and eight.
24 Asmaveths Børn, to og fyrretyve;
The children of Azmaveth, forty and two.
25 de Børn af Kirjath-Arim, Kefira og Beeroth, syv Hundrede og tre og fyrretyve;
The children of Kiriath-arim, Chephirah, and Beeroth, seven hundred and forty and three.
26 de Børn af Rama og Geba, seks Hundrede og en og tyve;
The children of Ramah and Geba, six hundred twenty and one.
27 de Mænd af Mikmas, hundrede og to og tyve;
The men of Michmas, a hundred twenty and two.
28 de Mænd af Bethel og Ai, to Hundrede og tre og tyve;
The men of Beth-el and Ai, two hundred twenty and three.
29 Nebos Børn, to og halvtredsindstyve;
The children of Nebo, fifty and two.
30 de Børn af Magbis, hundrede og seks og halvtredsindstyve,
The children of Magbish, a hundred fifty and six.
31 den anden Elams Børn, tusinde, to Hundrede og fire og halvtredsindstyve;
The children of the other Elam, a thousand two hundred fifty and four.
32 Harims Børn, tre Hundrede og tyve;
The children of Harim, three hundred and twenty.
33 Lods, Hadids og Onos Børn, syv Hundrede og fem og tyve;
The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, seven hundred twenty and five.
34 Jerikos Børn, tre Hundrede og fem og fyrretyve;
The children of Jericho, three hundred forty and five.
35 Senaas Børn, tre Tusinde og seks Hundrede og tredive.
The children of Senaah, three thousand and six hundred and thirty.
36 Præsterne: Jejadas Børn af Jesuas Hus, ni Hundrede og tre og halvfjerdsindstyve;
The priests: the children of Jedaiah, of the house of Jeshua, nine hundred seventy and three.
37 Immers Børn, tusinde og to og halvtredsindstyve;
The children of Immer, a thousand fifty and two.
38 Pashurs Børn, tusinde og to Hundrede og syv og fyrretyve;
The children of Pashhur, a thousand two hundred forty and seven.
39 Harims Børn, tusinde og sytten.
The children of Harim, a thousand and seventeen.
40 Leviterne: Jesuas og Kadmiels Børn af Hodavias Børn, fire og halvfjerdsindstyve.
The Levites: the children of Jeshua and Kadmiel, of the children of Hodaviah, seventy and four.
41 Sangerne: Asafs Børn, hundrede og otte og tyve.
The singers: the children of Asaph, a hundred twenty and eight.
42 Portnernes Børn: Sallums Børn, Aters Børn, Talmons Børn, Akkubs Børn, Hatitas Børn, Sobajs Børn; de vare alle sammen hundrede og ni og tredive.
The children of the porters: the children of Shallum, the children of Ater, the children of Talmon, the children of Akkub, the children of Hatita, the children of Shobai, in all a hundred thirty and nine.
43 De livegne: Zihas Børn, Hasufas Børn, Tabaoths Børn,
The Nethinim: the children of Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the children of Tabbaoth,
44 Keros's Børn, Siehas Børn, Padons Børn,
the children of Keros, the children of Siaha, the children of Padon,
45 Lebanas Børn, Hagabas Børn, Akkubs Børn,
the children of Lebanah, the children of Hagabah, the children of Akkub,
46 Hagabs Børn, Samlajs Børn, Hanans Børn,
the children of Hagab, the children of Shamlai, the children of Hanan,
47 Giddels Børn, Gahars Børn, Reajas Børn,
the children of Giddel, the children of Gahar, the children of Reaiah,
48 Rezins Børn, Nekodas Børn, Gassams Børn,
the children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda, the children of Gazzam,
49 Ussas Børn, Passeas Børn, Besajs Børn,
the children of Uzza, the children of Paseah, the children of Besai,
50 Asnas Børn, Meunims Børn, Nefusims Børn,
the children of Asnah, the children of Meunim, the children of Nephisim,
51 Bakbuks Børn, Hakufas Børn, Harhurs Børn,
the children of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha, the children of Harhur,
52 Bazluths Børn, Mehidas Børn, Harsas Børn,
the children of Bazluth, the children of Mehida, the children of Harsha,
53 Barkos's Børn, Siseras Børn, Thamas Børn,
the children of Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children of Temah,
54 Nezias Børn, Hathifas Børn.
the children of Neziah, the children of Hatipha.
55 Salomos Tjeneres Børn: Sotajs Børn, Soferets Børn, Prudas Børn,
The children of Solomon’s servants: the children of Sotai, the children of Hassophereth, the children of Peruda,
56 Jaelas Børn, Darkons Børn, Giddels Børn.
the children of Jaalah, the children of Darkon, the children of Giddel,
57 Sefatjas Børn, Hattils Børn, Pokereth-Hazzebajms Børn, Amis Børn.
the children of Shephatiah, the children of Hattil, the children of Pochereth-hazzebaim, the children of Ami.
58 Alle de livegne og Salomos Tjeneres Børn vare tre Hundrede og to og halvfemsindstyve.
All the Nethinim, and the children of Solomon’s servants, were three hundred ninety and two.
59 Og disse ere de som droge op fra Thel-Mela, Thel-Harsa, Kerub, Addan og Immer; men de kunde ikke angive deres Fædres Hus og deres Slægt, om de vare af Israel,
And these were they that went up from Tel-melah, Tel-harsha, Cherub, Addan, [and] Immer; but they could not show their fathers’ houses, and their seed, whether they were of Israel:
60 nemlig Delajas Børn, Tobias Børn, Nekodas Børn, seks Hundrede og to og halvtredsindstyve.
the children of Delaiah, the children of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda, six hundred fifty and two.
61 Og af Præsternes Børn var der: Habajas Børn, Hakons Børn, Barsilfajs Børn, hans, som tog en Hustru af Barsillajs, Gileaditens, Døtre og blev nævnet efter deres Navn.
And of the children of the priests: the children of Habaiah, the children of Hakkoz, the children of Barzillai, who took a wife of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite, and was called after their name.
62 Disse ledte efter deres Fortegnelse i Slægtregistrene, men bleve ikke fundne deri, og de bleve som urene afviste fra Præstedømmet.
These sought their register [among] those that were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not found: therefore were they deemed polluted and put from the priesthood.
63 Og Hattirsatha sagde til dem, at de skulde ikke æde af de højhellige Ting, førend en Præst stod med Urim og med Thummim.
And the governor said unto them, that they should not eat of the most holy things, till there stood up a priest with Urim and with Thummim.
64 Hele Forsamlingen var til Hobe: To og fyrretyve Tusinde, tre Hundrede og tresindstyve
The whole assembly together was forty and two thousand three hundred and threescore,
65 foruden deres Tjenere og deres Tjenestepiger: Disse vare syv Tusinde, tre Hundrede og syv og tredive, og de havde to Hundrede Sangere og Sangersker.
besides their men-servants and their maid-servants, of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven: and they had two hundred singing men and singing women.
66 Deres Heste vare syv Hundrede og seks og tredive, deres Muler to Hundrede og fem og fyrretyve.
Their horses were seven hundred thirty and six; their mules, two hundred forty and five;
67 Deres Kameler vare fire Hundrede og fem og tredive, Asener seks Tusinde, syv Hundrede og tyve.
their camels, four hundred thirty and five; [their] asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty.
68 Og nogle af Øversterne for Fædrenehusene, der de kom til Herrens Hus, som var i Jerusalem, gave frivilligt til Guds Hus for at rejse det paa dets Grundvold.
And some of the heads of fathers’ [houses], when they came to the house of Jehovah which is in Jerusalem, offered willingly for the house of God to set it up in its place:
69 De gave efter deres Formue, som Sammenskud til Arbejdet i Guld en og tresindstyve Tusinde Drakmer og fem Tusinde Pund Sølv og hundrede Præstekjortler.
they gave after their ability into the treasury of the work threescore and one thousand darics of gold, and five thousand pounds of silver, and one hundred priests’ garments.
70 Saa boede Præsterne og Leviterne og nogle af Folket og Sangerne og Portnerne og de livegne i sine Stæder; og al Israel boede i sine Stæder.
So the priests, and the Levites, and some of the people, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinim, dwelt in their cities, and all Israel in their cities.

< Ezra 2 >