< 5 Mosebog 17 >
1 Du skal ikke ofre Herren din Gud Okse eller Lam, som har en Lyde, eller nogen slem Ting; thi det er Herren din Gud en Vederstyggelighed.
“Do not sacrifice to Yahweh our God any cattle or sheep or goats that have any defects, because Yahweh hates that kind of gift.”
2 Naar der findes midt iblandt dig, i en af dine Byer, som Herren din Gud giver dig, Mand eller Kvinde, som gør det, som er ondt for Herren din Guds Øjne, ved at overtræde hans Pagt,
“When you are living in any of the towns [in the land] that Yahweh our God is giving to you, suppose you hear that there is some man or woman who sins by disobeying the agreement that Yahweh has made with you.
3 og denne gaar hen og tjener andre Guder og tilbeder dem, enten Sol eller Maane eller noget af hele Himmelens Hær, som jeg ikke har budet,
Suppose someone tells you that that person has worshiped and served other gods, or the sun, or the moon, or the stars.
4 og det bliver givet dig til Kende, og du hører det: Da skal du ransage det vel; og se, er det Sandhed, er det Ord vist, er denne Vederstyggelighed sket i Israel:
If you hear that some person has been doing that, you must investigate it thoroughly. If [you find out that] it is true that this detestable thing has happened in Israel,
5 Da skal du føre den Mand eller den Kvinde, som gjorde denne onde Handel, ud til dine Porte, Manden eller Kvinden, og du skal stene dem med Sten, og de skulle dø.
you must take outside the town the man or woman who has done it. Then you must kill that person by throwing stones at him or her.
6 Efter to Vidners eller tre Vidners Mund skal den lide Døden, som er skyldig at dø; han skal ikke lide Døden efter eet Vidnes Mund.
But you are allowed to execute such people only if at least two witnesses testify that they saw them [doing that]. They must not be executed if there is only one witness.
7 Vidnernes Haand skal først være paa ham til at slaa ham ihjel og til sidst alt Folkets Haand; saa skal du borttage den onde af din Midte.
The (witnesses/ones who saw them doing it) must be the first ones to throw stones at them. Then the other people [MTY] [should throw stones at them]. By doing that, you will get rid of this evil practice among you.”
8 Naar en Sag for Retten er for vanskelig for dig, imellem Blod og Blod, imellem Sag og Sag og imellem Slag og Slag, i hvad Retstrætte der kan være inden dine Porte: Da skal du gøre dig rede og gaa op til det Sted, som Herren din Gud skal udvælge.
“Sometimes it will be very difficult for a judge to decide what really happened. He might be trying to decide whether, when someone injured or killed another person, he did it accidentally or deliberately. Or he might be trying to decide if some person is suing another person unfairly. If in some town it is very difficult to know what really happened, with the result that the judge cannot decide it, you should go to the place that Yahweh our God has chosen for you [to worship him].
9 Og du skal komme til Præsterne, Leviterne og til den Dommer, som mon være i de samme Dage; og du skal forespørge dig, saa skulle de give dig Rettens Ord til Kende.
There you should present the case to the descendants of Levi who are the priests, and to the judge who is serving at that time, and they should decide what should be done.
10 Og du skal gøre efter det Ords Lydelse, som de give dig til Kende fra det Sted, som Herren skal udvælge, og du skal tage Vare paa, at du gør efter alt det, som de lære dig.
After they make their decision, you must do what they tell you to do.
11 Efter den Lovs Lydelse, som de lære dig, og efter den Ret, som de sige dig, skal du gøre; du skal ikke vige fra det Ord, som de tilkendegive dig, hverken til højre eller til venstre Side.
Accept what they have decided, and do what they say that you should do. Do not try to change in any way what they have decided [IDM].
12 Men den Mand, som gør noget i Hovmodighed, at han ikke vil høre Præsten, som staar til at tjene der for Herren din Gud, eller Dommeren, den Mand skal dø, og du skal borttage den onde af Israel,
You must execute anyone who proudly/arrogantly disobeys the judge or the priest who stands there in the presence of Yahweh [and decides what should be done]. By doing that, you will get rid of evil practices among you.
13 for at alt Folket maa høre det og frygte og ikke mere handle hovmodigen.
Then [after that person is executed], all the people will hear about it, and they will be afraid, and none of them will act that way any more.”
14 Naar du kommer i det Land, som Herren din Gud giver dig, og ejer det og bor deri, og du siger: Jeg vil sætte en Konge over mig ligesom alle Folkene, som ere trindt omkring mig,
“[I know that] after you have occupied the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you, and you are living there, you will say, ‘We should have a king to rule over us, like the kings that other nations around us have.’
15 da skal du sætte den til Konge over dig, som Herren din Gud skal udvælge; du skal sætte en af dine Brødres Midte til Konge over dig, du maa ikke sætte over dig en fremmed Mand, som ikke er din Broder.
Yahweh our God will permit you to have a king, but be sure that you appoint someone whom he has chosen. That man must be an Israeli; you must not appoint someone who is a foreigner to be your king.
16 Kun skal han ikke holde mange Heste og ikke komme Folket til at drage tilbage til Ægypten for at hente mange Heste; thi Herren har sagt eder: I skulle ikke herefter ydermere drage tilbage ad denne Vej.
[After he becomes the king], he should not acquire a large number of horses for himself. He should not send people to Egypt to buy horses for him, because Yahweh said to you, ‘Never return to Egypt [for anything’]!
17 Han skal ikke heller tage sig mange Hustruer, at hans Hjerte ikke skal afvige; han skal ikke heller samle sig saare meget Sølv og Guld.
And he must not have a lot of wives, because if he did that, they would turn him [SYN] away from [worshiping only] Yahweh. And he must not acquire a lot of silver and gold.
18 Og det skal ske, naar han sidder paa sit Riges Trone, da skal han lade sig skrive en Afskrift af denne Lov i en Bog efter den, som er hos Præsterne, Leviterne.
“When he becomes your king, he must [appoint someone to] copy these laws. He must copy them from the scroll that is kept by the priests who are descended from Levi.
19 Og den skal være hos ham, og han skal læse i den alle sit Livs Dage, paa det han kan lære at frygte Herren sin Gud, at holde alle denne Lovs Ord og disse Skikke og gøre efter dem,
He must keep this new scroll near him and read from it every day of his life, in order that he may learn to revere Yahweh, and to faithfully obey [DOU] all the rules and regulations [that are written] in these laws.
20 for at hans Hjerte ikke skal ophøje sig over hans Brødre, ej heller vige fra Budet til højre eller venstre Side, for at han maa forlænge sine Dage i sit Kongerige, han og hans Børn i Israel.
If he does that, he [SYN] will not think that he is (better/more important) than [IDM] his fellow Israelis, and he will completely obey [LIT] Yahweh’s commands. As a result, he and his descendants will rule as kings in Israel for many years.”