< Apostelenes gerninger 27 >

1 Men da det var besluttet, at vi skulde afsejle til Italien, overgave de baade Paulus og nogle andre Fanger til en Høvedsmand ved Navn Julius af den kejserlige Afdeling.
And as it was determined that we should sail to Italy, they delivered Paul and some other prisoners to a centurion of the Augustan band, named Julius.
2 Vi gik da om Bord paa et adramyttisk Skib, som skulde gaa til Stederne langs med Asiens Kyster, og vi sejlede af Sted; og Aristarkus, en Makedonier fra Thessalonika, var med os.
And going on board a ship of Adramyttium, we put to sea, intending to sail by the coast of Asia, Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, being with us.
3 Og den næste Dag anløb vi Sidon. Og Julius, som behandlede Paulus venligt, tilstedte ham at gaa hen til sine Venner og nyde Pleje.
On the next day, we touched at Sidon; and Julius treated Paul with kindness, and permitted him to go to his friends, and receive their attentions.
4 Og vi fore bort derfra og sejlede ind under Kypern, fordi Vinden var imod.
And thence we put to sea, and sailed under the lee of Cyprus, because the winds were adverse.
5 Og vi sejlede igennem Farvandet ved Kilikien og Pamfylien og kom til Myra i Lykien.
And when we had sailed across the sea opposite Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myra, a city of Lycia.
6 Og der fandt Høvedsmanden et aleksandrinsk Skib, som sejlede til Italien, og bragte os over i det.
And there the centurion found a ship of Alexandria, sailing to Italy; and he put us on board.
7 Men da Sejladsen i mange Dage gik langsomt, og vi med Nød og næppe naaede henimod Knidus (thi Vinden føjede os ikke), holdt vi ned under Kreta ved Salmone.
For many days we sailed slowly; and having with difficulty come off Cnidus, the wind not permitting us to go further, we sailed under the lee of Crete, off Salmone:
8 Med Nød og næppe sejlede vi der forbi og kom til et Sted, som kaldes „Gode Havne”, nær ved Byen Lasæa.
and coasting along it with difficulty, we came to a place called Fair Havens, near which is the city of Lasea.
9 Men da en rum Tid var forløben, og Sejladsen allerede var farlig, saasom endog Fasten allerede var forbi, formanede Paulus dem og sagde:
But, after much time had been spent, and sailing was now dangerous, for the fast was already past, Paul admonished them,
10 „I Mænd! jeg ser, at Sejladsen vil medføre Ulykke og megen Skade, ikke alene paa Ladning og Skib, men ogsaa paa vort Liv.”
saying: Men, I perceive that this voyage will be with damage and much loss, not only to the cargo and the ship, but also to our lives.
11 Men Høvedsmanden stolede mere paa Styrmanden og Skipperen end paa det, som Paulus sagde.
But the centurion had more confidence in the pilot, and in the owner of the ship, than in the things which were spoken by Paul.
12 Og da Havnen ikke egnede sig til Vinterleje, besluttede de fleste, at man skulde sejle derfra, om man muligt kunde naa hen og overvintre i Føniks, en Havn paa Kreta, som vender imod Sydvest og Nordvest.
And as the harbor was not commodious to winter in, the majority advised that they should put to sea from that place also, if, by any means, they might reach Phoenix, and winter there, which is a harbor of Crete, lying toward the south-west and north-west.
13 Da der nu blæste en Søndenvind op, mente de at have naaet deres Hensigt, lettede Anker og sejlede langs med og nærmere ind under Kreta.
And when the south wind blew gently, supposing that they had gained their object, they launched the ship, and ran along close to the shore of Crete.
14 Men ikke længe derefter for der en heftig Storm ned over den, den saakaldte „Eurakvilo”.
But in a little time a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon, blew against it.
15 Og da Skibet reves med og ikke kunde holde op imod Vinden, opgave vi det og lode os drive.
And the ship being caught and unable to bear up against the wind, we committed it to the gale, and were driven along.
16 Men da vi løb ind under en lille Ø, som kaldes Klavde, formaaede vi med Nød og næppe at bjærge Baaden.
And running under the lee of a certain island called Clauda, we with difficulty secured the boat.
17 Men efter at have trukket den op, anvendte de Nødmidler og omsurrede Skibet; og da de frygtede for, at de skulde blive kastede ned i Syrten, firede de Sejlene ned og lode sig saaledes drive.
When they had taken it up, they used helps, undergirding the ship. And fearing lest they should fall into the quicksand, they lowered the mast, and thus were driven along.
18 Og da vi maatte kæmpe haardt med Stormen, begyndte de næste Dag at kaste over Bord.
And as we were greatly tossed by the tempest, on the next day they threw overboard the cargo;
19 Og paa den tredje Dag udkastede de med egne Hænder Skibets Redskaber.
and on the third day, with our own hands, we threw out the tackling of the ship.
20 Men da hverken Sol eller Stjerner lode sig se i flere Dage, og vi havde et Uvejr over os, som ikke var ringe, blev fra nu af alt Haab om Redning os betaget.
And as neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest lay upon us, all hope of our being saved was at length taken away.
21 Og da man længe ikke havde taget Føde til sig, saa stod Paulus frem midt iblandt dem og sagde: „I Mænd! man burde have adlydt mig og ikke være sejlet bort fra Kreta og have sparet os denne Ulykke og Skade.
But, after long abstinence from food, Paul stood up in the midst of them, and said: men, you ought to have been persuaded by me, and not to have put to sea from Crete; and you would have avoided this damage and loss.
22 Og nu formaner jeg eder til at være ved godt Mod; thi ingen Sjæl af eder skal forgaa, men alene Skibet.
And now, I exhort you to be of good cheer; for there shall be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
23 Thi i denne Nat stod der en Engel hos mig fra den Gud, hvem jeg tilhører, hvem jeg ogsaa tjener, og sagde:
For there stood by me this night an angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,
24 „Frygt ikke, Paulus! du skal blive stillet for Kejseren; og se, Gud har skænket dig alle dem, som sejle med dig.”
and said, Fear not, Paul; you must stand in the presence of Cæsar; and behold, God has given you all that are sailing with you.
25 Derfor, I Mænd! værer ved godt Mod; thi jeg har den Tillid til Gud, at det skal ske saaledes, som der er blevet talt til mig.
For this reason, men, be cheerful; for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told to me.
26 Men vi maa strande paa en Ø.”
But we must be thrown upon a certain island.
27 Men da den fjortende Nat kom, og vi dreve i det adriatiske Hav, kom det Skibsfolkene for ved Midnatstid, at der var Land i Nærheden.
But when the fourteenth night had come, and we were drifting up and down in the Adriatic Sea, about midnight the sailors supposed that they were drawing near some land.
28 Og da de loddede, fik de tyve Favne, og da de lidt længere fremme atter loddede, fik de femten Favne.
And they sounded, and found twenty fathoms: and when they had gone a little further, and sounded again, they found fifteen fathoms.
29 Og da de frygtede, at vi skulde støde paa Skær, kastede de fire Ankere ud fra Bagstavnen og bade til, at det maatte blive Dag.
And fearing that we would fall upon rocks, they threw out four anchors from the stern, and wished for day.
30 Men da Skibsfolkene gjorde Forsøg paa at flygte fra Skibet og firede Baaden ned i Søen under Paaskud af, at de vilde lægge Ankere ud fra Forstavnen,
And as the sailors were attempting to flee from the ship, and were letting down the boat into the sea, under the pretext that they were about to let down anchors from the prow,
31 da sagde Paulus til Høvedsmanden og til Stridsmændene: „Dersom disse ikke blive i Skibet, kunne I ikke reddes.”
Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers: Unless these remain in the ship, you can not be saved.
32 Da kappede Stridsmændene Baadens Tove og lode den falde ned.
Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the boat, and let it fall off.
33 Men indtil det vilde dages, formanede Paulus alle til at tage Næring til sig og sagde: „Det er i Dag den fjortende Dag, I have ventet og tilbragt uden at spise og intet taget til eder.
And while the day was coming on, Paul exhorted them all to take food, saying: This is the fourteenth day that you have been in suspense, and continued without food, having taken nothing.
34 Derfor formaner jeg eder til at tage Næring til eder, thi dette hører med til eders Redning; ikke et Haar paa Hovedet skal gaa tabt for nogen af eder.”
Wherefore, I exhort you to take food; for this will promote your safety. For not a hair shall fall from the head of any of you.
35 Men da han havde sagt dette, tog han Brød og takkede Gud for alles Øjne og brød det og begyndte at spise.
And when he had said this, he took bread, and gave thanks to God before them all, and broke, and began to eat.
36 Da bleve de alle frimodige og toge ogsaa Næring til sig.
And all became cheerful, and also partook of food.
37 Men vi vare i Skibet i alt to Hundrede og seks og halvfjerdsindstyve Sjæle.
And all of us that were in the ship were two hundred and seventy-six souls.
38 Og da de vare blevne mættede med Føde, lettede de Skibet ved at kaste Levnedsmidlerne i Søen.
When they were satisfied with food, they lightened the ship by throwing the provisions into the sea.
39 Men da det blev Dag, kendte de ikke Landet; men de bemærkede en Vig med en Forstrand, som de besluttede, om muligt, at sætte Skibet ind paa.
And when it was day, they did not recognize the land; but they perceived an inlet, that had an accessible shore, into which they desired, if they could, to thrust the ship.
40 Og de kappede Ankrene, som de lode blive i Søen, og løste tillige Rortovene, og idet de satte Raasejlet til for Vinden, holdt de ind paa Strandbredden.
And, after cutting away the anchors, they committed the ship to the sea, at the same time loosing the lashings of the rudders: and they set up the front sail to the wind, and kept the ship firmly toward the shore.
41 Men de stødte paa en Grund med dybt Vand paa begge Sider, og der satte de Skibet, og Forstavnen borede sig fast og stod urokkelig, men Bagstavnen sloges sønder af Bølgernes Magt.
And falling into a place where two currents met, they ran the ship aground, and the prow stuck fast, and remained immovable; but the stern was broken by the violence of the waves.
42 Det var nu Stridsmændenes Raad, at man skulde ihjelslaa Fangerne, for at ingen skulde svømme bort og undkomme.
The soldiers counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest some of them should swim out and escape.
43 Men Høvedsmanden, som vilde frelse Paulus, forhindrede dem i dette Forehavende og bød, at de, som kunde svømme, skulde først kaste sig ud og slippe i Land,
But the centurion, wishing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose, and commanded those who were able to swim, to throw themselves into the sea first, and get to land;
44 og de andre bjærge sig, nogle paa Brædder, andre paa Stykker af Skibet. Og saaledes skete det, at alle bleve reddede i Land.
and then the rest, some on planks, and others on what could be taken from the ship. And thus it came to pass, that all got safe to land.

< Apostelenes gerninger 27 >