< 2 Mosebog 37 >

1 Og Bezaleel gjorde Arken af Sithimtræ, halv tredje Alen lang og halvanden Alen bred og halvanden Alen høj.
Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood. Its length was two and a half cubits; its width was one cubit and a half; and its height was one cubit and a half.
2 Og han beslog den med purt Guld, inden og uden, og han gjorde en Guldkrans trindt omkring den.
He covered it inside and out with pure gold and made for it a border of gold around its top.
3 Og han støbte fire Guldringe til den paa dens fire Hjørner, nemlig to Ringe paa dens ene Side og to Ringe paa dens anden Side.
He cast four rings of gold for its four feet, with two rings on one side of it, and two rings on the other side.
4 Og han gjorde Stænger af Sithimtræ og beslog dem med Guld.
He made poles of acacia wood and covered them with gold.
5 Og han stak Stængerne i Ringene paa Siderne af Arken til at bære Arken med.
He put the poles into the rings on the ark's sides, in order to carry the ark.
6 Og han gjorde en Naadestol af purt Guld, halvtredje Alen lang og halvanden Alen bred.
He made an atonement lid of pure gold. Its length was two and a half cubits, and its width was one and a half cubits.
7 Og han gjorde to Keruber af Guld, af drevet Arbejde gjorde han dem, paa begge Ender af Naadestolen,
Bezalel made two cherubim of hammered gold for the two ends of the atonement lid.
8 een Kerub paa den ene Ende og een Kerub paa den anden Ende; han gjorde Keruber i eet med Naadestolen paa begge dens Ender.
One cherub was for one end of the atonement lid, and other cherub was for the other end. They were made as one piece with the atonement lid.
9 Og Keruberne udbredte deres Vinger ovenover og dækkede over Naadestolen med deres Vinger; og den enes Ansigt var mod den andens, Kerubernes Ansigter vare vendte mod Naadestolen.
The cherubim spread out their wings upward and overshadowed the atonement lid with them. The cherubim faced one another and looked toward the center of the atonement lid.
10 Og han gjorde Bordet af Sithimtræ, to Alen langt og een Alen bredt og halvanden Alen højt.
Bezalel made the table of acacia wood. Its length was two cubits, its width was one cubit, and its height was one and a half cubits.
11 Og han beslog det med purt Guld, og han gjorde en Guldkrans dertil rundt omkring.
He covered it with pure gold and put a border of pure gold around the top.
12 Han gjorde ogsaa en Liste dertil trindt omkring, en Haandbred høj, og gjorde en Guldkrans trindt omkring dens Liste.
He made a surrounding frame for it one handbreadth wide, with a surrounding border of gold for the frame.
13 Og han støbte fire Guldringe dertil og satte Ringene i de fire Hjørner, som vare ved dets fire Fødder.
He cast for it four rings of gold and attached the rings to the four corners, where the four feet were.
14 Tvært over for Listen vare Ringene, at Stængerne kunde stikkes deri til at bære Bordet.
The rings were attached to the frame to provide places for the poles, in order to carry the table.
15 Og han gjorde Stængerne af Sithimtræ og beslog dem med Guld til at bære Bordet.
He made the poles out of acacia wood and covered them with gold, in order to carry the table.
16 Og han gjorde Redskaberne, som skulde til Bordet, dets Fade og dets Skaaler og dets Bægere og dets Kander, med hvilke der skulde udgydes Drikoffer, af purt Guld.
He made the objects that would be on the table—the dishes, spoons, the bowls, and pitchers to be used to pour out the offerings. He made them out of pure gold.
17 Og han gjorde Lysestagen af purt Guld; af drevet Arbejde gjorde han Lysestagen; dens Fod og dens Stang, dens Bægere, dens Knopper og dens Blomster vare ud af eet med den.
He made the lampstand of pure hammered gold. He made the lampstand with its base and shaft. Its cups, its leafy bases, and its flowers were all made of one piece with it.
18 Og seks Grene gik ud fra dens Sider, tre Grene paa Lysestagen fra dens ene Side, og tre Grene paa Lysestagen fra dens anden Side.
Six branches extended out from its sides—three branches extended from one side, and three branches of the lampstand extended from the other side.
19 Tre Mandelblomstbægere var der paa den ene Gren, en Knop og et Blomster, og tre Mandelblomstbægere paa den anden Gren, en Knop og et Blomster; saaledes var det paa de seks Grene, som gik ud fra Lysestagen.
The first branch had three cups made like almond blossoms, with a leafy base and a flower, and three cups made like almond blossoms in the other branch, with a leafy base and a flower. It was the same for all six branches extending out from the lampstand.
20 Men paa Lysestagen vare fire Mandelblomstbægere, dens Knopper og dens Blomster,
On the lampstand itself, the central shaft, there were four cups made like almond blossoms, with their leafy bases and the flowers.
21 nemlig een Knop under de to Grene derpaa, og een Knop under de to andre Grene derpaa, og een Knop under de to øvrige Grene derpaa for de seks Grene, som gik ud fra den.
There was a leafy base under the first pair of branches—made as one piece with it, and a leafy base under the second pair of branches—also made as one piece with it. In the same way there was a leafy base under the third pair of branches, made as one piece with it. It was the same for all six branches extending out from the lampstand.
22 Deres Knopper og deres Grene vare ud af eet med den selv, det var altsammen eet drevet Arbejde af purt Guld.
Their leafy bases and branches were all one piece with it, one beaten piece of work of pure gold.
23 Og han gjorde dens syv Lamper og dens Sakse og dens Tandekar af purt Guld.
Bezalel made the lampstand and its seven lamps, its tongs and their trays of pure gold.
24 Af et Centner purt Guld gjorde han den og alle dens Redskaber.
He made the lampstand and its accessories with one talent of pure gold.
25 Og han gjorde Røgelsealteret af Sithimtræ, een Alen langt og een Alen bredt, firkantet og to Alen højt; dets Horn vare ud af eet med det.
Bezalel made the incense altar. He made it with acacia wood. Its length was one cubit, and its width one cubit. It was square, and its height was two cubits. Its horns were made as one piece with it.
26 Og han beslog det med purt Guld, dets Overdel og dets Sider omkring og dets Horn, og gjorde en Guldkrans til det rundt omkring.
He covered the incense altar with pure gold—its top, its sides, and its horns. He also made a surrounding border of gold for it.
27 Og han gjorde to Guldringe dertil, under dets Krans paa begge Sidestykkerne deraf, paa begge Sider derpaa, til at stikke Stængerne deri, for at bære det med dem.
He made two golden rings to be attached to it under its border on its two opposite sides. The rings were holders for poles to carry the altar.
28 Men Stængerne gjorde han af Sithimtræ og beslog dem med Guld.
He made the poles of acacia wood, and he covered them with gold.
29 Og han gjorde den hellige Salveolie og den rene Røgelse af vellugtende Urter efter Kunstens Regler.
He made the holy anointing oil and the pure fragrant incense, the work of a perfumer.

< 2 Mosebog 37 >