< Ezekiel 21 >

1 Og Herrens Ord kom til mig saaledes:
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
2 Du Menneskesøn! vend dit Ansigt imod Jerusalem, og lad Ordene falde som Draaber imod Helligdommene, og spaa imod Israels Land;
“You human, turn toward Jerusalem. Preach about what will happen to the temple [there]. Preach about what will happen to the Israeli people.
3 og sig til Israels Land: Saa siger Herren: Se jeg kommer imod dig og uddrager mit Sværd af sin Skede, og jeg vil udrydde af dig den retfærdige med den ugudelige.
Say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh says: I am opposed to you.
4 Efterdi jeg vil udrydde af dig den retfærdige med den ugudelige, derfor skal mit Sværd udfare af sin Skede: Imod alt Kød fra Sønden til Norden.
[what I will do to you will be as though] [MET] I will pull my sword from its sheath [and strike you]. I will kill everyone, including righteous people and wicked people [DOU]. I will get rid of everyone, from the south to the north.
5 Og alt Kød skal fornemme, at jeg Herren, jeg har uddraget mit Sværd af sin Skede: Det skal ikke mere vende tilbage.
Then everyone will know [it is as though] I, Yahweh, have struck people with my sword, and I will not put it back in its sheath again.’
6 Og du Menneskesøn, suk! saa det bryder i dine Lænder, og saa det er dig bittert, skal du sukke for deres Øjne.
Therefore, you human, groan! Groan in front of the Israeli people very sadly and sorrowfully [IDM, DOU].
7 Og det skal ske, naar de sige til dig: Hvorfor sukker du? da skal du sige: For et Rygte; thi det kommer, og hvert Hjerte skal smelte, og alle Hænder skulle synke, og hver Aand skal blive sløv, og alle Knæ skulle ryste som Vand; se, det kommer, og det sker, siger den Herre, Herre.
And when they ask you, ‘Why are you groaning?’ tell them, ‘Because of the news that they soon will hear. Everyone will be very fearful [IDM], and their knees will become as weak as [SIM] water. [A great disaster] will soon occur. That is what Yahweh the Lord is promising.’”
8 Og Herrens Ord kom til mig saaledes:
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said],
9 Du Menneskesøn! spaa og sig: Saa siger Herren, sig: Et Sværd, et Sværd, det er gjort hvast og blankt tillige!
“You human, prophesy and say [to them], ‘This is what Yahweh says: I have sharpened my sword and polished it.
10 For at udføre en Slagtning er det gjort hvast, og for at lyne er det gjort blankt; — eller skulle vi vel glæde os til, at min Søns Scepter vil lade haant om alt Træ?
It is sharpened in order that I can [many people with it]; it is polished so that it will flash like lightning. The people of Judah will not [their being punished like this], but they did not repent [I only struck them] with a stick.
11 Man gav det hen at gøres blankt for at tage det i Haand; Sværdet er gjort hvast, og det er gjort blankt for at give det i Morderens Haand.
A sword should be polished, and be grasped [in someone’s hand]. It should be sharpened and polished, ready for someone to use it to kill people.
12 Raab og hyl, du Menneskesøn! thi det skal komme over mit Folk, ja, over alle Fyrster i Israel; de ere overgivne til Sværdet tillige med mit Folk; derfor slaa paa Hoften!
[So, ] you human, cry and wail, because I will use my sword to kill my people, including the leaders of Israel. They and all the other people, my people, will be killed by swords, so beat your [to show that you are sad].
13 Thi Prøven er sket! og hvad, dersom endog det haanende Scepter ikke holder Stand? siger den Herre, Herre.
I am about to test my people, and the kings [MTY] of Judah will not escape being punished. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say.
14 Og du Menneskesøn! spaa og slaa Haand i Haand; og Sværdet skal blive dobbelt, ja tredobbelt; det er et Sværd, for hvilket der skal ligge ihjelslagne; det er et Sværd, for hvilket den store skal ligge ihjelslagen; det er imod dem fra alle Sider.
So, you human, prophesy; clap your [to show that you are very happy about what is going to happen]. My sword will strike them again and again; it is a sword for slaughtering many people, while I attack them from every side.
15 Paa det at Hjertet maa smelte, og der maa blive mange Anstød, har jeg sat det blinkende Sværd imod alle deres Porte; ak! det er gjort til at lyne, det er draget til at slagte.
In order that people will be very much afraid [IDM] and many people will be killed, I have [soldiers holding] my swords at every [city] gate, ready to slaughter people. Those swords will flash like lightning, as the [soldiers] grasp them to slaughter people.
16 Tag dig sammen til højre! vend dig til venstre! hvorhen din Æg er beskikket.
Their swords [APO] will slash to the right and [then] to the left, whichever way they turn the blades.
17 Ogsaa jeg vil slaa min Haand i min Haand og stille min Harme; jeg Herren, jeg har talt det.
Then I will clap my [triumphantly]; and [then] I will no longer be angry. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.’”
18 Og Herrens Ord kom til mig saalunde:
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said, ]
19 Og du Menneskesøn! afsæt dig to Veje, ad hvilke Kongen af Babels Sværd skal komme, de skulle begge udgaa fra eet Land, og tegn en Haand, tegn den, hvor Vejen til hver Stad begynder.
“You human, [a map], and on it mark two roads for the King of Babylonia to march [along with his army, carrying] their swords. When they depart from their country, they will come to a sign post where the road divides.
20 Du skal afsætte en Vej, ad hvilken Sværdet kan komme til Ammons Børns Rabba og til Juda ind i den faste Stad Jerusalem.
[If they continue on the one road, ] they will attack [city], the capital of the Ammon people-group. [If they continue on the other road, ] they will come to Judah and to Jerusalem, [a city] with walls around it.
21 Thi Kongen af Babel staar paa Vejskellet, hvor de to Veje begynde, for at lade sig spaa; han kaster med Pilene, han spørger Husguderne, han ser paa Leveren.
[When the army of] Babylonia comes to where the road divides, [they will stop], and the king will perform magic rituals [to decide which road to go on]. He will throw arrows; [then] consult his [about which road to go on], and he will (examine/look at) the [of a sheep].
22 I hans højre Haand er Spaadommen „Jerusalem” falden, at han skal opstille Murbrækkere, at han skal oplade Munden med Mord og opløfte Røsten med Krigsskrig, opstille Murbrækkere imod Portene, opkaste en Belejringsvold, bygge Vagttaarne.
With his right hand he will pick up the arrow marked ‘Jerusalem’. He will [command his soldiers to go to Jerusalem. When they arrive there, they] will set up (rams/devices to [down the walls], ) and [then] the king will give the command for them to slaughter [the people]. They will shout [a battle-cry], and they will set up the rams against the [city] gates. They will build a dirt ramp [against the walls around the city], and set up things to bash those walls.
23 Men det skal vorde dem som en Forfængelighedsspaadom i deres Øjne, de have Ed paa Ed; men han skal bringe Misgerningen i Erindring, og de skulle gribes.
The [in Jerusalem] who had promised [to be loyal to the King of Babylonia will think that those rituals must be wrong. They will think that his army should not be attacking them]. But he will remind them of the sins [MTY] that they had committed, [his army] will capture them.
24 Derfor, saa siger den Herre, Herre: Fordi I bringe eders Misgerning i Erindring, idet eders Overtrædelser blottes, saa at eders Synder ses i alle eders Gerninger, ja, fordi I bringes i Erindring, skulle I gribes med Haanden.
Therefore, [tell the Israeli people that] this is what Yahweh the Lord says: ‘You people have allowed everyone to see that you are openly [against the King of Babylonia], and by doing that you have shown that everything that you do is sinful. Therefore you will be captured and [to Babylonia].’
25 Og du gennemborede, du ugudelige, du Israels Fyrste, hvis Dag kommer til den Tid, naar Misgerningen medfører Enden!
Also, say, ‘You very wicked [DOU] king of Israel, it is your [to die]. It is the time for you to be punished.’
26 Saa siger den Herre, Herre: Ypperstepræstehuen skal borttages, og Kongekronen bortføres; hvad der er, skal ikke være mere, det nedtrykte skal ophøjes og det høje nedtrykkes.
And this is what Yahweh the Lord says [to you soldiers from Babylonia]: ‘Take off [the king’s] turban and his crown, because now things will be different than they were [before]. [in Jerusalem] who had no authority will now be given authority, and those who had authority will have their authority taken from them.
27 Omvæltning, Omvæltning, Omvæltning vil jeg gøre det til; heller ikke denne skal vare ved — indtil han kommer, hvem Retten hører til, og jeg giver ham den.
[Jerusalem] will be completely ruined. I will cause it to be ruined, and it will not be rebuilt/restored until the king to whom the city truly belongs comes; I will give it to [to rule it].’”
28 Og du Menneskesøn! spaa og sig: Saa siger den Herre, Herre om Ammons Børn og om deres Haan, ja, sig: Et Sværd, et Sværd er draget til Slagtning, det er gjort fuldkomment blankt til at lyne,
“And, you human, prophesy and say [this]: 'This is what Yahweh the Lord says about the Ammon people-group, and about what they have said to insult [Israel]: [“The King of Babylon says, ] ‘[My soldiers have] swords’ [APO]; they have pulled out those swords to slaughter many people. They have polished them in order to kill people, and to make those swords flash like lightning.
29 idet man bringer dig forfængelige Syner, idet man spaar dig Løgn for at lægge dig ved de ihjelslagne ugudeliges Halse, hvis Dag kom til den Tid, da Misgerningen medførte Enden.
[Your prophets] have given you false visions about [what will happen to] you, and they have given you messages that are not true. So swords will strike the necks of those wicked people; it is time for them to be killed; it is the day when they will be [for their sins].
30 Stik Sværd i Skeden! paa det Sted, hvor du er skabt, i det Land, hvor du er født, vil jeg dømme dig.
You must put your swords back in their sheaths [because the days for you to slaughter your enemies are ended]. I will judge those people in the country where they were born.
31 Og jeg vil udøse min Vrede over dig, min Fortørnelses Ild vil jeg oppuste imod dig, og jeg vil give dig i grumme Mænds Hænder, som ere Mestre til at ødelægge.
I will pour out my punishment [MTY] on them. Because I am very angry with them, my breath on them will scorch them [like] fire [MET]. I will allow brutal men to capture them, men who are experts in killing people.
32 Du skal være Ilden til Næring, dit Blod skal blive midt i Landet, du skal ikke ihukommes; thi jeg Herren, jeg har talt det.
You will be [like] fuel [MET] [that is burned] in a fire. Your blood will be shed in your own land. No one will remember you any more. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.” '”

< Ezekiel 21 >