< 2 Samuel 24 >
1 Og Herrens Vrede optændtes atter imod Israel, og han tilskyndte David imod dem, at han sagde: Gak hen, tæl Israel og Juda.
And it repeated [the] anger of Yahweh to burn on Israel and he incited David against them saying go count Israel and Judah.
2 Og Kongen sagde til Joab, Stridshøvedsmanden, som var hos ham: Kære, gak omkring i alle Israels Stammer, fra Dan og indtil Beersaba, og tæller Folket, at jeg kan vide Folkets Tal.
And he said the king to Joab - [the] commander of the army who [was] with him go about please in all [the] tribes of Israel from Dan and to Beer Sheba and enroll the people and I will know [the] number of the people.
3 Og Joab sagde til Kongen: Gid Herren din Gud vilde lægge til dette Folk hundrede Gange saa mange, som disse og disse ere, og min Herre Kongens Øjne maatte se det; men hvorfor har min Herre Kongen Lyst til denne Gerning?
And he said Joab to the king and may he add Yahweh God your to the people like them - and like them a hundred times and [the] eyes of lord my the king [are] seeing [it] and lord my the king why? does he delight in the thing this.
4 Men Kongens Ord fik Overhaand imod Joab og imod Høvedsmændene for Hæren; saa drog Joab ud og Høvedsmændene for Hæren fra Kongens Ansigt til at tælle Folket Israel.
And it prevailed [the] word of the king to Joab and over [the] commanders of the army and he went out Joab and commanders of the army before the king to enroll the people Israel.
5 Og de gik over Jordanen, og de lejrede sig i Aroer paa den højre Side af Staden, som ligger midt i Gads Dal, og Jaeser.
And they passed over the Jordan and they encamped at Aroer [the] south of the city which [is] in [the] middle of the wadi Gad and to Jazer.
6 Og de kom til Gilead og til det nedenfor liggende Land, som nylig var indtaget, og de kom til Dan-Jaan og trindt omkring til Zidon.
And they came Gilead towards and to [the] land of Tahtim Hodshi and they came Dan towards Jaan and around to Sidon.
7 Og de kom til den faste Stad Tyrus og til alle Heviternes og Kananiternes Stæder, og de gik ud imod Sønden i Juda indtil Beersaba.
And they came [the] fortress of Tyre and all [the] cities of the Hivite[s] and the Canaanite[s] and they went out to [the] Negev of Judah Beer Sheba.
8 Og de gik omkring i alt Landet og kom, der ni Maaneder og tyve Dage vare til Ende, til Jerusalem.
And they went about in all the land and they came from [the] end of nine months and twenty day[s] Jerusalem.
9 Og Joab overgav Tallet paa Folket, som var talt, til Kongen, og der var i Israel otte Hundrede Tusinde stridbare Mænd, som kunde uddrage Sværd, og Judas Mænd vare fem Hundrede Tusinde Mand.
And he gave Joab [the] number of [the] muster of the people to the king and it was Israel eight hundred thousand man of strength [who] drew a sword and [the] man of Judah [was] five hundred thousand man.
10 Da slog Davids Hjerte ham, efter at han havde talt Folket, og David sagde til Herren: Jeg har saare syndet, at jeg har gjort det, og nu, Herre, kære, borttag din Tjeners Misgerning; thi jeg har handlet meget daarligt.
And it struck [the] heart of David him after thus he had counted the people. And he said David to Yahweh I have sinned exceedingly [that] which I have done and now O Yahweh take away please [the] iniquity of servant your for I have acted foolishly exceedingly.
11 Og der David stod op om Morgenen, da skete Herrens Ord til Gad, Profeten, Davids Seer, og han sagde:
And he arose David in the morning. And [the] word of Yahweh it came to Gad the prophet [the] seer of David saying.
12 Gak og sig til David: Saa sagde Herren: Jeg lægger dig tre Ting for, udvælg dig en af dem, den vil jeg gøre dig.
Go and you will speak to David thus he says Yahweh three [things] I [am] laying on you choose for yourself one from them so I may do [it] to you.
13 Og Gad kom til David og gav ham det til Kende, og han sagde til ham: Skal der komme dig syv Aars Hunger i dit Land? eller skal du fly tre Maaneder for din Fjendes Ansigt, og han skal forfølge dig? eller skal der være tre Dage Pest i dit Land? vid nu og se, hvad Svar jeg skal sige den igen, som sendte mig.
And he went Gad to David and he told to him and he said to him ¿ will it come to you seven years - famine - in land your or? three months fleeing you before opponents your and he [will be] pursuing you and or? to be three days pestilence in land your now know and see what? will I bring back [the] [one who] sent me word.
14 Og David sagde til Gad: Jeg er saare angest; kære, lad os falde i Herrens Haand, thi hans Barmhjertighed er stor, men jeg vil nødig falde i Menneskens Haand.
And he said David to Gad it is distress to me exceedingly let us fall please in [the] hand of Yahweh for [are] great (compassion his *Q(K)*) and in [the] hand of humankind may not I fall.
15 Saa lod Herren Pest komme i Israel fra Morgenen indtil den bestemte Tid, og der døde halvfjerdsindstyve Tusinde Mænd af Folket fra Dan og indtil Beersaba.
And he gave Yahweh pestilence in Israel from the morning and until a time of an appointed time and he died of the people from Dan and to Beer Sheba seventy thousand man.
16 Og der Engelen udrakte sin Haand over Jerusalem til at ødelægge den, da angrede Herren det onde, og han sagde til Engelen, som ødelagde Folket: Det er nok, drag nu din Haand tilbage; og Herrens Engel var da ved Jebusiteren Aravnas Tærskeplads.
And he stretched out hand his the angel - Jerusalem to destroy it and he relented Yahweh concerning the harm and he said to the angel the destroyer among the people enough now let drop hand your and [the] angel of Yahweh he was near [the] threshing floor of (Araunah *Q(K)*) the Jebusite.
17 Og David sagde til Herren, der han saa Engelen, som slog iblandt Folket, og han sagde: Se, jeg har syndet, og jeg har handlet ilde; men disse Faar, hvad have de gjort? Kære, lad din Haand være imod mig og imod min Faders Hus.
And he said David to Yahweh when saw he - the angel - who was striking down the people and he said here! I (the shepherd *X*) I have sinned and I I have done wrong and these the sheep what? have they done let it be please hand your on me and on [the] house of father my.
18 Og Gad kom til David paa den samme Dag og sagde til ham: Gak op, oprejs Herren et Alter paa Jebusiteren Aravnas Tærskeplads.
And he came Gad to David on the day that and he said to him go up raise up to Yahweh an altar on [the] threshing floor of (Araunah *Q(K)*) the Jebusite.
19 Saa gik David op efter Gads Ord, som Herren havde befalet.
And he went up David according to [the] word of Gad just as he had commanded Yahweh.
20 Og Aravna saa ud og saa Kongen og hans Tjenere komme over til sig; og Aravna gik ud og bøjede sit Ansigt for Kongen til Jorden.
And he looked down Araunah and he saw the king and servants his passing on to him and he went out Araunah and he bowed down to the king face his [the] ground towards.
21 Og Aravna sagde: Hvorfor kommer min Herre Kongen til sin Tjener? Og David sagde: For at købe denne Tærskeplads af dig til at bygge Herren et Alter, at denne Plage maa holde op for Folket.
And he said Araunah why? has he come lord my the king to servant his and he said David to buy from with you the threshing floor to build an altar to Yahweh so it may be restrained the plague from on the people.
22 Og Aravna sagde til David: Min Herre Kongen tage og ofre det, ham godt synes; se, der er en Okse til Brændofferet og Tærskeslæderne og Tøjet paa Oksen til Veddet.
And he said Araunah to David let him take and let him offer up lord my the king the good (in eyes his *Q(K)*) see the ox[en] for the burnt offering and the threshing-sledges and [the] equipment of the ox[en] for the wood.
23 Kong Aravna gav Kongen alt det, og Aravna sagde til Kongen: Herren din Gud have Behagelighed til dig!
Everything he gives Araunah O king to the king. And he said Araunah to the king Yahweh God your may he accept favorably you.
24 Men Kongen sagde til Aravna: Ikke saa, men jeg vil købe det af dig for dets Værd, thi jeg vil ikke ofre Brændofre for intet til Herren min Gud. Saa købte David Tærskepladsen og Oksen for halvtredsindstyve Sekel Sølv.
And he said the king to Araunah In-deed certainly I will buy [it] from you for a price and not I will offer up to Yahweh God my burnt offerings without paying and he bought David the threshing floor and the ox[en] for silver shekels fifty.
25 Og David byggede Herren der et Alter og ofrede Brændofre og Takofre; og Herren bønhørte Landet, og Plagen holdt op for Israel.
And he built there David an altar to Yahweh and he offered up burnt offerings and peace offerings and he was entreated Yahweh for the land and it was restrained the plague from on Israel.