< Ezekiel 42 >

1 Og han førte mig ud til den ydre Forgaard ad Vejen imod Nord, og han førte mig til Cellebygningen, som laa tværs over for det afskaarne Rum, og som laa tværs over for Bygningen imod Nord,
And he took me out into the inner square in the direction of the north: and he took me into the rooms which were opposite the separate place and opposite the building to the north.
2 hen foran Længden paa de hundrede Alen, med Dør imod Nord, og hvis Bredde var halvtredsindstyve Alen,
On the north side it was a hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide,
3 tværs over for de tyve Alen, som hørte til den indre Forgaard, og tværs over for det tavlede Stengulv, som var i den ydre Forgaard, der var Omgang over for Omgang i tre Stokværk.
Opposite the space of twenty cubits which was part of the inner square, and opposite the stone floor of the outer square. There were covered ways facing one another on the third floor.
4 Og foran Cellerne var der en Gang, ti Alen bred imod det indre, en Vej af een Alen, og deres Døre vare imod Nord.
And in front of the rooms was a walk, ten cubits wide and a hundred cubits long; and their doors were facing north.
5 Og de øverste Celler vare snævrere; thi Omgangene toge noget bort fra dem, saa at de vare mindre end de nederste og de midterste i Bygning;
And the higher rooms were shorter: for the covered ways took up more space from these than from the lower and middle rooms.
6 thi de vare tre Loft høje og havde ikke Søjler som Søjlerne i Forgaardene; derfor vare de fra Gulvet af smallere end de nederste og de midterste.
For they were on three floors, and they had no pillars like the pillars of the outer square; so the highest was narrower than the lowest and middle floors from the earth level.
7 Og en Mur udadtil, der løb lige med Cellerne hen imod den ydre Forgaard, gik foran Cellerne, dens Længde var halvtredsindstyve Alen;
And the wall which went outside by the side of the rooms, in the direction of the outer square in front of the rooms, was fifty cubits long.
8 thi Længden paa Cellerne, som vare i den ydre Forgaard, var halvtredsindstyve Alen; og se, foran Templet vare de hundrede Alen.
For the rooms in the outer square were fifty cubits long: and in front of the Temple was a space of a hundred cubits.
9 Og neden for den laa disse Celler; Indgangen var fra Øst, naar man gik til dem, fra den ydre Forgaard.
And under these rooms was the way in from the east side, as one goes into them from the outer square at the head of the outer wall.
10 Paa Bredsiden af Forgaardens Mur, naar man gaar imod Øst, foran det afskaarne Rum og foran Bygningen var der Kamre.
(And he took me) to the south, and in front of the separate place and in front of the building there were rooms.
11 Og der var en Vej foran dem, de havde samme Udseende som Cellerne imod Nord; som de havde disses Længde, saa havde de og disses Bredde og alle disses Udgange og disses Indretninger, og som disses Døre
And there was a walk in front of them like that by the rooms on the north; they were equally long and wide; and the ways out of them were the same in design and had the same sort of doors.
12 saa vare og Dørene paa de Celler, som laa paa Sydsiden, en Dør, hvor Vejen begyndte, den Vej, som var over for den afmaalte Mur, imod Øst, naar man gik ind til dem.
And under the rooms on the south was a door at the head of the outer wall in the direction of the east as one goes in.
13 Og han sagde til mig: Cellerne imod Norden og Cellerne imod Sønden, der ligge foran det afskaarne Rum, disse ere Helligdommens Celler, hvor Præsterne, som staa Herren nær, skulle æde det højhellige; der skulle de lægge det højhellige og Madofferet og Syndofferet og Skyldofferet, thi Stedet er helligt.
And he said to me, The north rooms and the south rooms in front of the separate place are the holy rooms, where the priests who come near the Lord take the most holy things for their food: there the most holy things are placed, with the meal offering and the sin-offering and the offering for error; for the place is holy.
14 Naar Præsterne gaa ind, da skulle de ikke gaa ud igen af Helligdommen i den ydre Forgaard, men der skulle de nedlægge deres Klæder, i hvilke de gjøre Tjeneste, thi disse ere hellige; og de skulle iføre sig andre Klæder og saa nærme sig til det, som hører Folket til.
When the priests go in, they may not go out of the holy place into the outer square, and there they are to put the robes in which they do the work of the Lord's house, for they are holy: and they have to put on other clothing before they come near that which has to do with the people.
15 Og da han var færdig med Maalene i det indre Hus, førte han mig ud ad den Port, som vendte imod Østen, og han maalte der trindt omkring.
And when he had come to the end of measuring the inner house, he took me out to the doorway looking to the east, and took its measure all round.
16 Han maalte Østsiden med Maalestokken til fem Hundrede Maal med Maalestokken trindt omkring.
He went round and took the measure of it on the east side with the measuring rod, five hundred, measured with the rod all round.
17 Han maalte Nordsiden til fem Hundrede Maal med Maalestokken trindt omkring.
And he went round and took the measure of it on the north side with the measuring rod, five hundred, measured with the rod all round.
18 Han maalte Sydsiden til fem Hundrede Maal med Maalestokken.
And he went round and took the measure of it on the south side with the measuring rod, five hundred, measured with the rod all round.
19 Han gik om til Vestsiden og maalte fem Hundrede Maal med Maalestokken.
And he went round and took the measure of it on the west side with the measuring rod, five hundred, measured with the rod all round.
20 Paa de fire Sider maalte han det; der var en Mur trindt omkring, fem Hundrede Maal i Længden og fem Hundrede i Bredden, til at gøre Skel imellem det Hellige og det almindelige.
He took its measure on the four sides: and it had a wall all round, five hundred long and five hundred wide, separating what was holy from what was common.

< Ezekiel 42 >