< Apostelenes gerninger 7 >

1 Men Ypperstepræsten sagde: „Forholder dette sig saaledes?‟
Then the High Priest asked him, "Are these statements true?"
2 Men han sagde: „I Mænd, Brødre og Fædre, hører til! Herlighedens Gud viste sig for vor Fader Abraham, da han var i Mesopotamien, førend han tog Bolig i Karan.
The reply of Stephen was, "Sirs--brethren and fathers--listen to me. God Most Glorious appeared to our forefather Abraham when he was living in Mesopotamia, before he settled in Haran,
3 Og han sagde til ham: „Gaa ud af dit Land og fra din Slægt, og kom til det Land, som jeg vil vise dig.‟
and said to him, "'Leave your country and your relatives, and go into whatever land I point out to you.'
4 Da gik han ud fra Kaldæernes Land og tog Bolig i Karan; og efter hans Faders Død lod Gud ham flytte derfra hen i dette Land, hvor I nu bo.
"Thereupon he left Chaldaea and settled in Haran till after the death of his father, when God caused him to remove into this country where you now live.
5 Og han gav ham ikke Ejendom deri, end ikke en Fodsbred; dog forjættede han ham at give ham det til Eje og hans Sæd efter ham, endskønt han intet Barn havde.
But he gave him no inheritance in it, no, not a single square yard of ground. And yet He promised to bestow the land as a permanent possession on him and his posterity after him--and promised this at a time when Abraham was childless.
6 Men Gud talte saaledes: „Hans Sæd skal være Udlændinge i et fremmed Land, og man skal gøre dem til Trælle og handle ilde med dem i fire Hundrede Aar.
And God declared that Abraham's posterity should for four hundred years make their home in a country not their own, and be reduced to slavery and be oppressed.
7 Og det Folk, for hvilket de skulle trælle, vil jeg dømme, sagde Gud; og derefter skulle de drage ud og tjene mig paa dette Sted.‟
"'And the nation, whichever it is, that enslaves them, I will judge,' said God; 'and afterwards they shall come out, and they shall worship Me in this place.'
8 Og han gav ham Omskærelsens Pagt. Og saa avlede han Isak og omskar ham den ottende Dag, og Isak avlede Jakob, og Jakob de tolv Patriarker.
"Then He gave him the Covenant of circumcision, and under this Covenant he became the father of Isaac--whom he circumcised on the eighth day. Isaac became the father of Jacob, and Jacob became the father of the twelve Patriarchs.
9 Og Patriarkerne bare Avind imod Josef og solgte ham til Ægypten; og Gud var med ham,
"The Patriarchs were jealous of Joseph and sold him into slavery in Egypt. But God was with him
10 og han udfriede ham af alle hans Trængsler og gav ham Naade og Visdom for Farao, Kongen i Ægypten, som satte ham til Øverste over Ægypten og over hele sit Hus.
and delivered him from all his afflictions, and gave him favour and wisdom when he stood before Pharaoh, king of Egypt, who appointed him governor over Egypt and all the royal household.
11 Men der kom Hungersnød over hele Ægypten og Kanaan og en stor Trængsel, og vore Fædre fandt ikke Føde.
But there came a famine throughout the whole of Egypt and Canaan--and great distress--so that our forefathers could find no food.
12 Men da Jakob hørte, at der var Korn i Ægypten, sendte han vore Fædre ud første Gang.
When, however, Jacob heard that there was wheat to be had, he sent our forefathers into Egypt; that was the first time.
13 Og anden Gang blev Josef genkendt af sine Brødre, og Josefs Herkomst blev aabenbar for Farao.
On their second visit Joseph made himself known to his brothers, and Pharaoh was informed of Joseph's parentage.
14 Men Josef sendte Bud og lod sin Fader Jakob og al sin Slægt kalde til sig, fem og halvfjerdsindstyve Sjæle.
Then Joseph sent and invited his father Jacob and all his family, numbering seventy-five persons, to come to him,
15 Og Jakob drog ned til Ægypten. Og han og vore Fædre døde,
and Jacob went down into Egypt. There he died, and so did our forefathers,
16 og de bleve flyttede til Sikem og lagte i den Grav, som Abraham havde købt for en Sum Penge af Hemors Sønner i Sikem.
and they were taken to Shechem and were laid in the tomb which Abraham had bought from the sons of Hamor at Shechem for a sum of money paid in silver.
17 Som nu Tiden nærmede sig for den Forjættelse, Gud havde tilsagt Abraham, voksede Folket og formeredes i Ægypten,
"But as the time drew near for the fulfilment of the promise which God had made to Abraham, the people became many times more numerous in Egypt,
18 indtil der fremstod en anden Konge, som ikke kendte Josef.
until there arose a foreign king over Egypt who knew nothing of Joseph.
19 Han viste Træskhed imod vor Slægt og handlede ilde med vore Fædre, saa de maatte sætte deres smaa Børn ud, for at de ikke skulde holdes i Live.
He adopted a crafty policy towards our race, and oppressed our forefathers, making them cast out their infants so that they might not be permitted to live.
20 Paa den Tid blev Moses født, og han var dejlig for Gud; han blev opfostret i tre Maaneder i sin Faders Hus.
At this time Moses was born--a wonderfully beautiful child; and for three months he was cared for in his father's house.
21 Men da han var sat ud, tog Faraos Datter ham op og opfostrede ham til sin Søn.
At length he was cast out, but Pharaoh's daughter adopted him, and brought him up as her own son.
22 Og Moses blev oplært i al Ægypternes Visdom; og han var mægtig i sine Ord og Gerninger.
So Moses was educated in all the learning of the Egyptians, and possessed great influence through his eloquence and his achievements.
23 Men da han blev fyrretyve Aar gammel, fik han i Sinde at besøge sine Brødre, Israels Børn.
"And when he was just forty years old, it occurred to him to visit his brethren the descendants of Israel.
24 Og da han saa en lide Uret, forsvarede han ham og hævnede den mishandlede, idet han slog Ægypteren ihjel.
Seeing one of them wrongfully treated he took his part, and secured justice for the ill-treated man by striking down the Egyptian.
25 Men han mente, at hans Brødre forstode, at Gud gav dem Frelse ved hans Haand; men de forstode det ikke.
He supposed his brethren to be aware that by him God was sending them deliverance; this, however, they did not understand.
26 Og den næste Dag viste han sig iblandt dem under en Strid og vilde forlige dem til at holde Fred, sigende: „I Mænd! I ere Brødre, hvorfor gøre I hinanden Uret?‟
The next day, also, he came and found two of them fighting, and he endeavoured to make peace between them. "'Sirs,' he said, 'you are brothers. Why are you wronging one another?'
27 Men den, som gjorde sin Næste Uret, stødte ham fra sig og sagde: „Hvem har sat dig til Hersker og Dommer over os?
"But the man who was doing the wrong resented his interference, and asked, "'Who appointed you magistrate and judge over us?
28 Vil du slaa mig ihjel, ligesom du i Gaar slog Ægypteren ihjel?‟
Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian yesterday?'
29 Da flygtede Moses for denne Tales Skyld og boede som fremmed i Midians Land, hvor han avlede to Sønner.
"Alarmed at this question, Moses fled from the country and went to live in the land of Midian. There he became the father of two sons.
30 Og efter fyrretyve Aars Forløb viste en Engel sig for ham i Sinai Bjergs Ørken i en Tornebusk, der stod i lys Lue.
"But at the end of forty years there appeared to him in the Desert of Mount Sinai an angel in the middle of a flame of fire in a bush.
31 Men da Moses saa det, undrede han sig over Synet, og da han gik hen for at betragte det, lød Herrens Røst til ham:
When Moses saw this he wondered at the sight; but on his going up to look further, the voice of the Lord was heard, saying,
32 „Jeg er dine Fædres Gud, Abrahams og Isaks og Jakobs Gud.‟ Da bævede Moses og turde ikke se derhen.
"'I am the God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob.' "Quaking with fear Moses did not dare gaze.
33 Men Herren sagde til ham: „Løs Skoene af dine Fødder; thi det Sted, som du staar paa, er hellig Jord.
"'Take off your shoes,' said the Lord, 'for the spot on which you are standing is holy ground.
34 Jeg har grant set mit Folks Mishandling i Ægypten og hørt deres Suk, og jeg er stegen ned for at udfri dem; og nu kom, lad mig sende dig til Ægypten!‟
I have seen, yes, I have seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt and have heard their groans, and I have come down to deliver them. And now I will send you to Egypt.'
35 Denne Moses, hvem de fornægtede, idet de sagde: „Hvem har sat dig til Hersker og Dommer, ‟ ham har Gud sendt til at være baade Hersker og Befrier ved den Engels Haand, som viste sig for ham i Tornebusken.
"The Moses whom they rejected, asking him, 'Who appointed you magistrate and judge?' --that same Moses we find God sending as a magistrate and a deliverer by the help of the angel who appeared to him in the bush.
36 Ham var det, som førte dem ud, idet han gjorde Undere og Tegn i Ægyptens Land og i det røde Hav og i Ørkenen i fyrretyve Aar.
This was he who brought them out, after performing marvels and signs in Egypt and at the Red Sea, and in the Desert for forty years.
37 Han er den Moses, som sagde til Israels Børn: „En Profet skal Gud oprejse eder af eders Brødre ligesom mig.‟
This is the Moses who said to the descendants of Israel, "'God will raise up a Prophet for you, from among your brethren, just as He raised me up.'
38 Han er den, som i Menigheden i Ørkenen færdedes med Engelen, der talte til ham paa Sinai Bjerg, og med vore Fædre; den, som modtog levende Ord at give os;
'This is he who was among the Congregation in the Desert, together with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai and with our forefathers, who received ever-living utterances to hand on to us.
39 hvem vore Fædre ikke vilde adlyde, men de stødte ham fra sig og vendte sig med deres Hjerter til Ægypten, idet de sagde til Aron:
"Our forefathers, however, would not submit to him, but spurned his authority and in their hearts turned back to Egypt.
40 „Gør os Guder, som kunne gaa foran os; thi vi vide ikke, hvad der er sket med denne Moses, som førte os ud af Ægyptens Land.‟
They said to Aaron, "'Make gods for us, to march in front of us; for as for this Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.'
41 Og de gjorde en Kalv i de Dage og bragte Offer til Gudebilledet og frydede sig ved deres Hænders Gerninger.
"Moreover they made a calf at that time, and offered a sacrifice to the idol and kept rejoicing in the gods which their own hands had made.
42 Men Gud vendte sig fra dem og gav dem hen til at tjene Himmelens Hær, som der er skrevet i Profeternes Bog: „Have I vel, Israels Hus! bragt mig Slagtofre og andre Ofre i fyrretyve Aar i Ørkenen?
So God turned from them and gave them up to the worship of the Host of Heaven, as it is written in the Book of the Prophets, "'Were they victims and sacrifices which you offered Me, forty years in the Desert, O House of Israel?
43 Og I bare Moloks Telt og Guden Remfans Stjerne, de Billeder, som I havde gjort for at tilbede dem; og jeg vil flytte eder bort hinsides Babylon.‟
Yes, you lifted up Moloch's tent and the Star of the God Rephan--the images which you made in order to worship them; and I will remove you beyond Babylon.'
44 Vore Fædre i Ørkenen havde Vidnesbyrdets Tabernakel, saaledes som han, der talte til Moses, havde befalet at gøre det efter det Forbillede, som han havde set.
"Our forefathers had the Tent of the Testimony in the Desert, built as He who spoke to Moses had instructed him to make it in imitation of the model which he had seen.
45 Dette toge ogsaa vore Fædre i Arv og bragte det under Josva ind i Landet, som Hedningerne besade, hvilke Gud fordrev fra vore Fædres Aasyn — indtil Davids Dage,
That Tent was bequeathed to the next generation of our forefathers. Under Joshua they brought it with them when they were taking possession of the land of the Gentile nations, whom God drove out before them. So it continued till David's time.
46 som fandt Naade for Gud og bad om at maatte finde en Bolig for Jakobs Gud.
David obtained favour with God, and asked leave to provide a dwelling-place for the God of Jacob.
47 Men Salomon byggede ham et Hus.
But it was Solomon who built a house for Him.
48 Dog, den Højeste bor ikke i Huse gjorte med Hænder, som Profeten siger:
Yet the Most High does not dwell in buildings erected by men's hands. But, as the Prophet declares,
49 „Himmelen er min Trone, og Jorden mine Fødders Skammel, hvad Hus ville I bygge mig? siger Herren, eller hvilket er min Hviles Sted?
"'The sky is My throne, and earth is the footstool for My feet. What kind of house will you build for Me, says the Lord, or what resting place shall I have?
50 Har ikke min Haand gjort alt dette?‟
Did not My hand form this universe.'
51 I haarde Halse og uomskaarne paa Hjerter og Øren! I staa altid den Helligaand imod; som eders Fædre, saaledes ogsaa I.
"O stiff-necked men, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you also are continually at strife with the Holy Spirit--just as your forefathers were.
52 Hvem af Profeterne er der, som eders Fædre ikke have forfulgt? og de ihjelsloge dem, som forud forkyndte om den retfærdiges Komme, hvis Forrædere og Mordere I nu ere blevne,
Which of the Prophets did not your forefathers persecute? Yes, they killed those who announced beforehand the advent of the righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become--
53 I, som modtoge Loven under Engles Besørgelse og have ikke holdt den!‟
you who received the Law given through angels, and yet have not obeyed it."
54 Men da de hørte dette, skar det dem i deres Hjerter, og de bede Tænderne sammen imod ham.
As they listened to these words, they became infuriated and gnashed their teeth at him.
55 Men som han var fuld af den Helligaand, stirrede han op imod Himmelen og saa Guds Herlighed og Jesus staaende ved Guds højre Haand.
But, full of the Holy Spirit and looking up to Heaven, Stephen saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at God's right hand.
56 Og han sagde: „Se, jeg ser Himlene aabnede og Menneskesønnen staaende ved Guds højre Haand.‟
"I can see Heaven wide open," he said, "and the Son of Man standing at God's right hand."
57 Men de raabte med høj Røst og holdt for deres Øren og stormede endrægtigt ind paa ham.
Upon this, with a loud outcry they stopped their ears, rushed upon Stephen in a body,
58 Og de stødte ham ud uden for Staden og stenede ham. Og Vidnerne lagde deres Klæder af ved en ung Mands Fødder, som hed Saulus.
dragged him out of the city, and stoned him, the witnesses throwing off their outer garments and giving them into the care of a young man called Saul.
59 Og de stenede Stefanus, som bad og sagde: „Herre Jesus, tag imod min Aand!‟
So they stoned Stephen, while he prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
60 Men han faldt paa Knæ og raabte med høj Røst: „Herre, tilregn dem ikke denne Synd!‟ Og som han sagde dette, sov han hen.
Then, rising on his knees, he cried aloud, "Lord, do not reckon this sin against them." And with these words he fell asleep.

< Apostelenes gerninger 7 >