< Ezekiel 4 >

1 Og du Menneskesøn! tag dig en Mursten, og læg den for dit Ansigt, og tegn derpaa en Stad, nemlig Jerusalem.
“And as for you, son of man, take up for yourself a tablet, and you shall set it before you. And you shall draw upon it the city of Jerusalem.
2 Og læg en Belejring omkring den, og byg et Vagttaarn imod den, og opkast en Vold imod den, og læg Lejre imod den, og sæt Stormbukke imod den trindt omkring!
And you shall set up a blockade against it, and you shall build fortifications, and you shall put together a rampart, and you shall encamp opposite it, and you shall place battering rams around it.
3 Men tag du for dig en Jernpande, og stil den som en Jern væg mellem dig og imellem Staden; og ret dit Ansigt imod den, at den kommer i Belejring, og du belejrer den; dette skal være Israels Hus til et Tegn.
And you shall take up for yourself an iron frying pan, and place it as an iron wall between you and the city. And harden your face against it, and it shall be under a siege, and you shall surround it. This is a sign to the house of Israel.
4 Og du, læg dig paa din venstre Side, og læg Israels Hus's Misgerning paa den; saa mange Dage, som du ligger paa den, saa længe skal du bære deres Misgerning.
And you shall sleep on your left side. And you shall place the iniquities of the house of Israel on it by the number of days that you will sleep on it. And you shall take upon yourself their iniquity.
5 Og jeg vil gøre dig deres Misgernings Aar til et Antal af Dage, nemlig tre Hundrede og halvfemsindstyve Dage; og du skal bære Israels Hus's Misgerning.
For I have given to you the years of their iniquity, by the number of the days: three hundred and ninety days. And you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.
6 Og naar du faar tilendebragt disse, da skal du lægge dig anden Gang paa din højre Side og bære Judas Hus's Misgerning, fyrretyve Dage; for hvert enkelt Aar sætter jeg dig en Dag.
And when you will have completed this, you shall sleep a second time, on your right side, and you shall assume the iniquity of the house of Judah for forty days: one day for each year; one day, I say, for each year, have I given to you.
7 Og du skal vende dit Ansigt og din blottede Arm imod Jerusalems Belejring, og du skal spaa imod den.
And you shall turn your face toward the siege of Jerusalem, and your arm shall be extended. And you shall prophesy against it.
8 Og se, jeg vil lægge Reb paa dig, at du ikke skal vende dig fra din ene Side til den anden, indtil du har tilendebragt din Belejrings Dage.
Behold, I have surrounded you with chains. And you shall not turn yourself from one side to the other side, until you have completed the days of your siege.
9 Saa tag du til dig Hvede og Byg og Bønner og Linser og Hirse og Spelt, og kom det i eet Kar og gør dig Brød deraf; efter Antallet af de Dage, som du skal ligge paa din Side, tre Hundrede og halvfemsindstyve Dage, skal du æde det.
And you shall take for yourself wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and vetch. And you shall set them in one vessel, and you shall make for yourself bread by the number of days that you will sleep upon your side: three hundred and ninety days shall you shall eat from it.
10 Og din Mad, som du skal æde, skal være efter Vægt, tyve Sekel til hver Dag; fra Tid til Tid skal du æde den.
But your food, which you will eat, shall be in weight twenty staters a day. You shall eat it from time to time.
11 Du skal og drikke Vand efter Maal, den sjette Part af en Hin; det skal du drikke fra Tid til Tid.
And you shall drink water by measure, one sixth part of a hin. You shall drink it from time to time.
12 Og du skal æde det som Bygkage, og du skal bage det ved Menneskeskarn for deres Øjne.
And you shall eat it like barley bread baked under ashes. And you shall cover it, in their sight, with the dung that goes out of a man.”
13 Og Herren sagde: Saaledes skulle Israels Børn æde deres Brød urent iblandt Hedningerne, hvorhen jeg vil fordrive dem.
And the Lord said: “So shall the sons of Israel eat their bread, polluted among the Gentiles, to whom I will cast them out.”
14 Men jeg sagde: Ak! Herre, Herre! se, min Sjæl er ikke besmittet, og jeg har ikke fra min Ungdom af og indtil nu ædet noget Aadsel eller noget sønderrevet, og der er ikke kommet urent Kød i min Mund.
And I said: “Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God! Behold, my soul has not been polluted, and from my infancy even until now, I have not eaten anything that has died of itself, nor that which has been torn up by beasts, and no unclean flesh at all has entered into my mouth.”
15 Og han sagde til mig: Se, jeg har givet dig Komøg i Stedet for Menneskeskarn, at du derved kan lave dit Brød.
And he said to me: “Behold, I have given to you cow manure in place of human dung, and you shall make your bread with it.”
16 Og han sagde til mig: Du Menneskesøn! se, jeg vil formindske Brøds Forraad i Jerusalem, at de skulle aede Brød efter Vægt og med Bekymring og drikke Vand efter Maal og med Forfærdelse,
And he said to me: “Son of man, behold: I will crush the staff of bread in Jerusalem. And they will eat bread by weight and with anxiety. And they will drink water by measure and with anguish.
17 fordi de skulle have Mangel paa Brød og Vand, saa de forfærdes, den ene med den anden, og hensmægte i deres Misgerning.
So then, when bread and water fail, each one may fall against his brother. And they shall waste away in their iniquities.”

< Ezekiel 4 >