< 2 Samuel 18 >

1 Og David talte Folket, som var hos ham, og han satte over dem Høvedsmænd over Tusinde og Høvedsmænd over Hundrede.
And David numbered the people with him, and set over them captains of thousands and captains of hundreds.
2 Og David udsendte Folket, den tredje Part under Joabs Haand og den tredje Part under Abisaj', Zerujas Søns, Joabs Broders, Haand og den tredje Part under Githiteren Ithais Haand, og Kongen sagde til Folket: Ogsaa jeg vil drage ud med eder.
And David sent away the people, the third part under the hand of Joab, and the third part under the hand of Abessa the son of Saruia, the brother of Joab, and the third part under the hand of Ethi the Gittite. And David said to the people, I also will surely go out with you.
3 Men Folket sagde: Du skal ikke drage ud, thi om vi flyede, da vilde man ikke lægge sig det paa Hjerte for os, eller om Halvdelen af os døde, da vilde man ikke lægge sig det paa Hjerte for os, men nu er du ligesom ti Tusinde af os: Saa er det nu bedre, at du kommer os til Hjælp fra Staden.
And they said, You shall not go out: for if we should indeed flee, they will not care for us; and if half of us should die, they will not mind us; for you [are] as ten thousand of us: and now [it is] well that you shall be to us an aid to help us in the city.
4 Og Kongen sagde til dem: Hvad som godt er for eders Øjne, vil jeg gøre. Saa stod Kongen ved Siden af Porten, og alt Folket drog ud ved Hundreder og ved Tusinder.
And the king said to them, Whatsoever shall seem good in your eyes I will do. And the king stood by the side of the gate, and all the people went out by hundreds and by thousands.
5 Og Kongen bød Joab og Abisaj og Ithaj og sagde: Farer mig lemfældeligt med den unge Mand, med Absalom; og alt Folket hørte det, at Kongen bød alle Høvedsmændene angaaende Absalom.
And the king commanded Joab and Abessa and Ethi, saying, Spare for my sake the young man Abessalom. And all the people heard the king charging all the commanders concerning Abessalom.
6 Og der Folket kom ud paa Marken imod Israel, da stod Slaget i Efraims Skov.
And all the people went out into the wood against Israel; and the battle was in the wood of Ephraim.
7 Og Israels Folk blev der slaget for Davids Tjeneres Ansigt, og der skete samme Dag et stort Nederlag paa tyve Tusinde.
And the people of Israel fell down there before the servants of David, and there was a great slaughter in that day, [even] twenty thousand men.
8 Og Krigen udbredte sig over hele Landet, og Skoven fortærede mangfoldige af Folket, flere end Sværdet fortærede den samme Dag.
And the battle there was scattered over the face of all the land: and the wood consumed more of the people than the sword consumed among the people in that day.
9 Og Absalom kom lige imod Davids Tjenere, og Absalom red paa en Mule, og der Mulen kom under de indviklede Grene af den store Eg, da holdtes hans Hoved fast ved Egen, og han blev hængende imellem Himmelen og Jorden, men Mulen, som var under ham, løb videre.
And Abessalom went to meet the servants of David: and Abessalom was mounted on his mule, and the mule came under the thick boughs of a great oak; and his head was entangled in the oak, and he was suspended between heaven and earth; and the mule passed on from under him.
10 Der en Mand saa det, da gav han Joab det til Kende, og han sagde: Se, jeg saa Absalom hænge i Egen.
And a man saw it, and reported to Joab, and said, Behold, I saw Abessalom hanging in an oak.
11 Og Joab sagde til Manden, som gav ham det til Kende: Men se, saa du det, hvorfor slog du ham da ikke der til Jorden? saa vilde jeg have givet dig ti Sekel Sølv og et Bælte.
And Joab said to the man who reported it to him, And, behold, you did see him: why did you not strike him there to the ground? and I would have given you ten [pieces] of silver, and a girdle.
12 Men Manden sagde til Joab: Ja, havde jeg end faaet vejet tusinde Sekel Sølv i mine Hænder, da vilde jeg dog ikke have udrakt min Haand imod Kongens Søn; thi Kongen bød dig og Abisaj og Ithaj for vore Øren og sagde: Tager Vare, hvo I end ere, paa den unge Mand, paa Absalom.
And the man said to Joab, Were I even to receive a thousand shekels of silver, I would not lift my hand against the king's son; for in our ears the king charged you and Abessa and Ethi, saying, Take care of the young man Abessalom for me,
13 Eller dersom jeg havde gjort nogen Svig imod hans Liv (efterdi ingenting bliver dulgt for Kongen), da havde du selv sat dig derimod.
so as to do no harm to his life: and nothing of the matter will be concealed from the king, and you will set yourself against me.
14 Da sagde Joab: Jeg kan ikke saaledes tøve hos dig. Saa tog han tre smaa Spyd i sin Haand og stødte dem i Absaloms Hjerte, medens han endnu levede, midt i Egen.
And Joab said, I will begin this; I will not thus remain with you. And Joab took three darts in his hand, and thrust them into the heart of Abessalom, while he was yet alive in the heart of the oak.
15 Og ti unge Karle, som bare Joabs Vaaben, omringede og sloge Absalom og dræbte ham.
And ten young men that bore Joab's armor compassed Abessalom, and struck him and killed him.
16 Da blæste Joab i Trompeten, og Folket kom tilbage fra at forfølge Israel; thi Joab forhindrede Folket derfra.
And Joab blew the trumpet, and the people returned from pursuing Israel, for Joab spared the people.
17 Og de toge Absalom og kastede ham i Skoven i en stor Hule og oprejste en saare stor Dynge Sten over ham, og al Israel flyede hver til sine Telte.
And he took Abessalom, and cast him into a great cavern in the wood, into a deep pit, and set up over him a very great heap of stones: and all Israel fled every man to his tent.
18 Og Absalom havde i levende Live taget og oprejst sig en Støtte, som staar i Kongens Dal; thi han sagde: Jeg har ingen Søn, derfor skal denne være til mit Navns Ihukommelse; og han kaldte denne Støtte efter sit Navn, og den kaldes Absaloms Mindesmærke indtil denne Dag.
Now Abessalom while yet alive had taken and set up for himself the pillar near which he was taken, and set it up so as to have the pillar in the king's dale; for he said he had no son to keep his name in remembrance: and he called the pillar, Abessalom's hand, until this day.
19 Og Ahimaaz, Zadoks Søn, sagde: Kære, lad mig løbe og bringe Kongen Budskab, at Herren har skaffet ham Ret og friet ham af hans Fjenders Haand.
And Achimaas the son of Sadoc said, Let me run now and carry glad tidings to the king, for the Lord has delivered him from the hand of his enemies.
20 Men Joab sagde til ham: Du bliver ikke i Dag en Mand med et glædeligt Budskab, men en anden Dag kan du bringe Budskab; men i Dag kan du ikke bringe noget godt Budskab, fordi Kongens Søn er død.
And Joab said to him, You [shall] not [be] a messenger of glad tidings this day; you shall bear them another day; but on this day you shall bear no tidings, because the king's son is dead.
21 Og Joab sagde til Kusiten: Gak hen, sig til Kongen det, som du har set; og Kusiten bøjede sig ned for Joab og løb.
And Joab said to Chusi, Go, report to the king all that you have seen. And Chusi did obeisance to Joab, and went out.
22 Men Ahimaaz, Zadoks Søn, blev endnu ved og sagde til Joab: Det gaa, som det vil, kære, lad mig ogsaa løbe efter Kusiten; og Joab sagde: Hvorfor vil du løbe, min Søn? du har dog ikke et godt Budskab at bringe.
And Achimaas the son of Sadoc said again to Joab, Nay, let me also run after Chusi. And Joab said, Why would you thus run, my son? attend, you have no tidings for profit if you go.
23 Det gaa, som det vil, saa vil jeg løbe; og han sagde til ham: Løb! saa løb Ahimaaz ad Vejen over Sletten og løb forbi Kusiten.
And he said, Why should I not run? and Joab said to him, Run. And Achimaas ran along the way of Kechar, and outran Chusi.
24 Og David sad imellem de to Porte, og Skildvagten gik paa Portens Tag over Muren og opløftede sine Øjne og saa, og se, en Mand kom løbende alene.
And David was sitting between the two gates: and the watchman went up on the top of the gate of the wall, and lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold a man running alone before him.
25 Da raabte Skildvagten og gav Kongen det til Kende, og Kongen sagde: Dersom han er alene, da er der et godt Budskab i hans Mund; og han kom stedse nærmere.
And the watchman cried out, and reported to the king. And the king said, If he be alone, [there are] good tidings in his mouth. And the man came and drew near.
26 Da saa Skildvagten en anden Mand løbende, og Skildvagten raabte til Portneren og sagde: Se, en Mand kommer løbende alene, og Kongen sagde: Denne bringer ogsaa et godt Budskab.
And the watchman saw another man running: and the watchman cried at the gate, and said, And look, another man running alone. And the king said, He also brings glad tidings.
27 Og Skildvagten sagde: Jeg ser, den førstes Løb er som Ahimaaz, Zadoks Søns Løb, og Kongen sagde: Det er en god Mand, og han kommer med et godt Budskab.
And the watchman said, I see the running of the first as the running of Achimaas the son of Sadoc. And the king said, He [is] a good man, and will come to [report] glad tidings.
28 Og Ahimaaz raabte og sagde til Kongen: Fred! og bøjede sig ned for Kongen paa sit Ansigt til Jorden, og han sagde: Velsignet være Herren din Gud, som har overantvordet dig de Mænd, der opløftede deres Haand imod min Herre, Kongen!
And Achimaas cried out and said to the king, Peace. And he did obeisance to the king with his face to the ground, and said, Blessed [be] the Lord your God, who has delivered up the men that lifted up their hands against my lord the king.
29 Og Kongen sagde: Gaar det den unge Mand Absalom vel? og Ahimaaz sagde: Jeg saa det store Bulder, der Joab sendte Kongens Tjener og mig, din Tjener; men jeg ved ikke, hvad det var.
And the king said, [Is] the young man Abessalom safe? and Achimaas said, I saw a great multitude [at the time] of Joab's sending the king's servant and your servant, and I knew not what was there.
30 Og Kongen sagde: Gak omkring, stil dig her; og han gik omkring og blev staaende.
And the king said, Turn aside, stand still here. And he turned aside, and stood.
31 Og se, da kom Kusiten, og Kusiten sagde: Det Budskab bringes min Herre Kongen, at Herren har skaffet dig Ret i Dag og friet dig af alle deres Haand, som stode op imod dig.
And, behold, Chusi came up, and said to the king, Let my lord the king hear glad tidings, for the Lord has avenged you this day upon all them that rose up against you.
32 Og Kongen sagde til Kusiten: Gaar det den unge Mand Absalom vel? Og Kusiten sagde: Min Herre Kongens Fjender og alle de, som staa op imod dig til ondt, vorde som den unge Mand!
And the king said to Chusi, Is it well with the young man Abessalom? and Chusi said, Let the enemies of my lord the king, and all whoever have risen up against him for evil, be as that young man.
33 Da blev Kongen heftig bevæget og gik op paa Salen over Porten og græd, og der han gik, sagde han saaledes: Min Søn Absalom! min Søn, min Søn Absalom! gid jeg var død for dig, Absalom, min Søn, min Søn!
And the king was troubled, and went to the chamber over the gate, and wept: and thus he said as he went, My son Abessalom, my son, my son Abessalom; would God I had died for you, [even] I [had died] for you, Abessalom, my son, my son!

< 2 Samuel 18 >