< Ester 10 >

1 Derefter lagde Kong Ahasverus Skat paa Landet og Øerne i Havet.
King Xerxes required that all the people in his empire pay taxes. Even the people who lived on the islands [in the Mediterranean Sea] (OR, in coastal areas) were required to pay taxes.
2 Men al hans Magt og hans Vældes Gerninger og Beretninger om Mardokajs Magt, som Kongen havde hævet ham til, ere de Ting ikke skrevne i Kongerne af Mediens og Persiens Krøniker?
And all the great and powerful things that Xerxes did were written in the scroll called/entitled ‘The record of the things done by the kings of Media and Persia’. In this book were also written [the things done] by Mordecai, the man whom the king had greatly honored.
3 Thi Jøden Mardokaj var den anden efter Kong Ahasverus og mægtig hos Jøderne og behagelig for sine Brødres Mangfoldighed, da han søgte sit Folks Vel og talte til Bedste for al sin Slægt.
Mordecai, who was a Jew, became the king’s most important official, and [all] the Jews also considered him to be a very great man. They [all] respected him, because he did many good things for the Jews, and he often asked [the king] to do good things for them.

< Ester 10 >