< 5 Mosebog 15 >

1 Naar syv Aar ere til Ende, skal du lade Henstand ske.
At the end of every seven years, you shall cancel debts.
2 Og saaledes skal der forholdes med denne Henstand: Hver Ejermand, som har laant noget ud af sin Haand, skal give Henstand med det, som han har laant ud til sin Næste; han skal ikke kræve sin Næste eller sin Broder, naar man har udraabt Henstand for Herren.
This is the way it shall be done: every creditor shall release that which he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not require payment from his neighbor and his brother, because the LORD’s release has been proclaimed.
3 Den fremmede maa du kræve; men det, som du har hos din Broder, skal din Haand give Henstand med;
Of a foreigner you may require it; but whatever of yours is with your brother, your hand shall release.
4 kun at ingen skal blive en Tigger iblandt eder; thi Herren skal meget velsigne dig i det Land, som Herren din Gud giver dig til Arv at eje det;
However there will be no poor with you (for the LORD will surely bless you in the land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance to possess)
5 dersom du ikkun hører Herren din Guds Røst, saa at du tager Vare paa at gøre efter alle disse Bud som jeg byder dig i Dag.
if only you diligently listen to the LORD your God’s voice, to observe to do all this commandment which I command you today.
6 Thi Herren din Gud har velsignet dig, som han har tilsagt dig; og du skal laane til mange Folk; men du skal ikke tage til Laans; og du skal herske over mange Folk, men de skulle ikke herske over dig.
For the LORD your God will bless you, as he promised you. You will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow. You will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.
7 Naar der vorder en fattig iblandt eder, en af dine Brødre, i en af dine Stæder i dit Land, som Herren din Gud giver dig: Da skal du ikke gøre dit Hjerte haardt og ikke lukke din Haand for din fattige Broder.
If a poor man, one of your brothers, is with you within any of your gates in your land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not harden your heart, nor shut your hand from your poor brother;
8 Men du skal oplade din Haand for ham, og du skal laane ham det, som er nok for hans Mangel, det som ham fattes.
but you shall surely open your hand to him, and shall surely lend him sufficient for his need, which he lacks.
9 Tag dig i Vare, at der ikke er en nedrig Tanke i dit Hjerte, at du siger: Det syvende Aar, Henstandsaaret, er nær, og at du er karrig imod din fattige Broder og ikke giver ham, og at han raaber over dig til Herren, og det skal være dig til Synd.
Beware that there not be a wicked thought in your heart, saying, “The seventh year, the year of release, is at hand,” and your eye be evil against your poor brother and you give him nothing; and he cry to the LORD against you, and it be sin to you.
10 Du skal give ham og ikke lade dit Hjerte fortryde det, at du giver ham; thi Herren din Gud skal for denne Sags Skyld velsigne dig i alle dine Gerninger og i alt det, som du udrækker din Haand til.
You shall surely give, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because it is for this thing the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you put your hand to.
11 Thi fattige ville ikke ophøre at være i Landet; derfor byder jeg dig og siger, at du skal oplade din Haand for din Broder, for den, som trænger hos dig, og for din fattige i dit Land.
For the poor will never cease out of the land. Therefore I command you to surely open your hand to your brother, to your needy, and to your poor, in your land.
12 Naar din Broder, en Hebræer eller en Hebræerinde, sælges til dig, da skal han tjene dig i seks Aar, og i det syvende Aar skal du lade ham fri fra dig.
If your brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you.
13 Og naar du lader ham fri fra dig, da skal du ikke lade ham gaa tomhændet.
When you let him go free from you, you shall not let him go empty.
14 Du skal rigeligen begave ham af dit smaa Kvæg og af din Lade og af din Perse; det som Herren din Gud velsigner dig med, deraf skal du give ham.
You shall furnish him liberally out of your flock, out of your threshing floor, and out of your wine press. As the LORD your God has blessed you, you shall give to him.
15 Og du skal komme i Hu, at du var en Træl i Ægyptens Land, og at Herren din Gud udløste dig; derfor byder jeg dig dette Ord i Dag.
You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you. Therefore I command you this thing today.
16 Og det skal ske, om han siger til dig: Jeg vil ikke gaa ud fra dig, fordi han elsker dig og dit Hus, fordi han lider vel hos dig:
It shall be, if he tells you, “I will not go out from you,” because he loves you and your house, because he is well with you,
17 Da skal du tage en Syl og stikke i hans Øre og i Døren, saa skal han være dig en Træl bestandig; og saaledes skal du og gøre ved din Tjenestepige.
then you shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. Also to your female servant you shall do likewise.
18 Lad det ikke være for svart for dine Øjne, at du lader ham fri fra dig; thi han har tjent dig dobbelt, efter en Daglønners Løn, seks Aar; og Herren din Gud skal velsigne dig i alt det, du skal gøre.
It shall not seem hard to you when you let him go free from you, for he has been double the value of a hired hand as he served you six years. The LORD your God will bless you in all that you do.
19 Alt det førstefødte, som fødes af dit store Kvæg og af dit smaa Kvæg, naar det er en Han, skal du hellige for Herren din Gud; du skal ikke arbejde med din Okses førstefødte og ikke klippe dine Faars førstefødte.
You shall dedicate all the firstborn males that are born of your herd and of your flock to the LORD your God. You shall do no work with the firstborn of your herd, nor shear the firstborn of your flock.
20 Du skal æde det hvert Aar for Herren din Guds Ansigt paa det Sted, som Herren skal udvælge, du og dit Hus.
You shall eat it before the LORD your God year by year in the place which the LORD shall choose, you and your household.
21 Dog, om der er Lyde paa det, saa det er lamt eller blindt, hvad som helst slem Lyde det er, da skal du ikke ofre det for Herren, din Gud.
If it has any defect—is lame or blind, or has any defect whatever, you shall not sacrifice it to the LORD your God.
22 Inden dine Porte skal du æde det, saavel den urene som den rene, som var det en Raa og en Hjort.
You shall eat it within your gates. The unclean and the clean shall eat it alike, as the gazelle and as the deer.
23 Dog skal du ikke æde Blodet deraf; du skal udøse det paa Jorden som Vand.
Only you shall not eat its blood. You shall pour it out on the ground like water.

< 5 Mosebog 15 >