< 2 Mosebog 8 >

1 Og Herren sagde til Mose: Gak til Farao, og du skal sige til ham: Saa siger Herren: Lad mit Folk fare, at de kunne tjene mig.
Then Yahweh spoke to Moses, “Go to Pharaoh and tell him, 'Yahweh says this: “Let my people go so that they may worship me.
2 Og dersom du vægrer dig ved at lade dem fare, se, da vil jeg plage hele dit Landemærke med Frøer.
If you refuse to let them go, I will afflict all your country with frogs.
3 Og Floden skal vrimle med Frøer, og de skulle hoppe op og komme i dit Hus og i dit Sengekammer og paa din Seng og i dine Tjeneres Hus og iblandt dit Folk og i dine Ovne og i dine Dejgtruge.
The river will swarm with frogs. They will come up and go into your house, your bedroom, and your bed. They will go into your servants' houses. They will go onto your people, into your ovens, and into your kneading bowls.
4 Og Frøerne skulle hoppe op paa dig og paa dit Folk og paa alle dine Tjenere.
The frogs will attack you, your people, and all your servants.”'”
5 Og Herren sagde til Mose: Sig til Aron: Ræk din Haand ud med din Stav over Strømmene, over Floderne og over Søerne, og lad Frøerne komme op over Ægyptens Land.
Yahweh said to Moses, “Say to Aaron, 'Reach out with your hand and your staff over the rivers, the streams, and the pools, and bring the frogs up over the land of Egypt.'”
6 Og Aron rakte sin Haand ud over Vandene i Ægypten, og der kom Frøer op og skjulte Ægyptens Land.
Aaron reached out with his hand over Egypt's waters, and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt.
7 Og Koglerne gjorde ligesaa med deres Besværgelser, og de lode Frøer komme op over Ægyptens Land.
But the magicians did the same with their magic; they brought up frogs over the land of Egypt.
8 Da kaldte Farao ad Mose og Aron og sagde: Beder til Herren, at han borttager Frøerne fra mig og fra mit Folk, saa vil jeg lade Folket fare, og de maa ofre til Herren.
Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, “Pray to Yahweh for him to take away the frogs from me and my people. Then I will let the people go, that they may sacrifice to him.”
9 Og Mose sagde til Farao: Hav du fremfor mig den Ære at sige, naar jeg skal bede for dig og for dine Tjenere og for dit Folk, at Frøerne skulle fordrives fra dig og fra dine Huse; kun i Floden skulle de blive tilbage.
Moses said to Pharaoh, “You can have the privilege of telling me when I should pray for you, your servants, and your people, so that the frogs may be removed from you and your houses and stay only in the river.”
10 Og han sagde: I Morgen; og han sagde: Efter dit Ord! at du skal fornemme, at der er ikke nogen som Herren vor Gud,
Pharaoh said, “Tomorrow.” Moses said, “Let it be as you say, so that you may know that there is no one like Yahweh, our God.
11 saa skulle Frøerne vige fra dig og fra dine Huse og fra dine Tjenere, og fra dit Folk; kun i Floden skulle de blive tilbage.
The frogs will go from you, your houses, your servants, and your people. They will stay only in the river.”
12 Saa gik Mose og Aron ud fra Farao; og Mose raabte til Herren angaaende de Frøer, som han havde paaført Farao.
Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh. Then Moses cried out to Yahweh concerning the frogs that he had brought on Pharaoh.
13 Og Herren gjorde efter Mose Ord; saa døde Frøerne bort af Husene, af Gaardene og af Agrene.
Yahweh did as Moses asked: The frogs died in the houses, courts, and fields.
14 Og de samlede dem sammen, Hob ved Hob, og Landet stinkede.
The people gathered them together in heaps, and the land stank.
15 Der Farao saa, at han havde faaet Luft, da forhærdede han sit Hjerte, og han hørte dem ikke, som Herren havde sagt.
But when Pharaoh saw that there was relief, he hardened his heart and did not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as Yahweh had said that he would do.
16 Og Herren sagde til Mose: Sig til Aron: Ræk din Stav ud, og slaa Støvet paa Jorden; det skal blive til Lus i hele Ægyptens Land.
Yahweh said to Moses, “Say to Aaron, 'Reach out with your staff and strike the dust on the ground, that it may become gnats throughout all the land of Egypt.'”
17 Og de gjorde saa; og Aron udstrakte sin Haand med sin Stav og slog Støvet paa Jorden, og der blev Lus paa Mennesker og paa Kvæget; alt Støvet i Landet blev til Lus i hele Ægyptens Land.
They did so: Aaron reached out with his hand and his staff. He struck the dust on the ground. Gnats came onto man and beast. All the dust on the ground became gnats throughout the whole land of Egypt.
18 Og Koglerne gjorde ligesaa med deres Besværgelser for at lade Lus komme frem, men de kunde ikke; og der var Lus paa Menneskene og paa Kvæget.
The magicians tried with their magic to produce gnats, but they could not. There were gnats on man and beast.
19 Da sagde Koglerne til Farao: Det er Guds Finger; men Faraos Hjerte forhærdedes, saa at han ikke hørte dem, som Herren havde sagt.
Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But Pharaoh's heart was hardened, so he refused to listen to them. It was just as Yahweh had said Pharaoh would do.
20 Og Herren sagde til Mose: Staa aarle op om Morgenen, og stil dig for Farao; se, han gaar ud til Vandet, og du skal sige til ham: Saa siger Herren: Lad mit Folk fare, at de maa tjene mig.
Yahweh said to Moses, “Get up early in the morning and stand in front of Pharaoh as he goes out to the river. Say to him, 'Yahweh says this: “Let my people go so that they may worship me.
21 Thi dersom du ikke lader mit Folk fare, se, da lader jeg komme alle Haande Utøj paa dig og paa dine Tjenere og paa dit Folk og i dine Huse, at Ægypternes Huse skulle vorde fulde af allehaande Utøj, og tilmed Jorden, hvorpaa de ere.
But if you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies on you, your servants, and your people, and into your houses. The Egyptians' houses will be full of swarms of flies, and even the ground on which they stand will be full of flies.
22 Og paa den samme Dag vil jeg udskille Gosen Land, i hvilket mit Folk er, at der ikke skal være alle Haande Utøj der, paa det du skal fornemme, at jeg er Herren midt i Landet.
But on that day I will treat the land of Goshen differently, the land in which my people are living, so that no swarms of flies will be there. This will happen so that you may know that I am Yahweh in the midst of this land.
23 Og jeg vil sætte en Frelse til at skille imellem mit Folk og imellem dit Folk; i Morgen skal det Tegn ske.
I will make a distinction between my people and your people. This sign of my power will take place tomorrow.”'”
24 Og Herren gjorde saa; og der kom en svær Hob Utøj i Faraos Hus og i hans Tjeneres Hus, og i hele Ægyptens Land blev Landet fordærvet af alle Haande Utøj.
Yahweh did so, and thick swarms of flies came into Pharaoh's house and into his servants' houses. Throughout the whole land of Egypt, the land was ruined because of the swarms of flies.
25 Og Farao kaldte ad Mose og ad Aron og sagde: Gaar hen, ofrer til eders Gud i dette Land.
Pharaoh called for Moses and for Aaron and said, “Go, sacrifice to your God in our own land.”
26 Og Mose sagde: Det maa ikke ske, at vi saa gøre; thi vi skulde da ofre til Herren vor Gud, Ægypterne til en Vederstyggelighed; se, skulle vi ofre, Ægypterne til en Vederstyggelighed for deres Øjne, og de skulde ikke stene os?
Moses said, “It is not right for us to do so, for the sacrifices we make to Yahweh our God are something disgusting to the Egyptians. If we make sacrifices right before their eyes that are disgusting to the Egyptians, will they not stone us?
27 Vi skulle gaa tre Dages Rejse i Ørken og ofre til Herren vor Gud, saasom han skal sige os.
No, it is a three days' journey into the wilderness that we must make, in order to sacrifice to Yahweh our God, as he commands us.”
28 Da sagde Farao: Jeg vil lade eder fare, at I skulle ofre til Herren eders Gud i Ørken, dog saa, at I ikke skulle drage længere bort; beder for mig.
Pharaoh said, “I will allow you to go and sacrifice to Yahweh your God in the wilderness. Only you must not go very far away. Pray for me.”
29 Og Mose sagde: Se, naar jeg kommer ud fra dig, da vil jeg bede til Herren, at alle Haande Utøj skal vige fra Farao og fra hans Tjenere og fra hans Folk i Morgen; kun at Farao ikke bedrager mig mere, saa at han ej lader Folket fare at ofre til Herren.
Moses said, “As soon as I go out from you, I will pray to Yahweh that the swarms of flies may leave you, Pharaoh, and your servants and people tomorrow. But you must not deal deceitfully any more by not letting our people go to sacrifice to Yahweh.”
30 Og Mose gik ud fra Farao og bad til Herren.
Moses went out from Pharaoh and prayed to Yahweh.
31 Saa gjorde Herren efter Mose Ord og borttog alle Haande Utøj fra Farao, fra hans Tjenere og fra hans Folk; der blev ikke eet igen.
Yahweh did as Moses asked; and he removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh, his servants, and his people. Not one remained.
32 Men Farao forhærdede sit Hjerte end denne Gang og lod ikke Folket fare.
But Pharaoh hardened his heart this time also, and he did not let the people go.

< 2 Mosebog 8 >