< Anden Kongebog 8 >
1 Og Elisa talte til den Kvinde, hvis Søn han havde gjort levende, og sagde: Gør dig rede og gak bort, du og dit Hus, og ophold dig, hvor du kan være som fremmed; thi Herren kalder ad Hungeren, og den skal komme i Landet i syv Aar.
After Elisha caused the son of the woman from Shunem [town] to become alive again, he told her that she should leave with her family and live somewhere else for a while, because Yahweh was going to (send a famine/cause food to become very scarce) in the land. He said that the famine would last for seven years.
2 Og Kvinden gjorde sig rede og gjorde efter den Guds Mands Ord; og hun drog bort, hun og hendes Hus, og opholdt sig i Filisternes Land i syv Aar.
So the woman did what Elisha told her to do. She and her family went to live in [the] Philistia [region] for seven years.
3 Og det skete, der de syv Aar vare til Ende, da kom Kvinden tilbage fra Filisternes Land, og hun gik ud at raabe til Kongen om sit Hus og om sin Ager.
After the seven years were ended, they returned to their home. The woman went to the king to request that her house and her land be given back to her.
4 Og Kongen talte med Gihesi, den Guds Mands Tjener, og sagde: Kære, fortæl mig alle de store Gerninger, som Elisa har gjort.
When she arrived, the king was talking with Gehazi, Elisha’s servant. The king was saying to him, “Tell me all the great things that Elisha has done.”
5 Og det skete, der han fortalte Kongen, at han havde gjort en død levende, se, da raabte den Kvinde, hvis Søn han havde gjort levende, til Kongen om sit Hus og om sin Ager; da sagde Gihesi: Min Herre Konge! denne er Kvinden, og denne er hendes Søn, som Elisa gjorde levende.
While Gehazi was telling the king that Elisha had caused the son of a woman [from Shunem] to become alive again, that woman came in and requested the king to enable her to get her house and land back again. Gehazi exclaimed, “Your Majesty, this is the woman whose son Elisha caused to become alive again!”
6 Saa spurgte Kongen Kvinden ad, og hun fortalte ham det; da gav Kongen hende en Hofbetjent med og sagde: Skaf hende alt det igen, som hører hende til, med al Agerens Indkomme fra den Dag af, hun forlod Landet, og indtil nu.
When the king asked her about it, she told him [that what Gehazi had said was true]. The king summoned one of his officials and said to him, “[I want] everything that this woman possessed previously, including the value of all the crops that have been harvested during these last seven years while she was away from her land, [to] be given back to her.” [So the official did that].
7 Derefter kom Elisa til Damaskus, da Benhadad, Kongen i Syrien, var syg; og man gav ham det til Kende og sagde: Den Guds Mand er kommen hid.
Elisha went to Damascus, [the capital of Syria], when Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria, was [very] sick. When someone told the king that Elisha was in Damascus,
8 Da sagde Kongen til Hasael: Tag en Gave med dig, og gak den Guds Mand i Møde, og spørg Herren ad ved ham og sig: Skal jeg komme mig af denne Sygdom?
the king told [one of his officials named] Hazael, “Go and talk to that prophet and take a present/gift with you to give to him. Request him to ask Yahweh if I will recover from my illness.”
9 Og Hasael gik ham i Møde og tog en Gave med sig og alle Haande godt fra Damaskus, fyrretyve Kamelers Byrde, og han kom og stod for hans Ansigt og sagde: Din Søn, Benhadad, Kongen i Syrien, sendte mig til dig og lader sige: Mon jeg skal komme mig af denne Sygdom?
So Hazael went to talk with Elisha. He took with him forty camels that were carrying many kinds of goods that were produced in Damascus. When Hazael met him, he said to him, “Your friend Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria, sent me to ask you whether [you think] he will recover from his illness.”
10 Og Elisa sagde til ham: Gak og sig: Du skal aldeles ikke leve; thi Herren har ladet mig se, at han visselig skal dø.
Elisha said to Hazael, “Go and say to him, ‘Yes, you will certainly not die from this illness,’ but Yahweh has shown me that he will certainly die [before he recovers].”
11 Og han saa stift paa ham og det saa længe, indtil han bluedes derved; og den Guds Mand græd.
Then Elisha stared at him and had a terrified look on his face. That caused Hazael to feel uneasy/embarrassed. Then [suddenly] Elisha started to cry.
12 Da sagde Hasael: Hvi græder min Herre? Og han sagde: Fordi jeg ved det onde, som du skal gøre Israels Børn; du skal sætte Ild paa deres faste Stæder og slaa deres unge Mandskab ihjel med Sværd og knuse deres spæde Børn og sønderhugge deres frugtsommelige Kvinder.
Hazael said, “Sir, why are you crying?” Elisha replied, “Because [Yahweh has enabled] me [to] know the terrible things that you will do to the people of Israel: You will burn their cities with walls around them, you will kill their fine young men with a sword, you will bash the heads of their children, and you will rip open the bellies of their pregnant women [with a sword].”
13 Og Hasael sagde: Men hvad er din Tjener, den Hund, at han skulde gøre denne store Ting? Og Elisa sagde: Herren har ladet mig se, at du skal blive Konge over Syrien.
Hazael replied, “I am [as insignificant as] [MET] a dog; (how could I do such things?/I would never do such terrible things!)” [RHQ] Elisha replied, “Yahweh has also revealed to me that you will become the king of Syria.”
14 Saa gik han fra Elisa og kom til sin Herre, og denne sagde til ham: Hvad sagde Elisa dig? Og han sagde: Han sagde mig: Du skal visselig leve.
Then Hazael left and returned to his master/boss [the king], who asked him, “What did Elisha say?” He replied, “He told me that you would certainly recover.”
15 Og det skete den næste Dag, da tog han Ryet og dyppede det i Vandet og udbredte det over hans Ansigt, og han døde; og Hasael blev Konge i hans Sted.
But the next day, [while the king was sleeping, ] Hazael took a blanket and soaked it in water. Then he spread it on the king’s face [in order that he could not breathe], and he died. Then Hazael became the king of Syria instead of Ben-Hadad.
16 Og i Jorams, Akabs Søns, Israels Konges, femte Aar, da Josafat var Konge i Juda, blev Joram, Josafats Søn, Konge i Juda.
After King Joram, the son of Ahab, had been ruling in Israel for almost five years, Jehoshaphat’s son Jehoram became the king of Judah.
17 Han var to og tredive Aar gammel, der han blev Konge, og regerede otte Aar i Jerusalem.
He was thirty-two years old when he became the king, and he ruled in Jerusalem for eight years.
18 Og han vandrede i Israels Kongers Vej, ligesom Akabs Hus gjorde, thi Akabs Datter var hans Hustru; og han gjorde det onde for Herrens Øjne.
His wife was the daughter of King Ahab. And like everyone in Ahab’s family, he continually did the evil things that the previous kings of Israel had done. He did things that Yahweh considered to be evil.
19 Men Herren vilde ikke ødelægge Juda for Davids, sin Tjeners, Skyld, saaledes som han havde tilsagt ham, at han vilde give ham i hans Sønner et Lys alle Dage.
But Yahweh did not want to get rid of the people of Judah, because of what he had promised David, who served him [very well]. He had promised David that his descendants [MET] would always rule Judah.
20 I hans Dage faldt Edom af fra Judas Herredømme og satte en Konge over sig.
During the time that Jehoram ruled, [the king of] Edom rebelled against Judah, and they appointed their own king.
21 Derfor drog Joram over til Zair, og alle Vognene med ham; og det skete, at han gjorde sig rede om Natten og slog Edom, som havde omringet ham, dertilmed de øverste over Vognene, og Folket flyede til deres Telte.
So Jehoram went with his army and all their chariots to Zair [city near the border of Edom]. There the army of Edom surrounded them. But during the night, Jehoram and the commanders in their chariots were able to get through the enemy lines and escaped. And all his soldiers also fled to their homes.
22 Dog faldt Edom af fra Judas Herredømme indtil denne Dag; da faldt og Libna fra paa den samme Tid.
So after that, Edom was no longer controlled by Judah, and it is still like that. During that same time, the people of Libnah [city] also freed themselves from being controlled by Judah.
23 Men det øvrige af Jorams Handeler, og alt det, han gjorde, ere de Ting ikke skrevne i Judas Kongers Krønikers Bog?
[If you want to read about] the other things that Jehoram did, they are written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
24 Og Joram laa med sine Fædre og blev begraven hos sine Fædre, i Davids Stad, og Ahasia, hans Søn, blev Konge i hans Sted.
Jehoram died [EUP] and was buried where the other kings of Judah had been buried in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. Then Jehoram’s son Ahaziah became the king.
25 I Israels Konge Jorams, Akabs Søns, tolvte Aar blev Ahasia, Jorams Søn, Konge i Juda.
After Ahab’s son Joram has been ruling in Israel for almost twelve years, Jehoram’s son Ahaziah became the king of Judah.
26 Ahasia var to og tyve Aar gammel, der han blev Konge, og regerede et Aar i Jerusalem, og hans Moders Navn var Athalia, Sønnedatter af Israels Konge Omri.
Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he started to rule. He ruled in Jerusalem for [only] one year. His mother’s name was Athaliah, [the daughter of King Ahab and] the granddaughter of King Omri of Israel.
27 Og han vandrede i Akabs Hus's Vej og gjorde det, som var ondt for Herrens Øjne, ligesom Akabs Hus; thi han var besvogret med Akabs Hus.
King Ahab conducted his life just like the members of Ahab’s family had done. He did things that Yahweh considered to be very evil.
28 Og han drog i Krig med Joram, Akabs Søn, imod Hasael, Kongen af Syrien, til Ramoth i Gilead, og Syrerne sloge Joram.
Ahaziah’s army joined the army of King Joram of Israel to fight against the army of King Hazael of Syria. Their armies started fighting at Ramoth [city] in [the] Gilead [region], and the soldiers of Syria wounded Joram.
29 Da vendte Kong Joram tilbage for at lade sig læge i Jisreel af de Saar, som Syrerne havde slaget ham ved Rama, der han stred imod Hasael, Kongen af Syrien; og Ahasia, Jorams Søn, Judas Konge, kom ned at besøge Joram, Akabs Søn, i Jisreel, fordi han laa syg.
King Joram returned to Jezreel [city] to recover from his wounds. King Ahaziah went to visit him there.